UNIT 7 经贸英语文章选读ppt(董晓波主编)

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and export of goods and merchandise ? • What benefits can foreign investment bring to the
local economy?
TEXT A Reading Comprehension
Read the following sentences and decide whether they are true(T) or false(F).
taking some measures. 结果表明:采取一定的措施后,排尾后下部矿体可以 回采。
8. domestically adv. 国内地;家庭式地
Imports are goods and services that are produced abroad
and sold domestically.
TEXT A New Words and Expressions:
1. caveman n. (史前石器时代的)穴居人;野人
Economic activity began with the caveman, who was
economically self-sufficient. 经济活动始于自给自足的穴居人。
TEXT A Notes
Guatemala (危地马拉) is a country in Central America
bordered by Mexico to the north and west, the Pacific Ocean to the southwest, Belize to the northeast, the Caribbean to the east, and Honduras and El Salvador to the southeast. Its area is 108,890 km²(42,043 mi²) with an estimated population of 13,276,517.
如果各国专门生产那些他们具有相对优势或绝对 优势的产品,大家都可能获利。
TEXT B Reading Comprehension
3. Favorable sources allow a nation to produce a piece of goods with less labor than a nation not as favorably situated.
TEXT A New Words and Expressions:
9. merchandise n. 商品;货物
We can supply any reasonable quantity of this
2. Preview Text B
Text B
The Advantages of International Trade
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Preview questions
• What’s the beginning of specialization ? • What does Law of Comparative Costs mean?
1. The United States is a major consumer of wheat, yet it does not have
the climate to grow any of its own. ( )
2. The first reason why the exchange of goods between nations takes place is that no nation has all of the commodities that it needs. ( )
人类在原始状态时,自给自足,供养家庭相对简 单的吃、穿、住。
TEXT B Reading Comprehension
2. If countries specialize in the production of those goods in which they have either a relative or absolute advantage, everyone stands to gain.
2. Understand the three most important categories in a nation’s balance of payments .
3. Have a general idea of what Law of Comparative Costs means.
4. Master the difficult words and expressions.
Small villages scatter at the foot of the mountain.
TEXT A New Words and Expressions: 7. deposit n. 矿床, 矿藏; 沉淀物
The results show that the deposit can be exploited after
TEXT B Reading Comprehension
Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. In his original state, man was self-sufficient,
providing food, shelter and clothing, simple though it was, for his family.
与尼加拉瓜相比,加拿大在小麦生产方面有绝对 的优势,而在香蕉生产方面则是绝对的劣势。
TEXT B Reading Comprehension
5. In this respect, a nation behaves no differently from an individual who does not attempt to produce all the commodities when he can produce one commodity most efficiently and then exchanges part of his output for the other commodities he needs or wants.
在这种意义上,国家跟个人是一样的,当一个个 体可以最有效率的生产某一种产品,并拿他的 劳动成果换取他所需要或渴望的其他产品时, 他不愿意生产所有的产品。
TEXT B Notes
Adam Smith was a Scottish moral philosopher and a pioneer of political economics. One of the key figures of the Scottish Enlightenment, Smith is the author of The Theory of Moral Sentiments and An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. The latter, usually abbreviated as The Wealth of Nations, is considered his magnum opus and the first modern work of economics. Smith is widely cited as the father of modern economics and capitalism.
TEXT B New Words and Expressions: 1. at first sight 乍一看,初见
She is a girl (whom) people like at first sight.
2. proficient adj. 熟练的,精通的
Text A
An Introduction to International Trade
Preview questions
• In your opinion, why do nations exchange goods? • Is these any other kind of trade except the import
UNIT 7 International Trade
Teaching Aims Text A Text B
Supplementing Reading
After studying this unit, you are required to
1. Have a general idea of the reasons why international trade takes place.
2. surplus n. 剩余;顺差;盈余;过剩
I deny that "surplus value is the source of profit" in any
useful sense. 在任何有用的意义上,我都否认“剩余价值是利润的源
TEXT A New Words and Expressions:
3. utilize vt. 利用 To avoid an oil shortage, more machines should utilize
solar energy. 为避免石油短缺,更多的机器应当利用太阳能。
4. plant n. 工厂,车间
Would you like to see the video introducing our plant?
10. vulnerable adj. 易受攻击的,易受…的攻击;易受
Vulnerable groups exist in every society.
TEXT A Assignment
1. Finish the rest of exercises of Text A
TEXT A Reading Comprehension
4. When countries import more than they export, an unfavorable balance of trade exists. ( )T
5. The different kinds of trade nations engage in are varied and complex, a mixture of visible and invisible trade. ( ) T
3. The United States produces more automobiles than any other country, so it has no need to import large quantities of autos from
other countries. ( )
有利的资源能使一个有地理优势的国家以更少的 劳动力来生产同一种货物。
TEXT B Reading Comprehension
4. Canada has an absolute advantage over Nicaragua in the cultivation of wheat but an absolute disadvantage in the cultivation of bananas.
TEXT A New Words and Expressions:
5. barter n. 物物交换;实物交易
The soldiers bartered for furs with rifles.
6. scatter vi. 分散,散开;散射