




Write a composition entitled Cars and Air Pollution. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chiness.




Cars and Air Pollution

Too many cars have created a lot of serious problems in our world. Besides congestion, accidents and fast fuel consumption, cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities. All the time,they are releasing huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere. These gases are very harmful, causing diseases and even death.



So serious is the problem that we must find some solutions to it. One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels. In

Shanghai, some of the public buses begin to run on natural gas, which does not give off as much carbon dioxide as petrol. But it may take decades for the new models of clean cars to complete1y replace the traditional ones. Another solution is to develop modern public transportation systems and restrict the use of private cars. If the price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles are efficient and environment enough, most people will not buy private cars. And the total number of cars in big cities will reduce greatly.



On the whole, with the collective efforts of all parts concemed, the elimination of air pollution caused by cars will be solved in the near future.



空气污染 Recently, the phenomenon of air pollution has become the focus of the public concern. (分析原因)What are the reasons for the phenomenon? On my standpoint, there are several as follows. First of all, the heavy air pollution was caused by ____(原因一). Besides, ____ (原因二)also lead to the smog in the air. In addition, ____(原因三). In view of the seriousness of the phenomenon, effective measures should be taken. On one hand, it is high time that people all over China should ____(市民角度的应对方法). On the other hand, the government should ____(政府角度的应对办法). Only in these ways can we successfully solve the problem. 最近,空气污染已经成为公众关心的重点。(分析原因)空气污染的原因是什么呢?依我来看,有以下原因。 首先,严重的空气污染是因为____(原因一)。此外,____ (原因二)也会造成雾霾。再者,____(原因三)。 考虑到该现象的严重性,我们应该去采取有效的措施。一方面,全国人民是时候去____(市民角度的应对方法)。另一方面,政府应该____(政府角度的应对办法)。只有这样,我们才能成功解决这个问题。


大气污染调查报告范文 大气污染调查报告(一) 发现问题: 在庭园里种些花草,不仅能美化我们的家,还能净化我们四周的空气,让我们呼吸的空气更清新。因此有人说,一个具有一定规模的庭园就像一个不停工作的天然“氧吧”,能提供我们所需的清新空气。但近几天我发现我家的天然“氧吧”“罢工”了,每天清早我到院子里,再也呼吸不到以前那种清新的空气了。这是怎么回事呢?是什么令到我家的天然“氧吧”停止工作呢?我下定决心,一定要把那个“凶手”揪出来! 调查研究结果: 针对上述事件,我查阅了大量资料,综合我对花草、树叶的连日观察,发现嫌疑最大的是近日车辆的频繁来往,造成了严重的空气污染,加上附近的一些食店排放出来的油烟因近日风势不强,得不到有效的散解,被花草、树叶过量地吸收,造成叶片表面气孔被尘粒堵塞,以至它们不能“工作”。我咨询了相关老师,老师认为这种可能性很高,让我回家去试验一下。于是我回去采了一些花草样本,把它们栽在室内,定期让它们照射阳光,浇水次数加密,几天后,和其他的比较一下,发现经我“悉心照顾”的那些花草比外面的生长得好多了。根据我的实验结果,我把每天浇水的次数加密到每天3次,经过我一个多星期“苦心经营”,“天然氧吧”终于又恢复了正常的工作,每天为我们提供着清新的空气。 研究结论: 综合以上所述,我得出了结论:“天然氧吧”的停止工作,是因为周围空气污染的日趋严重,使花草过量地吸收了空气中的一氧化碳、碳氢化合物、氮氧化物以及空气中的悬浮粒子,以至花草、树叶中用于进行光合作用的气孔被堵塞,机能超荷,停止工作。我终于把这个“凶手”揪了出来 研究后的思考: 通过这次调查,我很高兴能找出“真凶”,与此同时,我也不禁为人类的未来而担忧:我家的庭园已是如此,全球6亿公顷原始森林将面临如何的挑战啊!它们没有人为它们浇水,还要忍受人类给它们带来的痛苦。人们在尽情享受大自然的成果时,何曾想过大自然——这位人类的母亲正在承受无限的伤痛。众所周知,人类生活的环境有三个重要的因素:大气、陆地、海洋。可有谁会想知道这三个人类赖以生存的环境因素正在被一些不法商人一点一点地破坏着!我可不想这些“天然氧吧”、“气温调节器”被破坏,到那个时候,出动调查的可就不止我一个人了。让我们一起行动起来,防止这些凶案的发生吧! 大气污染调查报告(二)


如何减少空气污染的英语作文 空气的污染,在高中的英语写作中,以话题的形式出现在我们的面前。下面是给大家整理的如何减少空气污染的英语作文,供大家参阅! 如何减少空气污染的英语作文1 How to stop air pollution Nowadays,stopping air pollution has become the common issue that concerns the governments of many countries and people of all walks of life . Air pollution has caused a series of environment problems,such as the green house effect,damage to the ozone layer and acid rain. They all pose a threat to human living condition and health. Therefore,effective measures should be taken to stop air pollution. First,the government must make sure related laws are put into practice. Those who give off waste gases into the air directly without disposal would be punished. Second,people get education about what they could do to stop air pollution. Everyone using more public transportation and less private vehicle will reduce emission dramatically. Finally,let the forests play a positive rule. We need to plant more trees to purify the air instead of cutting them down. However, as a famous saying goes: easier said than done . Only the whole world works together and everyone takes action can human being succeed in stopping air pollution. 如何减少空气污染的英语作文2 Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. The burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air, causing air pollution. Scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities. They are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. Also,


空气污染的调查报告范文 导语:我们可以通过分析典型事例,总结工作中出现的新经验,从而指导和推动某方面工作的一种调查报告。接下来下班特意为大家准备了空气污染调查报范文。文章希望大家喜欢 按照市委深入学习实践科学发展观工作安排,xx年10月-11月,我带领环保、城管、国土等部门先后深入到吴起、志丹、安塞等部分县、乡、社区和企业,对环境污染状况进行调研,并对调研中发现的问题进行了认真梳理,现总结报告如下,供同志们决策参考。 一、环境污染基本状况 我市地处黄土高原丘陵沟壑区,由于水土气候条件差,生态环境容量小,自然净化功能弱,环境污染现象十分普遍,随着我市人口增加、城市扩张和资源开发的扩大,环境污染问题呈现出不断加剧的态势。分析我市环境污染状况,按污染物来源主要可分为三大类:即以石油煤炭开发为主的工业污染、城镇生活性污染和农村面源污染。 (一)以石油煤炭开发为主的工业污染危害巨大。我市石油、煤炭等矿产资源丰富,已探明石油储量13、8亿吨,煤炭储量71亿吨。全市除洛川、黄陵、黄龙县外全部有石油开采活动,境内分布着长庆、江汉、中原油田公司和延长石油集团的29562个井场、62190口油井、4332、8公里输油管线、171座集输站(输油站)。20xx年,全市共生产原油1207、68万吨,加工原油934、6万吨。20xx年产煤1034、8万吨。伴随着石油煤炭等资源开发的不断扩大,以石油煤炭为主的工

业污染对环境的影响越来越明显,目前已成为我市污染生态环境的主要因素。20xx年,全市石油废水产生量为929、9万吨,处理695、98万吨,还有234万吨石油废水没有得到处理,给我市整体环境个性是矿区河流水源造成巨大危害和隐患。 (二)城镇生活性污染也占相当比重。20xx年至20xx年,我市城市化率从32、01%迅速提高到35、12%,人口超多快速聚集给城镇环境带来巨大压力,城镇污水、垃圾污染已成为城镇环境污染的重要方面。20xx年,全市生活污水排放量约1827万立方米,平均处理率为44、88%,市区为80%;生活垃圾产生量约34、49万吨,无害化平均处理率为26、1%,市区为85%。调查中还发现,随着居民生活水平的提高和城市活动的不断加剧,市区和各县城的噪声污染、汽车尾气污染问题越来越严重,对环境的危害也越来越大,已成为群众环境投诉的热点之一。 (三)农村面源污染有上升趋势。农村面源污染主要指农药、化肥、塑料制品等残留物等对农产品、土壤、水体、环境的污染。由于农村环境保护工作刚刚起步,保护规划尚不完善,人居环境建设滞后,农民环保意识淡薄,监管措施落实难等因素,农村环境面貌改善较慢,污染治理工作进展不明显,而且随着农村工业产业的发展,各类农村面源污染有上升趋势。 二、污染治理的主要经验和措施 透过调查发现,宝塔区和北部吴起、志丹、安塞县的自然条件较差,但环境污染治理状况相对较好,南部几个县自然条件较好,但治


Although some city's air quality is improving, but it is estimated that the number of deaths due to air pollution each year up to 358000 people.[5] according to the self assessment, air quality in the recorded data of 338 cities, two-thirds is considered contaminated, two-thirds of which was rated as moderate or severe pollution.Related to air pollution in China, breathing and heart disease is the top killer.Thirty percent for acid rain place.The Chinese government's environmental regulations are thought to have 20 years behind the United States, 20 to 30 years behind that in Europe.And because of car usage increases, a true problem is worsening. Draw lessons from the Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai world expo and the guangzhou Asian games air quality guarantee of successful experience, promote the pearl river delta regional environmental cooperation, the implementation of regional air pollution defense measures from spreading.Host during the universiade held in shenzhen air pollution index is less than 30, the air quality is superior, the successful completion of the "green universiade" air quality security tasks.


有关污染的高中英语作文:关于污染 的英语作文 如今,我们的自然环境质量已经成为一个重要问题。环境污染问题随处可见,下面,X帮你整理了有关污染的高中英语作文,希 望你喜欢! 有关污染的高中英语作文篇1 Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. The burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air, causing air pollution. Scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities. They are studying new ways of generating

electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. Also, engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment. However, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a "clean" world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. People will continually find new ways to control pollution. 有关污染的高中英语作文篇2 Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded. 今天,我们的自然环境质量已经成为一


环境污染调查报告范文(共4篇) 篇1:珠海市环境污染调查报告范文 大家是否觉察到我们周围的环境正在日益被严重破坏?乱砍树木,污染水源与空气,破坏生态环境等等。无数的事实已经告诉我们,环境保护刻不容缓,保护环境不仅是国家和政府部门的责任,也是我们拱中公民的责任。 这几天,我围绕我们周围的空气受污染的程度以及空气污染对人类身体健康的危害等方面问题进行了调查。 我根据珠海周围的环境特点和所发现的问题,上网进行了调查。从调查情况来分析,我们周围的空气是受到了污染。污染源主要是工厂烟囱排放的黑烟,机动车辆排出的尾汽。这些污染源排放出来的什么污染物呢?对人们的健康有什么危害呢?我查阅了有关资料,懂得了许多有关空气污染的知识。 大气中的主要污染物有一氧化碳、二氧化碳、二氧化硫、氮氧化物以及颗粒物。它们在空气中的含量若是超过一定的标准,就会危害人们的健康。空气污染指数小于50,说明空气良好,污染物浓度小于环境空气质量标准中的一级标准限值,为一级优,符合自然保护区、风景名胜区等一些需要特殊保护地区的空气质量要求;空气污染指数大于50,小于100,表明空气质量一般污染物浓度小于环境空气质量标准中的二级标准限值,为二级良好,符合城镇居住区、商业交通居民混合区、文化区、一般工业区和农村地区的空气质量要求。 防治大气污染,控制污染排放是改善空气质量的根本措施,其主

要途径有:工业合理布局,搞好环境规划;改变能源结构、推广清洁燃料、使用清洁生产工艺,减少污染物排放;强化节能,提高能源利用率、区域集中供暖供热;强化环境监督管理和老污染源的治理,实施总量控制和达标排放;严格控制机动车尾气排放等。 珠海是我们的家,应该把她建设得更美好。但空气污染问题十分严重,应该怎么办呢?我建议:(1)搞立体绿化,扩大绿化面积,可以搞无土栽培。植物有过滤各种有毒有害大气污染物和净化空气的功能,树林尤为显著,所以绿化造林是防治大气污染的比较经济有效的措施。 (2)解决燃料问题,尽量使用太阳能等无污染或污染小的能源。(3)多组织宣传活动,咨询活动,增强人们的环保意识。(4)组织同学利用双休日到街道、市场、广场捡垃圾,保持环境整洁。 今天的我们是明天社会的主人,保护和改善周围的环境,是我们这代人义不容辞的责任和义务。我们要从我做起,从身边的小事做起,做环保的有心人,注意节约资源,回收废品,多参加环保活动,多植树,多种花,做一个名符其实的环保小卫士吧! 篇2:环境污染调查报告范文 我们周围环境与我们的生活有着十分密切的关系,就像是鱼和水那样,密不可分,谁也离不开谁。为了我们能够对我们身边的环境进一步了解,能更加有针对性的对我们周边受污染的环境进行有效的治理。我特意设计了一份调查问卷对我们周边的人进行了民意调查。本次调查是采用了问卷调查的方式和问卷是发电子版到受访者的邮箱并提醒她、他进行填写的方式进行的。本次发出问卷是35份,收回33份,最后有效的问卷有32份。调查的范围涉及了个高校的在校大学生,是比较具有代表性的调查。


关于空气污染的英语作文 关于空气污染的英语作文范文一:空气污染 Air Pollution In the past few decades, our Earth has changed a lot, but to the bad direction. Among these changes, the air pollutions resulting from a huge number of automobiles and coal-burning is almost the severest. The severe air pollution alarms humans of the heavy load we have exerted on Earth by our insatiable production and usage of automobiles. However, with the deepening of urbanization, more cars are needed, which will make the air pollution worse. Therefore, the following actions should be taken. First, we should apply the most cutting-edge technologies in order to adopt new forms of energy as substitutes for fossil fuels. Second, try hard to develop possible transportation means, which are enviromental friendly. So that the citizens can reduce the dependence on cars. In short, our humans should take responsibilities for the air pollution and have to find ways to solve this problem. 在过去的几十年中,我们的地球发生了很大变化,但是是往坏的方向。在这些变化中,大量汽车和煤燃烧产生的空气污染是最为严重的。严重的空气污染警告人类,我们无休止的的生产和使用汽车给我们的地球带来了沉重的负荷。然而,随着城市化的加深,汽车的需求量也越大,这


[标签:标题] 篇一:有关空气污染的英语作文 Although some city's air quality is improving, but it is estimated that the number of deaths due to air pollution each year up to 358000 people.[5] according to the self assessment, air quality in the recorded data of 338 cities, two-thirds is considered contaminated, two-thirds of which was rated as moderate or severe pollution.Related to air pollution in China, breathing and heart disease is the top killer.Thirty percent for acid rain place.The Chinese government's environmental regulations are thought to have 20 years behind the United States, 20 to 30 years behind that in Europe.And because of car usage increases, a true problem is worsening. Draw lessons from the Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai world expo and the guangzhou Asian games air quality guarantee of successful experience, promote the pearl river delta regional environmental cooperation, the implementation of regional air pollution defense measures from spreading.Host during the universiade held in shenzhen air pollution index is less than 30, the air quality is superior, the successful completion of the "green universiade" air quality security tasks. 篇二:四级英语作文空气污染Air 四级英语作文空气污染Air 四级英语作文:空气污染(Air pollution) Air pollution comes from factories, power stations and cars. Chemicals in the smoke from power stations cause a lot of damage. They can travel hundreds of miles in the wind before falling to the ground in the rain. But this "chemical rain" gradually destroys trees in the forests and kills fish in the lakes. In Germany, over 50% of the country's trees had been damaged by the year 1986.Time and time again there are serious accidents that pollute the air. In 1986 there was a bad accident at a nuclear power station in Russia. A cloud of radiation crossed the whole of Europe. It is said that 125,000 people died in Russia as a result of illnesses caused by this accident.In 1984 there was a serious accident at a factory in India and a cloud of dangerous gas covered the town of Bhopal. Over 2,500 people were killed that night, and hundreds of thousands of people were injured. Many of the injured lost their sight.六级英语作文:空气污染(Air Pollution) Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. The burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air, causing air pollution.Scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities. They are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. Also, engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment. However, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a "clean" world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. People will continually find new ways to control pollution.


2020年经典空气污染调查报告精选范 文【五篇】 调查报告范文(一) 一、研究动机 1、近年来,空气污染非常严重,空气污染就是其中之一。汽车、飞机、轮船排放的废气,工厂排放的烟尘废气……都会造成严重的空气污染。 二、研究目的 因为空气污染越来越严重,所以我想知道空气污染的严重程度。 三、研究内容 工厂排放的烟尘废气,汽车、飞机、轮船排放的废气,居民炉灶排放的烟尘废气,含有很多有害物质,是空气的主要污染源空气污染对人的危害很。烟尘、废气中的有害物质能刺激人的眼睛,使眼睛发炎、疼痛;这些有害物质还能刺激人的气管、肺,使人咳嗽、气喘,甚至得肺癌。空气污染对农作物、树木的危害也很大。例如废气中的二氧化硫等有害气体,能使农作物、树的叶子变黄、枯萎、脱落。二氧化硫与云中的雨滴化合会形成酸雨,使大片农作物、森林死亡。清洁的空气是人类生存的重要条件。 近日,美国哈佛大学公共卫生学院在检测了各种空气污染物之后,发现直径小于10微米的细微颗粒物与心血管疾病的发生及死亡的增加关系密切。具体地说,就是这些细微颗粒物与冠心病、心肌梗死、高血压和中风(卒中)的发生及死亡的增加密切相关。 空气污染与呼吸系统疾病的发生密切相关是众所周知的事实。那么,空气污染为什么会导致心脑血管疾病呢? 空气污染越重发生心脑血管疾病的风险越大。 一项来自美国21个城市的研究发现:大城市空气中,直径小于10微米细微颗

粒物的浓度通常为4-20微克/立方米,浓度每增加10微克/立方米,发生心血管疾病的危险将增加24%,由此造成的死亡风险将增加76%。 德国的研究人员调查了两个德国城市的3399位居民。结果发现:居住在交通要道150米之内的居民与远离交通要道的居民相比,冠心病的发生率增加了1、85倍。美国曾对卡车运输、纺织从业人员进行调查。结果发现:空气中直径小于10微米的细微颗粒物浓度每增加10微克/立方米,发生心肌梗死和心力衰竭的风险增加1、4倍,死亡率增加1倍以上。 英国爱丁堡大学的一项针对暴露于废气环境中的男性工人的实验发现:空气污染可明显加重心肌缺血,如原有心脏病,则会引起更为严重的后果。 烟草燃烧时释放的烟雾中含有多种细微颗粒物,包含一氧化碳和尼古丁等生物碱,以及胺类、酚类、烷类、醛类和重金属元素等。其中与冠心病和高血压有关的化学物质达十余种。研究表明:长期吸烟可使高血压的发生率显著增加,脑出血的发生率增加28倍,脑梗死的发生率增加2、5倍,中风的死亡率增加2-6倍。值得一提的是,被动吸烟者所吸入的冷烟雾中的细微颗粒物对健康的危害更大。 四、研究结果 调查后,我发现空气污染可能导致心脑血管病,这是一个非常严重的问题,会导致许多人因此而断送了自己的性命。 五、建议 (1)应用环保产品,减少汽车尾气的排放。 (2)改进工业生产的流程,减少细微颗粒物的排放。 (3)尽量不用煤炭、木材或植物燃烧的方法烹调或取暖。 (4)居民住宅尽量远离交通要道。 (5)严格执行公共场所禁烟的规定,消除被动吸烟的来源。 (6)大力宣传吸烟对个人的危害,尤其是被动吸烟的害处鼓励戒烟。 (7)增加城市的公共绿化面积,尤其是居民小区绿化面积,净化空气。 调查报告范文(二) 随着居民生活水平的提高,住房室内装修已成为一种必须的生活时尚,但常常


How do you see more and more people getting face-lifting now? 我认为现在最大的污染问题是空气污染。阴霾严重影响了我们的生活经历。尤其是在雾霾污染较严重的北京,人们因外出空气污染而不得不戴口罩,这给人们的生活带来了极大的不便。空气污染严重影响我们的健康。空气污染的主要原因是汽车尾气和工厂废气排放。鉴于这些原因,我们应该减少私家车出行,严格检查汽车尾气排放是否超标,工厂废气排放也应严格处理。只有这样,我们才能持续有效地减少空气污染,并有助于创造一个更清洁的环境。其次,改善天气条件和更多的蓝天也有助于改善城市人口的整体健康和福祉。 I think the biggest pollution problem now is air pollution. The haze has seriously affected our life experience. Especially in Beijing, where haze pollution is more serious, people have to wear masks when they go out because of air pollution, which also brings great inconvenience to people's lives. Air pollution seriously affects our health. The main causes of air pollution are automobile exhaust and factory exhaust emissions. In view of these reasons, we should reduce private car travel, strictly examine whether automobile exhaust emissions exceed the standard, and factory exhaust emissions should also be treated strictly. Only in this way can we continuously and effectively reduce air pollution and help to create a cleaner environment. Secondly, improved weather conditions and more blue sky days can also help to improve the overall health and well-being of the urban population.


关于空气质量的英语专业术语 这两天大家一定都很关注空气质量情况的播报,也许你会好奇空气质量指数到底是根据哪些污染物算出来的?各种等级的污染对我们有哪些危害?下面就来为大家科普下这些基础知识吧: 【关于空气质量的术语】 环境空气ambient air 指人群、植物、动物和建筑物所暴露的室外空气 空气质量指数air quality index (AQI) 定量描述空气质量状况的无量纲指数。 空气质量分指数individual air quality index (IAQI) 单项污染物的空气质量指数。 首要污染物primary pollutant AQI大于50时IAQI最大的空气污染物。 超标污染物non-attainment pollutant 浓度超过国家环境空气质量二级标准的污染物,即IAQI大于100的污染物。 总悬浮颗粒物total suspended particle (TSP) 指环境空气中空气动力学当量直径小于等于100μm的颗粒物。 颗粒物(粒径小于等于10μm)particulate matter (PM10) 指环境空气中空气动力学当量直径小于等于10μm的颗粒物,也称可吸入颗粒物。 颗粒物(粒径小于等于2.5μm)particulate matter (PM2.5) 指环境空气中空气动力学当量直径小于等于2.5μm的颗粒物,也称细颗粒物。 * 此前我们国家采用的空气质量标准是API (Air Pollution Index),也就是空气污染指数;但在2012年2月后进行了修订,改为AQI,最重要的一个变化就是加入了PM2.5的监测。 【AQI基于哪些空气污染物】 The AQI level is based on the level of 6 atmospheric pollutants: ①二氧化硫:sulfur dioxide (SO2) ②二氧化氮:nitrogen dioxide (NO2)


关于大气污染的调查报告范文 造成大气污染的原因既有自然因素又有人为因素,尤其 是人为因素,如工业废气、燃烧、汽车尾气和核爆炸等。随着人 类经济活动和生产活动的迅速发展,在大量消耗能源的同时,也 将大量的废气、烟尘物质排入大气,严重影响了大气环境的质量,特别是在人口稠密的城市和工业区所谓干洁空气是指在自然环境 下的大气(由混合气体、水汽和杂质组成)除去水汽和杂质的空气。其它主要成分是氮气,占78%,氧气,占21% ,其它各类含 量不到0.1%的微量气体(如氢、氦、二氧化碳) 大气污染对地球的影响很大,主要有以下几方面: 首先是对人体健康的危害:人需要呼吸空气以维持生命。一个成年人每天呼吸大约2万多次,吸入空气达15——20立方米。因此,被污染了的空气对人体健康有直接的影响。,因此,若是 大气中污染物的浓度很高时,会造成急性污染中毒,或使病状恶化,甚至在几天内夺去几千人的生命。其实,即使大气中污染物 浓度不高,但人体成年累月呼吸这种污染了的空气,也会引起慢 性支气管炎、支气管哮喘、肺气肿及肺癌等疾病。 其次是对植物的危害:当大气污染物,尤其是二氧化硫、氟化物等对植物的危害是十分严重的。当污染物浓度很高时,会 对植物产生急性危害,使植物叶表面产生伤斑,或者直接使叶枯 萎脱落;当污染物浓度不高时,会对植物产生慢性危害,使植物 叶片褪绿,或者表面上看不见什么危害症状,但植物的生理机能 已受到了影响,造成植物产量下降,品质变坏。 大气污染对天气与气候的影响最为显著,也是危害最大的,如会减少到达地面的太阳辐射量:从工厂、发电站、汽车、

家庭取暖设备向大气中排放的大量烟尘微粒,使空气变得非常浑浊,遮挡了阳光,使得到达地面的太阳辐射量减少。有时候,从 天空落下的雨水中含有硫酸。这种酸雨是大气中的污染物二氧化 硫经过氧化形成硫酸,随自然界的降水下落形成的。硫酸雨能使 大片森林和农作物毁坏,能使纸品、纺织品、皮革制品等腐蚀破碎,能使金属的防锈涂料变质而降低保护作用,还会腐蚀、污染 建筑物。天气和气候的影响还会增高大气的温度,在大工业城市 上空,由于有大量废热排放到空中,因此,近地面空气的温度比 四周郊区要高一些。这种现象在气象学中称做“热岛效应”。 另外是臭氧层的严重破坏问题。臭氧层占平流层总量的 十万分之一,虽然含量极低,却能吸收紫外线的功能,但是由于 人类破坏,臭氧层迅速耗减,被极度破坏。1985至1998年臭氧层破坏面积扩大了十倍,南极的臭氧层出现空洞。1998年1 0月前后,臭氧层破坏面积首次超过了2700平方公里, 其面积大于北美、加拿大和美国的面积总和。南极上空的臭氧层 是在20亿年里形成的,可是在上个世纪里就被破坏了60%!欧洲 和北美洲上空的臭氧层平均减少了10%——15%,西伯利亚上空甚 至减少了35%! 许多环境问题是跨国界的,甚至是全球的。像温室效应 和臭氧层破坏等大气污染,需要世界各国的努力才可能逐渐解决。如果人类一如既往地破坏环境,那么人类就一定会在不久的将来,如恐龙一般灭绝,地球也将会成为宇宙中一个遥远的历史,所以 我们要从现在做起,保护我们赖以生存的地球。我们相信,只要 大家共同努力,一定能够够共同见证一片蔚蓝的天空,一定能够 共创一个美好的明天。 调查结果:造成大气污染的途径主要是工业生产与交通 工具排放的废气和尘埃,工业生产排放出的尘埃颗粒物还吸附了


Today,our term is going to talk about the source and control technology of air pollution.And we will talk about this topic in the following five points:Actuality of Air Pollution,Source of Air Pollution,Types of Air Pollution,Results of Air Pollution,and Control of Air Pollution. The first is Actuality of Air Pollution.Before talking about it,i want to mention the Definition of Air Pollution. Air pollution is the presence of undesirable material in air, in quantities large enough to produce harmful effects.It causes harmful effects on human health, property, aesthetics, and the global climate. We all know that clean air is important to good health. Wherever you go and whatever you do, you are always surrounded by a sea of gases that we call air. If there are impurities(杂质)in the air, they may be absorbed by our bodies and make us ill. We need clean air, but unfortunately, air pollution is globally present, especially in cities. Along with the economical development, also caused serious air pollution. Countries also begin to pay close attention to the problem, and taken the relevant measures. Some countries have made about air pollution regulations and rules, and get substantially improved. But we are facing new
