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AS/NZS 1429.1:2006 AS/NZS 1429.1:2006

Australian/New Zealand Standard™

Electric cables—Polymeric insulated

Part 1: For working voltages 1.9/3.3

(3.6) kV up to and including 19/33 (36)


AS/NZS 1429.1:2006

This Joint Austra lia n/New Zea la nd Sta nda rd wa s prepa red by Joint Technica l Committee EL-003, Electric Wires a nd Ca bles. It wa s a pproved on beha lf of the Council of Sta nda rds Austra lia on 3 April 2006 a nd on beha lf of the Council of Standards New Zealand on 31 March 2006.

This Standard was published on 21 April 2006.

The following are represented on Committee EL-003:

Australasian Railway Association

Australian Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers Association

Australian Industry Group

Canterbury Manufacturers Association New Zealand

Department of Primary Industries, Mine Safety (NSW)

Electrical Contractors Association of New Zealand

Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council

Energy Networks Association

Engineers Australia

Ministry of Economic Development (New Zealand)

Keeping Standards up-to-date

Sta nda rds a re living documents which reflect progress in science, technology a nd systems. To ma inta in their currency, a ll Sta nda rds a re periodica lly reviewed, a nd new editions re published. Between editions, mendments m y be issued. Sta nda rds ma y a lso be withdra wn. It is importa nt tha t rea ders a ssure themselves they a re using a current Sta nda rd, which should include a ny a mendments which may have been published since the Standard was purchased.

Detailed information about joint Australian/New Zealand Standards can be found by visiting the Sta nda rds Web Shop a t www.sta nda .a u or Sta nda rds New Zea la nd web site a t www.sta nda a nd looking up the releva nt Sta nda rd in the on-line catalogue.

Alterna tively, both orga niza tions publish a n a nnua l printed Ca ta logue with full deta ils of a ll current Sta nda rds. For more frequent listings or notifica tion of revisions, a mendments a nd withdra wa ls, Sta nda rds Austra lia a nd Sta nda rds New Zea la nd offer a number of upda te options. For informa tion a bout these services, users should contact their respective national Standards organization.

We a lso welcome suggestions for improvement in our Sta nda rds, a nd especia lly encoura ge rea ders to notify us immedia tely of a ny a ppa rent ina ccura cies or a mbiguities. Plea se a ddress your comments to the Chief Executive of either Sta nda rds Austra lia or Sta nda rds New Zea la nd a t the a ddress shown on the ba ck cover.

This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 05363.
