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in advanced (of sth): beforehand; ahead of time
1.Is everyone reasonably sane? No. Some people will always become alcoholics, and it is just too bad.(para.5)
(1) For the record: declared openly and officially so as to make known one’s disagreement,. e.g. For the record, the police never charged me.
(2) a whiff of sth: a small amount of sth or a slight sign or feeing of sth. e.g. a whiff of onion, a whiff of fear/danger (3) enslave the mind: to affect people to the extent that they will lose control over their own lives.
(1)Along with: in the same way as sb/sth (2)It might be good to do sth: used for making a suggestion, giving advice, etc. (3)To interfere with: to prevent sth from succeeding or from being done as planned
1. Simply make all drugs available and sell them at cost. (Para.1)
just make all drugs easy to get and sell them without profit.
(1) simply: used for emphasizing that what you are saying is nothing more than what you say it is. e.g. I didn’t go to the movie simply because I didn’t like the way they promoted it.
8. Alarming thought , Yet, it seems most unlikely that any reasonable sane person will become a drug addict if he knows in advance what addiction is going to be like.(para.4) This sounds frightening. However, this is not likely to happen, because no sensible person will become addicted to drugs if he or she knows beforehand what harmful effects addiction will bring.
2.Label each drug with a precise description of what effect the drug will have on the taker.(para.1) label sth with: to fix a label on sth; to write information on sth. e.g. The secretary labeled each file with its contents. Notice that the writer is careful in his choice of word. He uses “taker” rather than “addict” because he thinks only a number of the takers end up addicts.
Most: used for emphasizing a particular quality Kick : to give up; to break (a drug addiction; a bad habit)
5.For the record, I have tried every drug and liked none, disproving the popular theory that a whiff of opium will enslave the mind.(para.2) Here I want to tell you I have tried almost every drug to find out that I didn’t like any of them. In this way, my personalБайду номын сангаасexperience can prove that the popular belief is false that once you take even a small amount of drugs, you will be addicted to them.
3.This will require heroic honesty.(para.1) It requires courage to tell the truth because many people have vested interests in creating the myth.
— 4.Don’t say that marijuana is addictive and dangerous when it is neither—unlike “speed”, which kills most unpleasantly, or heroin, which is addictive and difficult to kick.(para.1)
True, not everyone is sensible. There are always some people who will become drug addicts just as there are always some people who will become alcoholics, It is unfortunate but we can’t help it.
7. No one can hear the warning rumble begin: if everyone is allowed to take drugs everyone will and we shall end up a race of Zombies.(para.4)
Now we can hear the loud warnings of those who oppose to legalization of drugs. They argue that if drug are legalized, every will become addicts, and our nation will become a race of Zombies in the end .
(1)rumble:the voice opposing legalizing drugs loud sound
(2)end up: to be in a particular place or state after doing sth or because of doing it e.g. If you don’t mend your ways , you will end up a criminal.
1. Thesis of Drugs
I. Plausibility of legalization (para. 1) II. Reasoning (paras. 2-8) A. rebuttal of the danger of a whiff of opium (para 2) B. The freedom to do what one wants (para 3) C. rebuttal of the warning rumble that legalization will lead us to end up a race of Zombie. (para 4) D. a consequence of prohibition: making people want it more (para 5) E. the negative effects of the prohibition (paras. 6-7) F. The consequences of a slight reduction in the supply of marijuana (para 8) III. Conclusion: unlikelihood of legalization (9-10)
6.Along with exhortation and warning, it might be good for our citizens to recall that the United States was the creation of men who believed that……as long as he does not interfere with his neighbor’s pursuit of happiness.(para.3) While urging people not to take drugs and warning them of the dangers, we should remind our citizens that their country was created by people who believed that we all have “certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” (as expressed in the Declaration of Independence)
Speed: a form of amphetamine(安非他明), used by some doctors to help patients lose weight, because it depresses the appetite. But the medical profession generally discourage it because it is highly addictive and will become more and more dangerous as time goes on.
Don’t exaggerate the harmful effect of marijuana. It is neither addictive nor dangerous, as it is often described. Differentiate it from “speed” and heroin. “Speed” causes death while heroin is difficult to stop using once a person is addicted to it.
(2) at cost: for only the amount of money that is needed to make or get sth, without making any profit. e.g. When the salesman said they were selling their products at cost, I didn’t believe him.