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Writing skills (I)
The usage of words

Compared with cars, motorcycle have their advantages and drawbacks. Both cars and
motorcycles are the convenient means of transport, enabling the driver to move around freely. But motorcycle is cheaper, so more people can afford it. In addition, a motorcycle needs smaller parking space. However, traveling by car is more comfortable and safer, especially in rough weather.
The usage of phrases

A case in point is the story of “ trying to help the shoots grow by pulling.” It is said
that a man in ancient China was worried that the…. As a result, far from growing any faster, his shoots all withered away…. This is a lesson to us all. Let’s always remember that Rome was not built in a day and haste does not pay.
• However, yet, unless, unlike, though • on the other hand, even so, even though, despite, in spite that
• Like, similarly, whereas, instead, while • On the contrary, in the same way, in contrast, different from,
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强调关系 • indeed, obviously, actually, surely • Above all, in fact, as a matter of fact, in particular, first of all • there is no doubt/ denying that…
• First, second, now, then, soon, afterwards, before, lately, eventually, recently • Since then, to begin with, at first, at last, in the end, immediately • When, as soon as, while, after, before…
• furthermore, moreover, besides, also, too • In addition, likewise, what’s more, not only…but also
• Because(of), therefore, thus, hence, so, accordingly, as, since • as a result, for this reason, due to, consequently
• For example/instance, for one thing… for another, as an illustration • A case in point is ….
• You should compete for survival; otherwise, you’ll be thrown out of the tide of society. • It goes without saying that most factories would be of no use if there were no clean water supply. • With regard to driving, the laws of some countries are lax and even the strictest are not strict enough.
• Supposing you wanted to buy a washing machine, it is more likely that you would obtain details regarding performance… • It does not surprise us to discover that success is measured in terms of the money you earn. • An ancient Chinese saying that “ Those who constantly feel satisfied tend to be happy” is illustrative in this respect.