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Since the reform and opening-up policy carrying out, the market-oriented economy developed quickly and the degree of opening to the outside world was deepening, the economy of China is developed rapidly. At the same time, the trade with other counties has also developed by leaps and bounds. During the time of information time, economic globalization and international division of labor is deepening developded, China has a more positive attitude to participate in the international economy. In the process, with the China's foreign trade developed rapidly,trade friction with other countries is also inevitably increased. This article dicussed the problem from the view of the comparative of Sino-US trade friction and Japan-US trade friction. The first part mainly discussed the meaning of selecting this topic and the theory foundation of this paper. Besides, this part also analysis the innovation points of this article. The second part of this article started to discuss the

development status and features of Sino-US trade friction. Compare the Sino-US trade friction and Japan-US trade friction in three angles, and every angle is divided into similarities and differences to compare deeply. In comparison, we can find that Chinese products' innovation ability is insufficient, the experience to deal with trade frictions is not enough, and the related department of goverment cannot effectively coordinate. With the comparison, we put forward the suggestions to deal with the questions.

Key Words: Sino-US, Japan-US, Trade Frictoin, Comparative Analysis


目录 0

1 引言 (1)

2 中美贸易摩擦的特点 (1)

2.1 摩擦对象从低附加值产业转向高附加值产业方向发展 (1)

2.2 知识产权摩擦所占份额较大 (2)

2.3贸易摩擦手段以反倾销、反补贴为主 (2)

2.4 中美贸易摩擦政治性较强 (3)

3 中日贸易摩擦的特点 (4)

3.1由贸易救济措施引起的中日贸易摩擦较少 (4)

3.2 中日贸易摩擦形式主要以技术性贸易壁垒为主 (4)

3.3 中日贸易摩擦多集中于农产品和纺织品 (4)

3.4 中日贸易摩擦与欧美相比数量较少 (5)

3.5 中国较多采用特别关税和反倾销手段应对中日贸易摩擦 (5)

4 中美、中日贸易摩擦的比较 (5)

4.1中美、中日的贸易摩擦具有相同之处 (5)

4.2 中美、中日贸易摩擦具有差异之处 (8)

5中国应采取的对策 (10)

5.1 加强产业内贸易,实现互利共赢 (10)

5.2 了解国际市场贸易规则,实现“产-官-学”的良好协调 (11)

5.3 提高产品附加值,实现产业一体化 (11)

5.4 扩大对外直接投资,建立全球产业链条 (12)

5.5 长期稳定的对话策略,加强双边、多边协调 (12)

结论 (13)

参考文献: (13)
