第二讲 代词

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(一)人称代词:起代表人或事物的作用,有人称、数、格的变化。它们的主格和宾格形式是:I---me, you---you, he---him, she---her, it---it, we---us, you---you, they---them.

e.g. They gave me a book.

(二)物主代词:表示所有关系。分形容词性和名词性两种。形容词性物主代词有my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their. 名词性物主代词有mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours,

yours, theirs.

e.g. Her mother is a doctor. This book is mine.

(三)指示代词:用来区别人和事物。常用的指示代词有this, that, these, those, such, etc.

e.g. These are apple trees.

(四)反身代词:表示强调或表示动词所表达的动作返回到作者本身。反身代词有myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

e.g. Let’s ask Mr. Li himsel


(五)疑问代词:表示疑问,一般放在句首,构成特殊疑问句。疑问代词有who, whom, whose, what, which, etc.

e.g. Who are you looking for?

(六)不定代词:主要用来不指明特定的人和物。不定代词大多代替名词和形容词。不定代词主要有some, any,

no, both, all, every, each, either, neither, much, many, few,

a few, little, a little, 以及由some, any, no等合成的复合

不定代词, 如something, anything, nobody. 复合不定代


e.g. something important. 例题1 选择填空:(1) (They, Them) asked (2) (we, us) if (3) (we, us) were going to play football with (4) (they, them).

例题2 怎样翻译“我的书在这儿,你的书在那儿。”

例题3 The boy is too young to take care of him.这句话对吗?

例题4 He visited the History Museum with his classmates.就划线部分提问。

例题5 Tom has seen that film twice.就划线部分提问。

例题6 用some和any填空:

(1)He has _____ink.

(2)Do you have _______ questions to ask?

(3)Let me know if you need ______ help.

(4)Would you like ______ milk?

(5)You can borrow ______ book here.

例题7 翻译句子:“我比她更了解汤姆。”

例题8 “这两个答案都不对”这句怎么翻译?

例题9 选择题:The film isn’t interesting. _______ people like it.(A. Few B. A few C. Little D. A little)

例题10 I have exciting something to tell you.这句子对吗?



1.This is his book. Where is _______? (your, yours)

2.______ runs faster, Mike or Peter?(Who, Which)

3.________ of the students like skating.(Much, Many)

4._____ student must obey the rules of the school.(Each, every)

5.There isn’t _______ work for me to do.(some, any)

6.There are some trees on ____ sides of the river.(either, both)

7.There is ______ water in the thermos. Let me get some.(few,


8.Tom has ______ friends, he often visit them.(few, a few)

9.Will you have _____ more tea? (some, any)

10.I s there _____ wrong with your watch?(something, anything)

11.T he nurse gave an apple to ______.(every, each)

12.W hose pen is this? Is it ______?(yours, your)

13.L et me introduce ________ to you.(me, myself)

14._______ classmates often help ______ with _____

physics.( he, his, him)

15.W hat’s ______? It’s an egg.(this, these)

16.W ould you like ______ tea or milk?(any, some)

17.D id ______ ask for me just now?(somebody, anybody)

18.T his box is heavier than that_______.(ones, one)

19.W e must learn from each ______.(others, other)

20.I don’t want this one. Give me ______.(another, other)

21.Y ou may borrow books from the library, but you mustn’t lend

them to _____.(another, others.)

22.L isten! ______ is knocking at the door.(Anyone, Someone)

23.S chool is over. _____the students have gone home.(Each, All)

24.H ow _____ is ten plus ten?(many, much)

25.I have two good friends. _______ of them are drivers.(All,


26.M y brother can’t write letters in English because he knows

______ English.(few, little)

27.H ere are two apples. You can choose ______ of them.(neither,


28._______ of us is afraid of difficulties. (None, No one)

29.I went to see Mr. Li and Mr. Wang, but ______ one was at

home. (either, neither)

30.W ithout a people’s army t he people have _______.(everything,



1._______ is your book, this one or that one?

2.________ gave you these flowers?

3.________ handwriting is best in your class?

4._______ was she doing at three yesterday afternoon?

5.________ are they talking about?

6._______ are you waiting for?

7._______day is it today?

8.________ is your father? He is a worker.

9.________ color is your hair?

10.________ is in the bag?


1.He speaks English better than _____ else in his class.

A. the one

B. anyone

C. no one

D. another

2.There was _______ in the room.

A. nobody

B. some people

C. anybody

D. no persons

3.Tom and Mary have come back, but ______ students in the

class aren’t here yet.

A. the others

B. other

C. another

D. the other

4.We must learn how to get on well with _______.

A. another

B. other

C. any other

D. others

5.If you need a ruler, I’ll lend you _______.

A. some

B. another

C. one

D. the one

6.They didn’t do so ________ work as you did.

A. many

B. much

C. more

D. enough

7.He knows ______ English, he can’t say it in English.

A. few

B. little

C. a few

D. a little

8.Li Ping and Liu Lin are ______ good at physics.

A. all

B. both

C. each

D. either

9.There are ten pupils in the classroom. _______ of them are

Young Pioneers.

A. Both

B. Either

C. Neither

D. All

10.W e must learn from _______ other.

A. every

B. one

C. each

D. all
