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inventory management
Material Source: spring link Author: Floyd D。Hedrick
“Inventory” tomany smallbusiness owners is one of the more visible andtangible aspects of doing business.Raw materials, goods in process and finished goods all represent various forms of inventory. Each typerepresen ts money Tied up until the inventory leaves thecompany as purchasedpr oducts。Likewise, merchandisestocks in aretailstorecontribute to profits only when theirsale puts money into the cashregister。 In a literal sense, inventory refers lo stocks of anything necessary lo do business。These stocks represent a large portion ofthebusiness investment and mustbe wellmanaged in order to maximize profils。Infacl, many small businesses cannot absorb the types of losses arising frompoor inventory management. Unl ess invenlories are controlled, they are unreliable, inefficient and c ostly.
Successful inventory management involves balancing the costs of invento ry withthe benefits of inventory. Many small business owners fail to apprec iate fully the truecosts of carrying inventory, which include not only direc tcosts of storage, insuranceand taxes, but also thecost ofmoney tied up in inventory。 This fine linebetween keeping too muchinventory and n ot enough is not the manager's only concern。Others include: Maintaining awide assortment of stock •• butnot spreadingthe rapidly movingones too thin:Increasing inventory turnover — butnot sacrificing the service level:Keeping slock low - but notsacrificing service or performance. Obtaininglower pricesby making volume purchases -—butnotending up with slow-moving invenlory: and having an adequate invemory on hand — but not gelling caught withobsolete items.
The degree of success in addressing these concernsis easier to gaug e for somethan for others。For example, computing the inventoryturnover ratio is a simple measure of managerial performance. This value gives a rough guideline by which managers can set goals and evaluateperformance, but it mustbe realized that theturnover rate varies with the functionol' inv
entory, the type of business and how theratio is calculated (whether on sales or cost of goods sold)。 Average inventory turnover ratios for individual industriescan be obtained from trade associations.
One ofthe most important aspects of inventory control isto have the items in stock at the moment they are needed。 This includesgoing into the market to buy the goods early enough to ensure delivery at the proper time。Thus, buying requires advance planning to determine inventory needs for each time period and then makingthe commitments without procrastination.
For retailers, planning ahead isvery crucial。 Sincethey offer new i tems forsale monthsbefore the actualcalendar date forthe beginning of the new season, it is imperative that buying plans be formulated, early eno ugh to allow for intelligent buying without any last minute panicpurchases。The main reason for this early offering for sale of new items is that the retail er regards the calendar date for the beginning ofIhe new season as the merchandise date for ihe end of the old season。 For example, many retailers view March 21 as the end of thespring season, June 21 as the end ofsummerand December 21 asIhe end of winter。
Part of your purchasing plan mustinclude accounting for the depletionof the inventory. Before a decision can be made as to thelevel of inventory lo o rder, you must determine how long the inventory you have in stock will las t.
For instance, a retail firm must formulate a plan to ensure the sale of the greatest number ofunits。Likewise, a manufacturing business must formulate a plan to ensure enough inventory is on handfor production of afini shed product.
In summary, the purchasing plan detail: When commitmentsshould be placed: When the first delivery should be received; When the inventory should bepeaked;When reorders should nolongerbe placed:and When the ite m shouldno longer be in stock。
Well planned purchases affect the price, delivery and availabilityofproducts for
To maintain an in—stockposition of wanted items and to dispose of unwant