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Tranlsate the following sentences.
1. 我的暑假很烦闷。 My summer holiday was vberoyribnogring. 2.他的话很鼓舞人。 His words are iinnssppiririningg. 3.这个消息很令人震惊。 The news is quite sshhoocckkining.g
(the Past Participle as the Attribute & Predicative )
1. But he became inspired when he thought
about helping ordinary people exposed to
过去分词作表语一般用来表示感受或状 态。此时的过去分词作表语相当于一个形容 词。 No wonder he is excited! (predicative) 可以用作表语的常见的过去分词有: 1.表情感的过去分词: delighted, disappointed, upset, astonished, excited, frightened, experienced, interested, qualified, puzzled, exhausted, satisfied
,_特__征_心__情__,和 _状__态___.
The glass is brBaidu Nhomakorabeaken. (是过去分词做表语)
The glass is broken by the naughty boy. (是动词的被动语态)
所处的_状__态___,而动词的被动语态表示的 是一个__动_作____.
(write ) by Zhang Ailing. = I like reading the novels W__h_i_c_h__w_e_r_e_w__ri_t_te_n___ by Zhang Ailing.
注: 本句中的过去分词作定语, 既表被动又表完成。
2. Have you noticed the bridge being built there? = Have you noticed the bridge _w_h_i_c_h_i_s_b_e_i_n_g_b__u_il_t__ there?
6. He announced that polluted water carried the disease
• 非谓语动词 • doing (V-ing) • done (V-ed) • to do
1 单个的过去分词作定语时,位于它 所修饰的名词或代词_前_面___
a closed door • a broken window a polluted river
your health.
Sum up 过去分词作定语时
1 单个的过去分词作定语时,位于它所修饰的名词 或代词_前__面__。
2.单个的过去分词修饰复合不定代词something, everything, anything, nothing, nobody等或指示代 词those时,要放在这些词的__后__面___。 3. 过去分词短语作定语:通常_后__置__, 其作用相当于定语从句。 4.现在分词作定语,表示动作_正__在__进__行_, _主__动____意义; 过去分词作定语,表示动作在谓语之前已__完__成___, 或具有__被__动____意义.
结论: 现在分词作定语,表示动作__正__在_进__行___, _主__动____意义;
不及物动词的过去分词只有完成的意义, 不含有被动意义。
fallen leaves 落叶 =leaves which/that have fallen the risen sun 升起来的太阳 =the sun which has risen a retired teacher 一名退休教师 =a teacher who has retired
get __p_a_i_d_ (pay) by the hour.
There are two glasses which are _b_r_o_k_e_n_
There are two broken glasses.
Complete the table with phrases that have the same meaning.
Translation 一支点燃的蜡烛 a lighted candle
一枚用过的邮票 a used stamp
一枚破损的硬币 a broken coin
一名退休教师 a retired teacher
一个受伤的手指 an injured finger
一个醉鬼 a drunken man
a broken heart 一颗破碎的心 a heart which is broken a lost dog 丧家之犬
注:本句中的过去分词作定语,表示 被动的动作正在进行。
结论 过去分词作后置定语,表示被动和 /或完成意义。
练习: 句型转换
1. A thief stole the goat that was tied to the tree.
= A thief stole the goat _t_ie_d___ to the tree. 2. The girl who is dressed in red is Kelly’s
lost ; seated ; hidden ; lost / absorbed in ;born ; dressed in ; tired of 。 Eg.飞机着陆的时候乘客要保持就座的状态。
The passengers should remain/be seated as the plane is making a landing.
2. The United States is a developed country. = The United States is a country _w__h_ic_h__h_a_s_d_e_v_e_l_o_p_e_d___.
注:本句中的过去分词作定语,只表示 完成。
long-lost friend. = The girl _d_r_e_ss_e_d__in__r_e_d_ is Kelly’s long-lost friend.
3. The castle, which was burnt down in the sixteenth century, was never rebuilt. = The castle, __b_u_r_n_t_d_o_w__n_i_n__th_e____ _s_ix_t_e_e_n_t_h_c_e_n_t_u_r_y____, was never rebuilt.
2. It came from the river polluted by the dirty water from London.
3. He told the astonished people in Broad Street to remove the handle from the water pump so it could not be used.
4. It came from the river polluted by the dirty water from London.
5. He told the astonished people in Broad Street to remove the handle from the water pump so it could not be used.
2. 过去分词短语作定语:通常_后__置__,
1) It’s a picture _t_h_a_t_/w__h_ic_h_ __w_a_s_
painted by Leonardo da Vinci 2) There was a woman _t_h_a_t_/w__h_o _w__a_s dressed in white
单个的过去分词修饰复合不定代词 something, everything, anything, nothing, nobody等或指示代词those时, 要放在这些词的_后__面____
1. He is one of those invited.
2. There was nobody punished here.
过去分词做表语,放在_b_e__动__词___或 _系__动__词__的后面,说明主语所处的__性__质__,
,_特__征_心__情__,和 _状__态___.
• 1. an organized trip • 2. a girl named/called Sally • 3.a surprised look/expression • 4. a /the meeting held last night • 5.a/ the report written by Jack • 6.The girl dressed in green is my cousin. • 7.We were moved by the moving story. • 8.Tom is lost in playing computer games.
astonished children children who look astonished
a broken vase
a vase that is broken
a closed door
a door that is closed
a trapped animal an animal that is trapped
4. Father beat the son who was lost in the online games. =Father beat the son ___l_o_s_t__ in the online games.
The cup is broken. She looked excited. 过去分词做表语,放在_b_e__动__词___或 _系__动__词__的后面,说明主语所处的__性__质__,
a picture painted by
Leonardo da Vinci
a woman dressed in white
Change the following past participles into clauses.
1. I like reading the novels _w_r_i_t_te_n__
v–ing用来表示主语所具有___性__质__和__特_征,通常 翻译成______令_人。…的
Look at the following examples.
The shop is __c_l_o_s_e_d__(close).
Cleaning women in big cities usually
a dog which is lost
an organized trip 有组织的旅行 a trip which is organized
an inspiring story (一个激励人心的故事)
an inspired boy (受到启发的男孩子)
the boiling water
the boiled water
the tired audience the audience who feel tired
1. They were all aammuussiendg at what he said. 2. He was very eexxcciittiendg to hear the news
that their team had won. 3. The situation was a bit ddisisccoouurraaggeidn.g 4. Two pages in this dictionary are mmisisseidn.g 5. Your mother is quite wwoorrrryiiendg about