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国际音标 C 组

元音: / ?// ɑ:/




/ ɑ:/ 是英语字母ar 在闭音节或重读闭音节中的读音,也是字母 a 在 st 结



Farm last car park smart fast pass class parcel


1. far from being smart

2. the last bus to town

3. the dog barking in the dark

4.have the last laugh

5. very hard to start the car


1.The farm is far from the park .

2.Please park the car in the car park.

3.After the class Mark will go to the garden.

4.What she has done is far from the mark .

5.It will do a lot of harm to the heart.


No parking here, no parking here. Then where can I park the car? I need

to meet my friend Mr. Mark. Our game of darts is starting. If I can

’t park my car near here, then I will lose the game of darts.

二./ ?/ 是短元音。发音时舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿,舌后部靠前部分稍抬起,唇形稍扁,开口度较大,与/ /相似。

/?/ 是字母o和u在单词中的发音单


Loving , duct , husband , mother , under , buck , trust , cover


1. love each other

3. nothing so great 5. hurry to make bucks 2. trust everyone

4. a very good mother


1. I love my own country.

2. He is a hard nut to crack.

3. Her husband is very lucky.

4. What color is the truck.

5. She has enough money to repair the truck.


Father and son have fun flying their kite in the sun. But Russel , the

pup is hot , and waiting there is no fun. He’s dying to see Uncle Jerry.

/ ?/和 /ɑ:/混合练习

1. park the truck

2. such a market

3. a hard nut

2. the largest bus 5. running the farm

6. hurry to the farm

7. a duck farm

8. jump at the chance9. pass the exam

三./k/ , /g/ 舌后软颚爆破音。发音时舌后部隆起紧贴软腭,憋住气,

然后突然分开,气流送出口腔,形成爆破因。 /k/ 是清辅音,声带不振动 .

/k/ 是浊辅音,声带振动。

/k/ 单词练习

make , cook , mark , kill , bake , kid, cake , lake , kind , park

/k/ 短语练习

a cook book , kick the bucket , dressed to kill , kill with kindness , in

the country, make a cake , a cold cook , keep good company, /k/


Kelly has a cute cat, she calls it Kammy Koo. Come, Kammy Koo, come Kammy Koo . I have some candies for you. Candy will make me fat, Kelly. But I have a weakness for candy .

/g/ 单词练习

go , baggage , begging , dog , get , gate , leg , give , bag , goat

/g/ 短语练习

go begging ,get his goat , big brother ,go over big , as green as grass

/g/ 短文练习

get the bag , success in the bag a Greek gift , as good as gold

Go, go, go go to get the big box for my big dog. You’ll get a gift

. If you go quickly, go and get it. Go.

四./h/ 声门摩擦辅音。发音时气流送出口腔,在通过声门时发出轻微摩擦;口形随其后的元音而变化。/h/ 是清辅音,声带不振动。


Hate , head , her , high , have , horse , hope , help , hot , hero
