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[B] The fall of Karnak’s capital city into the hands of
the rebel forces.
[C] The epidemic(传染病) that has just broken out
in the country of Karnak.
[D] The peace talks between the rebels and the
Biblioteka Baidu
2. 重复率较高的词或短语多成为考点
对话的主要内容理所当然会得到说话人的强调,而一个 非常重要且明显的强调方式就是重复,故重复的词语往往能 够揭示对话的主题。
如问:What is the news coverage mainly about? 【例7】
[A] The latest developments of an armed rebellion in Karnak.
M: Why did you choose to be an author?
W: If someone asked me how to achieve happiness, step one would be finding out what you love doing most and step two would be finding someone to pay you to do this. I consider myself very lucky indeed to be able to support myself by writing. (23题考点)

通看各题选项,看看是否存在生词,总结长句的 核心意思,以此预测考点和可能的答案。
两步预测都要注意随时做出标注,划出关键词 或简写长句的大意,因为单凭记忆在"高压"的听力 考试中是万万靠不住的。
2. 分清主次
与生活中的情形相似,双方对话的时候常有 主次之分,如:一方询问,另一方作答时,关键 信息多出现在作答一方,考点自然也就多出 于此。分清对话双方的主次对于我们预测 考点出现的位置很重要,方法也简单易行。
government in Karnak.
而原文中多次出现rebel forces, conflict, war等与"叛乱" 相 关 的 词 语 , 也 可 判 断 本 题 答 案 为 A) The latest developments of an armed rebellion in Karnak.
M: Do you have any plans to write books for adults?
W: My first two novels were for adults. I suppose I might write another one, but I never really imagine a target audience when I'm writing. The ideas come first, so it really depends on the ideas that grasp me next. (24题考点)
(二) 听时抓“点”
有了充分的听前预测,听时的主要任务就是抓住考 点,且掌握如下两个原则:
1. 考点均匀分布,易出现在话轮转换处 首先,长对话后设的3-4个小题一般均匀地分
布在对话的每个回合,极少出现某一个回合包含两 个考点的情况。这样,我们在一个对话回合中找到 一个考点后,剩余的部分就可不做详听,让紧张的神 经稍做放松,有利于将精力集中于下面的考点。 其次,考点的位置多是话轮转换的时候。具体 的说,就是对话一方某段发言的开头和结尾部分,这 也完全符合西方人的思维习惯,即在发言伊始多是 开门见山,而在发言结尾处又总括强调。 以2006年12月Conversation Two为例:
M: Where did the ideas for the Harry Potter books come from?
W: I've no idea where the ideas came from. And I hope I'll never find out. (25题考点) It would spoil my excitement if it turned out I just have a funny wrinkle on the surface of my brain, which makes me think about the invisible train platform.
M: Hi, Miss Rowling, how old were you when you started to write? And what was your first book?
W: I wrote my first story when I was about six. It was about a small animal, a rabbit, I mean, and I've been writing ever since. (22题考点)
记笔记一定要迅速,而要想在有限的时间内 尽可能比较全面的记录重点信息,使用一定的缩 略语和熟悉的符号是十分必要的,主要有以下几 种方法:
如equal写成“=”; “≠”表示“unequal”;“↑”代表 increase/up; “←”表示result from/because/since/for/as;“→”代表lead to/result in/has become/turn into;“↓”表示 decrease/drop/dip/fall;“≈”代表about/almost;>表 示more than;<表示 less than;“ +”代表 include/cover;“-”则是exclude等。
Long Conversations
一、三大基本功 二、句型熟悉 三、长对话设题点解密 四、10大听前预测方法 五、真题演练
(一)听前预测 (二) 听时抓“点” (三)注意使用缩略语
1. 先纵后横