美国文化课件3. Religion in Am.

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By the 1950s, the above three faiths model of American religion had developed. The order reflects the strength in numbers of each group.
中欧最古老的 犹太教堂, 犹太教堂,新旧 犹太教会堂 犹太教的哭墙
The Three Faiths in the U.S
Protestant (Over 60% of Americans are said to be Protestant believers. ) The Baptists(浸礼教徒 are the 浸礼教徒) 浸礼教徒 largest Protestant group in America. They believe in adult baptism by immersion, symbolizing a mature and responsible conversion experience浸礼教徒主张成人全身浸 浸礼教徒主张成人全身浸 水以表示成熟负责任的皈依经历。 水以表示成熟负责任的皈依经历。他们 相信这种用”圣水” 相信这种用”圣水”浸礼的人就获得了 新生. 新生 They are concentrated particularly in the Southern Bible Belt (南部信仰原教旨主义的地区 如田 南部信仰原教旨主义的地区,如田 南部信仰原教旨主义的地区 纳西州各州,这里有 南部圣经地带” 这里有” 纳西州各州 这里有”南部圣经地带” 之称). 之称 White Baptists and black Baptists go separately to their own churches. The Methodists are the second largest Protestant group in the U.S. The Methodist Church has a form of service based on that of the Church of England.卫理公会派 该派属新教 起 卫理公会派,该派属新教 卫理公会派 该派属新教,起 源于18世纪英国的牛津大学 世纪英国的牛津大学. 源于 世纪英国的牛津大学 创始人 John Wesley. John Wesley
American Character of Religion
• Americans with different religions live together under the same law--The Bill of Rights. It insists that there is no state religion and that church and state must be separated. (没有国教及政教分 没有国教及政教分 离) • American religious beliefs continue to be strong with social progress. • In the United States, every church is a completely independent organization and concerned with its own finance and its own building. There has been little concentration on doctrine or religious argument such as in European history.例如,进入新教的 history.例如 例如,进入新教的 教堂,你听到的只是道德方面的宣讲 你听到的只是道德方面的宣讲,却听不到任何有关教义方面的布 教堂 你听到的只是道德方面的宣讲 却听不到任何有关教义方面的布 道. • In the U.S., people go to church mainly for the following reasons: (1) for having a place in community (2) for identifying themselves with dominant values(使自己和社会的主流价值观保持 使自己和社会的主流价值观保持 一致) 一致 (3) for getting together with friends.
Religion In the United States
Religious Liberty
The Three Faiths in the U.S
Religious Diversity
American Character of Religion
Religious Liberty
• WASP--- White Anglo-Saxon Protestant盎格鲁撒克逊白人新 盎格鲁撒克逊白人新 教文化, is believed to be the basis of the mainstream 教文化 culture of the United States. • The Great Awakening of the 1740s, a “revival ” movement which sought to breathe new feeling and strength into religion, cut across the lines of Protestant religious groups, or denominations. 18世纪 年代的宗教大复兴运动力图把新的感觉和新的力量注 世纪40年代的宗教大复兴运动力图把新的感觉和新的力量注 世纪 入北美各殖民地人民的宗教信仰中去。这次“复兴” 入北美各殖民地人民的宗教信仰中去。这次“复兴”运动打破 了新教各派的界限。 了新教各派的界限。 • 随着欧洲各国移民的源源不断到来 北美定居者不断向西部荒野 随着欧洲各国移民的源源不断到来,北美定居者不断向西部荒野 地区挺进,许多人宗教观念开始淡薄起来 许多人宗教观念开始淡薄起来.这种情况引起宗教界的 地区挺进 许多人宗教观念开始淡薄起来 这种情况引起宗教界的 恐慌.一些宗教狂热分子从南向北兴起向群众布道运动 一些宗教狂热分子从南向北兴起向群众布道运动,以增强大 恐慌 一些宗教狂热分子从南向北兴起向群众布道运动 以增强大 家的宗教信仰.这次复兴运动虽然没有达到预想的全部目的 这次复兴运动虽然没有达到预想的全部目的,但却 家的宗教信仰 这次复兴运动虽然没有达到预想的全部目的 但却 唤醒了北美人民的民族意识,促进了美国革命的爆发 促进了美国革命的爆发. 唤醒了北美人民的民族意识 促进了美国革命的爆发
The Baptists Church
• The Catholic is the largest single religious group in the U.S. More than 26.2% of all Americans are now of the Roman Catholic faith. The majority of the Catholic are descendants of immigrants from Ireland, Italy and Poland. They have the main strength in the east coast. In American history, the Catholics were discriminated against. By 1960, J.F. Kennedy’s presidential election victory put to rest the Catholic religion as an issue in national politics. Today, the Catholics are active in running their own institutions, and have risen to positions of leadership in business, politics and labor. The Catholic Church continues to have an all-male clergy.
Vatican, the Centre of Catholics church

the Vicar of Christ
• 犹太教是世界三大一神信仰中,最早而且最古老的宗教 犹太教是世界三大一神信仰中 最早而且最古老的宗教, 最早而且最古老的宗教 也是犹太民族的生活方式及信仰。 也是犹太民族的生活方式及信仰。犹太教的主要诫命 与教义,来自托辣 来自托辣(Torah),即圣ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ的前五卷书。重要的 即圣经的前五卷书。 与教义 来自托辣 即圣经的前五卷书 犹太教经典就是圣经,由托辣 由托辣(Torah)、先知书 犹太教经典就是圣经 由托辣 、 (Prophets)和圣著 和圣著(Writings)三部分构成。 三部分构成。 和圣著 三部分构成 犹太教最重要的教义,在于只有一位神 在于只有一位神,即无形并且永恒 犹太教最重要的教义 在于只有一位神 即无形并且永恒 的上帝。他愿所有的人,行公义 好怜悯,因为上帝按照他 行公义,好怜悯 的上帝。他愿所有的人 行公义 好怜悯 因为上帝按照他 的形象造人,所以人都应该有尊严且受到尊敬地对待 所以人都应该有尊严且受到尊敬地对待。 的形象造人 所以人都应该有尊严且受到尊敬地对待。 犹太人以学习及祈祷来侍奉上帝,同时遵行摩西五经上 犹太人以学习及祈祷来侍奉上帝 同时遵行摩西五经上 所指引的诫命。 所指引的诫命。
Religious Diversity
• Frontier America has made the U.S. a fertile ground for the growth of new religious movements. Many religious communities and secular utopias(世俗的乌托邦组织), (世俗的乌托邦组织) experiments in new forms of social living, were founded in 18th and 19th century America. Many small sects(教派) and cults (信徒) 信徒) (教派) appear in American society all the time. They have certain tendencies in common. They regard the larger society as hopelessly corrupt. Some of them never win a large following, but some others prosper and graduate into the rank of the respectable denominations. Some nonWestern religious such as Buddhism (佛教), 佛教) Hindus(印度教) and Islam(伊斯兰教) are (印度教) (伊斯兰教) also begin to grow.
• Religious liberty – The Declaration of Independence guaranteed the basic right of religious freedom and this right was a political necessity. The First Amendment to the U.S Constitution explicitly forbade the federal government to give special favors to any religion or to hinder the free practice, or exercise, of religion. When disputes about the relationship between government and religion arise, American courts must settle them. But American institutions presuppose a Supreme being (美国的社 美国的社 会风俗习惯都是以上帝的存在为前提的), 会风俗习惯都是以上帝的存在为前提的 therefore Christianity is often in practice, more favored than other religions.