

5-1 句型转换例题解析


1.Our first class in the morning begins at 7:30.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ does your first class in the morning begin?(南通市2012年中考)

【解析】本题考查对划线部分提问的方式。题干中的划线部分是表示钟点时刻的时间状语。when经常用在疑问句中来询问“什么时候”,但是在询问具体的钟点时刻时,一般用what time 来提问。


【答案】What time

2.We will plant more trees so that we can improve our environment.(保持句意基本不变)

We will plant more trees ______ _______ to improve our environment.(南通市2012年中考) 【解析】本题考查同一句意的不同表达方式。原句中so that引导目的状语从句,改写后的句中有动词不定式作目的状语,表达了原句中状语从句的意思,句子已经完整,在改写时应该考虑用短语in order to来表示目的。


【答案】in order

3.“Kitty,are you going to see the film this evening?”Tom said.(改为间接引语)

Tom asked Kitty _______ _______ was going to see the film that evening.(南通市2012年中考) 【解析】本题考查将直接引语改为间接引语的表达方式。原句中的直接引语是一个一般疑问句,根据规则,在改为间接引语时,应该写成用if或者whether引导的宾语从句,主语you则根据Kitty的性别相应改为she。除要求填写的部分以外,还应该注意在改写句中的其他变化:动词said改为asked,动词时态由are going to变为was going to,this evening改写成that evening,疑问句中的倒装语序改为陈述句中的正常语序,问号改成句号。


【答案】if/whether she

4.Diana made great success in her research because she put her effort into it.(改为简单句)

Diana made great success in her research ________ _______ her effort.(南通市2012年中考) 【解析】本题考查将复合句改为简单句的表达方式。原句中用because引导的状语从句表示原因。在改写过的句子中,空格后面是名次词组her effort,根据所学知识来看,在空格中应该填入的是表示原因的介词短语,because of正是考生最为熟悉的表达这个意思的介词短语。


【答案】because of

5.Nothing is more important than life in the world,so we must prevent all the accidents like these.(改为被动语态)

Nothing is more important than life in the world,so all the accidents like these must ________ ________.(南通市2012年中考)



【答案】be prevented

5-2 句型转换专项练习



1.The boy can hardly hear us.(改为反意疑问句)

The boy can hardly hear us, _______ _______?

2.The Smiths invited the professor to the party.(改为被动语态)

The professor _________ ________ to the party by the Smiths.

3.His mother cooked delicious food for us.(改为感叹句)

_________ ________ food his mother cooked for us!

4.All of the students will go to the cinema this afternoon.(改为否定句)

_______ of the students ________ go to the cinema this afternoon.

5.They were too tired to walk on.(保持句意基本不变)

They were _______ tired _______ they couldn’t walk on.


1.The foreigners want to know how they can learn Chinese kung fu well.(改为简单句)

The foreigners want to know ______ ______learn Chinese kung fu well.

2.The woman teacher asked the students ,“Can you understand what I am saying?”(改为间接引语)

The woman teacher asked the students _________ _________ could understand what she was saying.

3.Mike was so selfish that he ate up all the food.(保持句意基本不变)

It was selfish _________ Mike __________eat up all the food.

4.I walk to school every day. (对画线部分提问)

_________ do you _________to school every day ?

5.Tom’s father came home . Tom began to do his homework.. (合并为一句)

Tom _________ began to do his homework _________ his father came home .

1. My sister isn’t old enough to take care of herself . (保持句意基本不变)

My sister is_________ _________ to take care of herself.

2. The nurse is taking care of the patient very carefully.(改为感叹句)

________ ________ the nurse is taking care of the patient!

3. He asked,"Dr. Li, do you often search for information online?"(改为间接引语)

He asked Dr. Li ________ he often ________ for information online.

4. The boy never has lunch at school. (改为反意疑问句)

The boy never has lunch at school, ________ ________?

5. Anyway, such words can’t be said by Mike. (改为主动语态)

Anyway, ________ can’t ________ such words.


1. I think he will tell me the truth before his parents come back. (改为否定句)

I ________ think he ________ tell me the truth before his parents come back.

2. He asked Kate how her sister was then.(改为直接引语)

He said to Kate, "How is ________ sister _______?"

3. The children were watching fish swimming outside their room from six to seven yesterday evening. (改为一般疑问句)

________ the children ________ fish swimming outside their room from six to seven yesterday evening?

4. It’s about 3,050 kilometres from Shanghai to Bangkok. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ is it from Shanghai to Bangkok?

5. Nuclear radiation (核辐射) is very dangerous. It may hurt or kill thousands of people nearby.(合并为一句)

Nuclear radiation is dangerous ________ ________ hurt or kill thousands of people nearby.


1. The song Californian Girls is very popular among the students. (改为感叹句)

________ ________ the song Californian Girls is among the students!

2. He hurt his finger and went to the hospital. (改为一般疑问句)

________ he hurt his finger and ________ to the hospital?

3. Millie borrowed the magazine from John three days ago. (保持句意基本不变)

Millie ________ ________ John’s magazine for three days.

4. Our teacher often asks us to read more English articles outside class. (改为被动语态)

We ________ often ________ to read more English articles outside class.

5.If you don’t hurry up, you will miss the last bus. (改为祈使句)

,or you will miss the last bus.


1.She asked me if I would go to the cinema the next day. (改为直接引语)

She asked me,“_______ you go to the cinema _______ ?”

2.My parents go travelling abroad once a year. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ do your parents go travelling abroad?

3.We hear the girl play the piano every evening .(改为被动语态)

The girl _______ _______ to play the piano every evening.

4.Mike put out the fire with a blanket. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ Mike _______ out the fire with a blanket?

5.The students who came to the lab for the first time wondered what he could do there.(改为简单句)

The students who came to the lab for the first time wondered what _______ _______ there.


1. Many students sat on the grass just now. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ many students _______ on the grass just now?

2.Jack has dinner with his grandparents once a week. (改为否定句)

Jack ________ _______ dinner with his grandparents once a week.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/a95284389.html,lie is generous. She often shares her experience with her classmates. (合并为一句)

Millie is ________ generous ________ she often shares her experience with her classmates.

4.All the visitors are welcomed whenever they come to our school. (改为主动语态)

________ ________ all the visitors whenever they come to our school.

5.Mary asked, “Do all the guests know the way here?” (改为间接引语)

Mary asked if all the guests ________ the way _______.


1.Joe works on the farm every other day. (改为否定句)

Joe ________ ________ on the farm every other day.

2.Tom asked his teacher how he could play the violin well . (改为直接引语)

“_______ ________ I play the violin well?” Tom asked his teacher.

3.There is little pollution here in Nantong. (改为反义疑问句)

There is little pollution here in Nantong,_______ ______?

4.His grandfather is old. He is still working hard for our country .(合并为一句)

_______ his grandfather is old, ________ he is still working hard for our country.

5.The child is so short that he can’t touch the blackboard. (改为简单句)

The child is ________ short ________ touch the blackboard.


1.The Whites will move to a new house in two months. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ will the Whites move to a new house?

2.Choose the perfect grapes only, or you won’t be able to make the best wine.(保持句意基本不变)

You _______ be able to make the best wine _______ you choose the perfect grapes only.

3.I ha ve already read today’s newspaper. (改为否定句)

I ________ read today’s newspaper ________.

4.John chose a nice card for his mother on Mother’s Day. (改为被动语态)

A nice card _______ _______ for his mother by John on Mother’s Day.

5.She wasn’t sure where she can s pend her holiday in summer. (改为简单句)

She wasn’t sure _______ _______ spend her holiday in summer.


1.We’ve been close friends since we met at school last year. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ have you been close friends?

2.Charles did very well at the school sports meeting last year.(改为感叹句)

_______ _______ Charles did at the school sports meeting last year!

3.Does Mike like his new job? Mike’s parents wonder.(合并为一句)

Mike’s parents wonder _______ Mike _______ his new job.

4.“Are you reading a novel written by Mo Yan now?” Jim asked Kitty.(改为间接引语)

Jim asked Kitty if _______ was reading a novel written by Mo Yan _______ .

5.The doctor told my father to give up smoking. (改为祈使句)

“_______ _______ smoking!” the doctor said to my fat her.


1.Alice has never been to that beautiful town in Australia.(改为反义疑问句)

Alice has never been to that beautiful town in Australia, _______ ________?

2.Miss white said that she often flew to Singapore for meetings. (改为直接引语)

Miss white said,“_______ often _______ to Singapore for meetings.”

3. Horses are larger than any other animal in this area.(保持句意基本不变)

Horses are ________ ________ among all the animals in this area.

4.A decision was made by her after a careful examination.(改为主动语态)

________ ________ a decision after a careful examination.

5.It was raining heavily yesterday evening. We had to give up our plan to go to the movie.(合并为一句)

We had to give up our plan to go to the movie yesterday evening ________ ________ the heavy rain.


1.Young people can learn a lot by going to the country.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ young people learn a lot?

2.The students watched a very exciting football match yesterday. (改为感叹句)

_______ _______ exciting football match the students watched yesterday.

3.Rose went to the car exhibition yesterday. Danny went there, too.(保持句意基本不变.

_______ Rose _______ Danny went to the car exhibition yesterday.

4.You should never play football in the streets.(改为祈使句)

_______ _______ football in the streets.

5.We haven’t decided where to go for our summer vacation this year.(改为复合句)

We haven’t decided where _______ _______ go for our summer vacation this year.


A. 1.can he 2. was invited 3. What delicious 4. None ; will

5. so ; that

B. 1. how to 2. if / whether they 3. of ; to 4. How ; go

5.didn’t ; until

C. 1. too young 2. How carefully 3. whether / if ; searched

4. does he

5. Mike ; say

D. 1. don’t ; will 2. your ; now 3. Were ; watching 4. How far

5. enough to

E. 1. How popular 2. Did ; go 3. has kept 4. are ; asked

5. Hurry up

F. 1. Will ; tomorrow 2. How often 3. is heard 4. Did ; put

5. to do

G. 1. Did ; sit 2. doesn’t have 3. so ; that 4. We welcome

5. knew ; there

H. 1. doesn’t work 2. How can 3. is there

4. Though /Although ; yet

5. too ; to

I. 1. How soon 2. won’t ; unless 3. haven’t ; yet 4. was chosen

5. where to

J. 1. How long 2. How well 3. if / whether ; likes 4. she ; then

5. Give up

K. 1. has she 2. I ; fly 3. the largest 4. She made

5. because of

L. 1. How can 2. What an 3. Both ; and 4. Never play

5. we will


专题:句型转换 句型转换 句型转换(5小题,每题1分,共5分) 1.Both of his parents prefer to travel around in summer. ( 改为否定句) of his parents to travel around in summer. 2.The Bank of China is about 5 minutes’ walkfrom the zoo. (对划线部分提问) is the bank of China from the zoo? 3.Sandy really doesn’t know how to deal with this problem. (改为复合句) Sandy really doesn’t know how deal with this problem. 4.We noticed him eating snacks in class. (改为被动语态) He eating snacks in class by us. 5.The news was very exciting and everyone shouted with joy. (合并成一句) It was news that everyone shouted with joy. 6.The lazy boy spread his things all over the floor.(改为一般疑问句) _______ the lazy boy _______ his things all over the floor? 7.Eddie goes to the library twice a week.(对划线部分提问) _______ ________ times a week does Eddie go to the library? 8.If you are not careful enough,you’ll probably make a mistake(保持句意基本不变) ______ be careless,______ you’ll probably make a mistake. 9.Jerry’s mother bought him two books yesterday.(改为被动语态) Two books were ________ ______Jerry yesterday. 10.Mr.Jiang advised us which we should choose as our after-school activities.(改为简单句) Mr.Jiang advised us which _______ _______ as our after-school activities. 改写句子按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分) 11.They are interested in science fiction. (改为一般疑问句) __________________ interested in science fiction? 12.Bill exercises on weekends. (就句子画线部分提问) __________________ Bill exercise? 13.“Where do you plan to spend your holiday?” The teacher asked the boys. (改写句子,句意不变) The teacher asked the boys _________ they _________ to spend their holiday. 14.It was seven o’clock when the movie actors showed up in the theater.(改写句子,句意不变)The movie actors didn’t _________ in the theater _________ seven o’clock. 15.I don’t think they will turn down my invitation.(改写句子,句意不变) I think my invitation will _____________________ 16.He has already finished doing his homework.(改为否定句) He _________ finished doing his homework _________. 17.Class One beat Class Four in the basketball game last week.(对划线部分提问) ____________ ____________ Class One beat Class Four in the basketball game? 18.We had fun in the party yesterday.(改为同义句) We ____________ ____________in the party yesterday. 19.他5岁时就被送去舞蹈班。(完成译句) He was ____________ to dancing classes ____________ the age of 5. 20.妈妈阻止过爸爸抽烟,但是没有奏效。(完成译句) My mom stopped my dad ____________ smoking, but it didn’t ____________. 专题:句型转换


最新文件---------------- 仅供参考--------------------已改成-----------word文本 --------------------- 方便更改 小学语文专项复习句型转换教学设计 教学目标: 1、通过学习,从语气和作用上了解几种句子的类型。 2、通过练习,能够进行把字句和被字句的互换,陈述句和反问句的互换,直接叙述和间接叙述的互换,肯定句和双重否定句的互换,扩句和缩句。 教学重难点: 重点:能够进行几种句型之间的转换。 难点:了解句型的特点。 教学准备: 多媒体课件学习卡测评卡 课时安排: 一课时 教学过程: 一、导入 同学们,在之前的语文复习,我们重点做的是单元学习,那么从今天开始我们来进行专项复习,请看大屏幕,今天我们先复习的是什么? 学生齐读标题句型转换再大声读 那么句型转换主要分为哪几种类型呢即(找一个同学来读一下) 1、把字句、被字句的互换;(简单说) 2、陈述句、反问句的互换;

3、直接叙述和间接叙述的互换; 4、肯定句、双重否定句的互换。 5、扩句和缩句。 在课下同学们已经找了相关的句子,老师简单的看了看这些句子呢真的很典型,你们真的很认真也很细心,请同学们先在小组内交流一下组长分配好任务,一会请把你们的成果展示给大家,好吗?(好) (一)首先我们来看看把字句、被字句的互换,这个句型相信同学们在低年级的时候就已经会做了,我们就稍微简单的考察一下吧 精彩大擂台每组五号起立 3、练习:按要求改变句式 ①、乌云把太阳遮住了。 改成被字句: ②、一座堤坝被凶猛的洪水冲垮了。 改成把字句: ③、火车把各种物资运往全国各地。 改成被字句: (二)同学们我们身边有一种很常见的句型,本来是句号的句子变成问号?那种呢?没错下面我们来看看陈述句与反问句的互换。哪个小组为我们展示一下呢? 其他小组评价,这组讲的那里好并补充方法 教师总结:什么样的句子叫做反问句呢 出示:反问句并不是向对方提出问题,需要对方回答,而是用反诘(追问)的语气强调某个问题,表达某种感情。它是问句的一种特殊形式,并不需要回


将下列句子改成间接引语 1.Er fragte sie: …Wann fahren Sie nach Berlin? “ 2.Er fragte mich: …Was wollen Sie essen? “ 3.Sie fragte ihn: …Warum haben Sie das getan?“ 4.sie fragte ihn: …Wer war bei Ihnen?“ 5.Sie sagte zu ihrem Mann: …Trink nicht so viel! “ 6.Frau Schumacher bat ihren Freund : …Bitte hilf mir.“ 7.Er riet ihr: …überlege es dir noch mal! “ 8.Er sagte zu ihr: …Schreib mir bitte eine Postkarte!“ Er bat sie, ... 9.Mein Freund sagte mir: …Erkundige dir doch mal im Reisebüro!“ Mein Freund reit mir, ... 10.Der Lehrer fragte: …Haben Sie es verstanden? “ 把下列句子改成非现实的条件句 1.Ohne W?rterbuch l?sst sich der Artikel nur schwer übersetzen. 2.Weil er vorsichtig gefahren ist, konnte er gerade noch bremsen. 3.Mit dem Bus dauert die Fahrt sehr lange. Mit dem Taxi... 4.Er hat den Vorschlag abgelehnt. An seiner Stelle... 5.Sie konnten die Grenze nicht passieren, weil ihr Pa? abgelaufen ist. 6.Du gabst du zu viel Geld für Zigaretten aus. Deshalb konntest du dir einen neuen Computer nicht leisten. Erg?nzen Sie. 1.Ich ___________mich freuen, Sie bald wiederzusehen. 2.Es ____________ sch?n, wenn Sie auch kommen ____________. 3.Wenn es dir doch bald besser ____________! 4.Wenn wir doch l?nger geblieben ____________ ! 5.Wenn er Zeit gehabt ____________, ____________ er nach München gefahren. 6.____________ Sie bitte die Tür schlie?en? 7.____________ Sie vielleicht ein Glas Wasser? 8.Ich ____________ den Film noch einmal an, wenn er mir ____________ . 9.Wenn er doch besser ____________ (schreiben, sprechen)! 10.______ es keinen Krieg, dann ______ die Menschen glücklich. 11.Wenn er eine Brille ____________, brauchte er seine Augen nicht so anzustrengen. 12.____________ dieser Termin für Sie in Frage? 13.Er tut so, als ob er uns nicht ____________ (verstehen, kennen) 14.____________ er besser aufgepasst, ____________ das nicht passiert. 15.Es ____________ mir lieber, auf dem Land zu leben.


一般过去时详细讲解与练习题 一、巧记一般过去时: 动词一般过去时,表示过去发生的事;be用was或用were, have,has变had; 谓语动词过去式,过去时间作标志;一般动词加-ed,若是特殊得硬记。 否定句很简单,主语之后didn’t添; 疑问句也不难,did放在主语前;不含be动词时 如果谓语之前有did,谓语动词需还原; 动词若是was,were,否定就把not添。含be动词时 疑问句也不难,要把was,were放在主语前。 二、be的一般过去时:学习动词be的一般过去时,下面有一口诀,它可以帮你们更好地掌握动词be的一般过去时。 be的过去时有四巧: 一是时间状语巧,表示过去的短语要记牢; 二是形式巧,单数was,复数were; 三巧是否定句结构,not紧跟was/were; 四是疑问句式巧,was/were向前跑(提前)。 【一巧】时间状语(即标志词)巧。一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,恰巧与表示过去的一些时间状语连用。

【二巧】形式巧。它与一般现在时一样,形式多样:当主语是第一人称单数或第三人称单数时,谓语动词用was;主语是第二人称或其他人称复数时,谓语动词用were。 eg:I was in the classroom yesterday morning.昨天早上我在教室里。 He was at school last Tuesday.上周二他在学校。 They were over there a moment ago.刚才他们在那边。 【三巧】否定句结构巧。与动词be的一般现在时一样,它在动词后面加not即可变成否定句,并且was, were与not可以缩写成wasn't, weren't。即: 主语+wasn't/weren't +表语+其他。 例如:I was not (=wasn't) here yesterday.昨天我不在这儿。 My parents were not (=weren't) at home last Sunday.上周日我父母不在家。【四巧】疑问句式巧。把was, were提到句首,句末用问号即可变为一般疑问句。即:Was(Were) +主语+表语+其他?这恰巧与动词be的一般现在时的疑问句式相似。 例如:Were you at home the day before yesterday﹖前天你在家吗? Was she late this morning﹖今天早上她迟到了吗? 更巧的是疑问句的答语也相似,肯定回答用“Yes, 主语+was/were.”; 否定回答用“No,主语+wasn't/weren't.”。eg:—Were Wei Hua and Han Mei here just now﹖刚才魏华和韩梅在这儿吗? —Yes, they were.(No, they weren't.) 是的,她们在。(不,她们不在。)动词过去式变化规则:


小升初英语专项复习之句型转换 一、肯定句改否定句的方法: 1、在be 动词后力口not。如:is not , are not , am not 2、在can, should, will 等后加 not。如:cannot, should not, will not; 3、上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式don't/doesn't/didn ' t。 4、some 改成any。 女口:I am a girl. — I am not a girl. You are a stude nt. — You are not a stude nt. —You aren't a student. This is Tom's bag, —This is not Tom's bag.—This isn't Tom's bag. 二、肯定句改一般疑问句的方法 1、把be动词放在句首,剩下的照抄,(some改成any, I改成you, my改成your,)句点改成问号。 2、把can, shall, will等放到句首,剩下的照抄,(some改成any, I改成you, my改成your,)句点改成问号。 3、上述都没有的,在句首请助动词Do/Does/Did 帮忙,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any, I改成you, my改成your,)句点改成问号。 注意:句首的第一个字母要大写,句尾标点应为“?” 。

如: I am in Class 6—Are you in Class 6? You are from America.宀Are you from America? It is an oran ge. — Is it an oran ge? 4、就一般疑问句回答一般疑问句有两种回答,即:肯定回答和否定回答。其中,肯定回答用yes,否定回答用no。语句顺序为:Yes +主语+ am /is/ are/was/were.|can.|do/does/did|; No + 主语+ am not/ isn't/ aren 't 如: —Are you an English teacher?—Yes, I am. /No, I am not. —Is that a bird? —Yes, it is./ No, it isn't. 三、对划线部分提问 “就划线部分提问” 是小学阶段英语学习的难点,但是一旦掌握了规律,就变得容易多了。小学英语对划线部分提问之答题口诀:一代:用正确的疑问词代替划线部分。 二移:把疑问词移至句首三倒:颠倒主谓语,但对主语或其定语提问时除外(some 改成any, I 改成you, my 改成your), 四抄:照抄句子剩余部分。 ★特殊疑问词的确定要根据划线内容而定,在小学阶段常出现的有以下 几种: 1、划线部分是“事或物” ,特殊疑问词用what 如: This is a book.--- What is this? I often play football on Saturdays .---What do you often do on


一、按要求完成句子练习。 1、谁允许你们到这儿来玩的!(换一种说法,意思不变) 2、蟋蟀挖掘住宅,(扩句) 3、你们说的话我全听到了。(改为“把”字句) 4、一墙的叶子漾起波纹,好看得很。(改为比喻句) (1)例:他怎能不值得我尊敬呢?他值得我尊敬。 奥运会的成功举办,我们怎能不欢欣鼓舞呢? (2)用恰当的关联词语将下列两个句子合起来。 我们要取得好成绩。我们必须要勤奋刻苦。 3.读书是非常有益的。你能写出两句关于读书的名言警句吗?(1) (2) 二、反问句变述句 1、有反问词的先删去反问词(怎能、怎么、难道、哪里等等), 2、有没有否定词“不”,有的给删去,没有的给加上。 3、把问号变句号。

练习:1、我们怎能忘记老师的淳淳教导? 2、那浪花所奏的不正是一首欢乐的歌吗? 3、这里的景色这么美,怎能不使我们流连往返呢? 4、这点小事,难道还要妈妈担心吗? 5、大千世界,哪里没有野花的倩影呢? 6、信赖,不是能创造出美好的境界吗? 7、海龟受到这样的伤害,难道不是我们造成的吗? 8、我们怎么可以白白地糟蹋自己的生命呢? 9、这么美的乡下人家怎能不让人醉呢? 10、《麦哨》这篇文章洋溢着浓郁的生活情趣,我们怎能不喜欢读呢? 11、山坡上怎么能开垦出菜地呢?

12、如此美妙的境界,怎能不令人心驰神往呢? 13、为人类造福,有什么错? 14、这个胆瓶怎么能容得下你这样庞大的整个身体呀? 15、中彩那天父亲打的时候,难道不是我家最富有的时刻吗? 三、述句变反问句 第一步与第三步正好相反,第二步一样。1、加上反问词(怎能、怎么、难道、哪里等等),2、看有没有否定词“不”,有的给删去,没有的给加上。3、把句号变成问号。 练习:1、我们不能因为学习任务重而不参加体育活动。 2、这幅画是我们班彩颖画的。 3、父母含辛茹苦地把我们养大,我们不应该伤他们的心。 4、对少数同学不守纪律的现象,我们不能不闻不问。 5、没有哪一个春天的花园能比得过这时天山的无边繁


句型转换 It’s a picture. (对划线部分提问) That is a school . (改为一般疑问句) It’s on the chair . (对划线部分提问) Is this the library ? (做肯定回答) There are thirty desks in the classroom . (对划线部分提问) This is the art room .(变为否定句) Your school is cool ! (写出答句) It’s seven o’clock . (对划线部分提问) What time is it ?(写出同义句) It’s time to have lunch . (写出同义句) This is a clock . (改为一般疑问句) They are green . (对划线部分提问) They are sweaters . (对划线部分提问) Is this your sock ?(作否定回答) The shirt is Jim’s . (对划线部分提问) This is LiLei’s coat . (改为一般疑问句) It’s time to go to school . (写出同义句) This is a big library .(用that 改为一般疑问句) It’s seven thirty in the morning . (对划线部分提问) His shirt is blue . (对划线部分提问) I want to wear a dress . (对划线部分提问) That is the canteen .(改为否定句)


中考英语总复习句型转换专项练习 根据所给提示,完成句型转换。每空一词,含缩略词。 1. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will be held in three years . 对画线部分提问)_ ______ ________ will the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games be held? 2. “Can you help me carry heavy box upstairs?” Mr. White asks. (改为复合句) Mr. White asks _______ ______ ______ help ______ carry the heavy box upstairs. 3. This dress cost her 90 yuan. (改为一般疑问句) _____ this dress _____ her 90 yuan? 4 The TV play is really wonderful. (改为感叹句) _____ _____ the TV play is! 5. The boy in blue is my brother. (就划线部分提问) _____ _____ is your brother? 6. Water the young tree often, or it will die. (改为同义句) _____ you don't water the young tree often, it will be_____. 7. Tom won' t visit the farm. He'11 stay at home. (改为同义句) Tom will stay at home _____ _____ visiting the farm. 8. She is cleaning the bedroom. (改为否定句) She _____________ ________________ the bedroom. 9. She went to see her uncle last week. (改为一般疑问句) __________ __________ go to see her uncle last week? 10. Linda often does shopping on Sundays. (对划线部分提问) What _________ Linda often _____________ on Sundays? 11. Let’s have a discussion about it. (改为反意疑问句) Let’s have a discussion about it, _________ __________? 12. John’s family kept many sheep around the house. (改为被动语态) Many sheep __________ ___________ by John’s family around the house. 13. He became strong day by day as he took exercise.(改为同义句) The ________ exercise he took, the _____________ he became. 14. We should finish our homework alone.(改为同义句) We should finish our homework ___________ _____________. 15. I paid 320 yuan for the red dress.(改为同义句) The red dress __________ __________ 320 yuan. 16. The old photo made it possible for me to find my birthplace.(改为同义句) I could find my birthplace ___________ __________ the old photo. 17. The meeting will be held in Chongqing instead of Wuhan or Dalian.(改为同义句)


小学语文句型转换练习题 一、把下面的句子改写成反问句 1、这是真理。___________________________________ 2、这是英雄的中国人民坚强不屈的声音!_______________________ 3. 海上日出真是伟大的奇观。_________________________________ 4、多得些知识不是坏事。______________________________________ 二、把下面的句子改写成陈述句。 1、是不是应该用我的能力把我所能做到的事情做得更精致、更仔细、更加一丝不苟呢? ______________________________________________________________________________ 2、这难道不是伟大的奇观么?_______________________________________________ 3、又短又软的淤泥怎么承受得住这样重的老象呢?__________________________________ 二、把句子改写成双重否定句。 1、我得想办法称出大象的重量。________________________________________ 2、为了避免暴露,他们决定暂时断绝通讯联系。__________________________ 3、我听说李晓为了帮助一位盲人昨天很晚才回.____________________________ 4、写得不怎么样,但还是有希望的。 5、他这样做虽然过分了点,但还是有道理的。 6、问题还没有弄清,但已经有了一点儿头绪。 三、把下面的句子改写成肯定句 (1)如果现在的人看见月缺花残还要下泪,那不能不说他是个糊涂虫。 ________________________________________________________________ (2)每一个访问埃及的外国人,怎会不去看一看金字塔呢? _________________________________________________________________________ (3)我暗暗叮嘱自己,这两天非要给他们姐弟俩买到两张电影票不可。 __________________________________________________________________________ (4)你不是不知道这件事有多重要。_____________________________________________ 四、改为夸张句 1.这个足球场太小了。 2、他的鞋真大。 3、桂花开了,很远就能闻到香味。 4、这里一只鸟飞起来,那边鸟又落下去,眼睛都看不过来了。


英语句型转换常规基本句式的转换方法、 技巧点拨 “句型转换”有两种形式,一是按要求转换句型(如:要求将陈述句转换为否定句或一般疑问句;改为祈使句或感叹句;对划线部分提问等);二是“同义句转换”。本题型在中考中重要是测试我们运用英语“句型”的能力。“四位一体”的“句型转换”专项训练,就是为了发展我们这方面的能力。第一类题型的转换,重点是基本句型的运用,一般都有规律可循。除了熟记基本句式的结构外,还要注意some, any; already, yet 等词在转换时的变化。第二类句型转换(同义句转换)应该作为我们复习训练的重点。用不同的句式表达相同的意思,它标志着一个人的外语能力水平。提高此项能力的关键是熟悉句型结构,自如运用。通过“专项训练”,积累一定数量的相关句式,达到脱口而出,信手拈来,出神入化。 基本句式的转换主要是指“肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、反意

疑问句和选择疑问句、祈使句、感叹句”的相互转换。句式的转换一般都有一定的规律可循,我们就是要掌握它们的变化规律,能够举一反三,见此知彼。 (一)肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句的相互转换 这三种句型的转换有共同的规律可循,有几个要点必须牢记。我们可以把各种句式归为两大类:1、含有的be动词、助动词和情态动词的句子;2、只有行为动词的句子。 第1类的句子,肯定句改为否定句时,一律在be动词、助动词和情态动词后加“not”,改为一般疑问句时,一律将be 动词、助动词和情态动前移到句首(首字母大写)。肯定回答用“Yes”;否定回答用“No”。“Yes”或“No”后面的主语必须用代词,“No”后面必须用否定缩略式。如: 将下列句子改为否定句、一般疑问句,并做肯定、否定回答: 1. There are some computers in this school.


新目标七年级英语下册句型转换专项复习 练习(一) 1. His pen pal is not from the USA. His pen pal ________ ________ ________ the USA. His pen pal ________ American. 2. Where is the bank? How ______ _______ _______ to the bank? ________ ________ ________ ________ to the bank? 3. Take the first turning on the left. ________ ________ ________ the first turning/crossing. 4. Don’t arrive late for school. Don’t ________ ________ for school. 5. Let’s see the pandas first. ________ ________ seeing the pandas first? ________ ________ see the pandas first? 6. What other animals do you like? ________ ________ do you like? 7. What does he do? ________ ________ he ? ________ ________ his job? 8. How was the weather? ________ ________ ________ weather like? 9. Thanks for helping me. ________ ________ ________ help. 10. He gave his sister a computer. He ________ ________ ________ ________ his sister.


句型转换专项练习 1. The water was so dirty that we couldn't drink it. (改为简单句) The water was ______ dirty for us ______ drink. 2. Does the shop close at six every day? Do you know? (两句合并为一句) Do you know ___ the shop ____ at six every day? 3. The question isn't easy enough for them to answer. (改为复合句) The question is____ ______ that they ______ _____ . 4. I really don't know which book I should choose. (改为简单句) I really don't know _________ _________ _________ _________. 5. I don't know when we shall meet again. (改为简单句) I don't know when ______ ______you again. 6. The man is very strong and he can carry the heavy bag. (改为简单句) The man is _______ ______to carry the heavy bag. 7. "Does the girl need any help?" he asked me. (改为复合句) He asked me ______ the girl ______ some help. 8. I don't know what I'll do next. (改为简单句) I don't know what______ ______next 9. George has two cabbages. Mary has only one. (用比较级改写句子) George has ______ cabbages ______ Mary. 10. We won't have any lessons tomorrow because we'll have the sports meeting. (改为简单句) We won't have any lessons tomorrow _____ _____the sports meeting. 11. If you don't work hard, you won't pass the exam next time. (改为祈使句) ______ ____, ______ you will fail the exam next time. 12. Hurry up, and you'll catch the early bus. (改为同义句) _____ _____, you'll catch the early bus. 13. Let us go and see what has happened. (完成反意疑问句) Let us go and see what has happened, _____? 14. If you let him try and then he will know all about it. (改为祈使句) ______ ______ ______ ,______ he'll know all about it. 15. The film is very interesting.改为感叹句________ ______ the film is! 16. The children are singing and dancing happily.改为感叹句 ______ ________the children are singing and dancing! 17. You've never been out of China before, _____? 18. There're more than ten pandas on the hill,____? 19. I don't think you can answer this question,_____? 20. Let's ask our teacher for help, _____? 21. Everything goes well, _____? 22. Judy said, “I have decorated the house with lots of balloons.”(改为间接引语) 23.Judy said that decorated the house with lots of balloons. 24. Tom would rather take a walk rather than stay at home .(改为同义句) Tom preferred ____________a walk to ____________home. 25. She wants to help the children. They are ill in hospital.(合并为复合句) She wants to help the children_________ _________ill in hospital. 26. Hurry up, and you'll catch the early bus.(改为复合句) _________ _________ _________ _________, you'll catch the early bus. 27. If you don't work hard, you won't pass the exam next time.(改为并列句) _________ _________, _________ you will fail the exam next time.


英语句型转换练习题及答案. 英语句型转换练习题及答案 【篇一:初三英语总复习句型转换练习及答案】

改写,每空一词(20分) 1.this is the most boring journey that i have ever heard of. i have ________ heard of ________ a boring journey before. 2.my father seems to be very angry. ________ seems that my father ________ very angry. 3.the man made his baby laugh. the baby was ________ ________ laugh. 4.the captain is the happiest of all the players. the captain is ________ ________ any other player. 5.taking exercise often can make you healthy.

it's good ________ your ________to take exercise often. 6.the children played happily in the zoo yesterday. the children ________ ________ in the zoo yesterday. 7.the problem is too difficult for me to work out. the problem isn't ________ ________ for me to work out. 8.hurry up, and you'll be on time for the party. ________ you ________ hurry, you'll be late for the party. 9.it is five years since he left his hometown. he has ________ ________ from his hometown for five years. 10.the film began at 2: 00 p. m. and ended at 4: 30 p. m. the film ________ two and a half ________. 11.that lady is my new english teacher. she is wearing red clothes.


句型转换专项练习 1.It’s Monday today.(对划线部分提问) ______________________________ 2.It’s Saturday today.(对划线部分提问) ____________________________ 3.It was Monday yesterday.(对划线部分提问) ______________________________ 4.It’s sunny today.(对划线部分提问) __________________ 5.It’s snowy today.(对划线部分提问) _____________________________ 6. It’s rainy and clody today.(对划线部分提问) ______________________________ 7.It’s warm and sunny tody.(对划线部分提问)————————————————— 8. It is time for school.(同义句)———————————————— 9.John likes listening to music.(一般疑问句)————————————————— 10.She likes playing the guitar.(改成否定句) 11.Peter often plays football after class.(改成一般疑问句)————————————————— 12. Danny goes home by taxi (划线部分提问) _____ ______Danny _______home? 13. Her uncle walks to work. (对划线部分提问) _____ _____ her uncle ______to work. 14.. Mary and Tom have lunch at a quarter past eleven. (对划线部分提问) ____ _____Mary and Tom have lunch? 15.. Those are oranges (单数句) _______________________________ 16.These are umbrellas (单数句子) _______________________________ 17. Jim has some new socks. (一般疑问句) _______________________________ 18. Eddie and Lucy have a packet of sweets. 划线提问 _______________________________ 19. My father has a beautiful car. (改为一般疑问句和否定句) _______________________________ 20. There’s a brush in the box. (划线部分提问) _______________________________ 21. These eggs become small caterpillars. (改成主语为单数的句子) ______egg _______a small caterpillar. 22. The sun makes the grass dry. (改为一般疑问句)
