国际市场营销学 第11章 International Distribution Channels-PPT课件

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Manufacturer’s Representatives Distributors
Foreign-Country Brokers
Managing Agents and Compradors Dealers Import Jobbers, Wholesalers, and Retailers
International Marketing 国际市场营销学
Fra Baidu bibliotek
Chapter 11
International Distribution Channels
Chapter Outline
1. Nature of Distribution Channels 2. Distribution Channels Strategy 3. Distribution Channel Structures 4. Locating Selecting and Motivating Channel Members 5. Internet and Distribution Channels

Nature of Distribution Channels
Home-Country Middlemen

Home-country middlemen, or domestic middlemen, provide marketing services from a domestic base and find foreign markets for products for local manufacturers
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1. Nature of Distribution Channels

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1.3 Intermediaries (Middlemen)
Intermediary within a channel of distribution used to transfer products from the manufacturer to the end user. Those who actually take title to the products and resell them are merchant middlemen. Those who act as brokers but do not take title are agent middlemen. Merchant middlemen include wholesalers and retailers. Agent middlemen include manufacturer's representatives, brokers, and sales agents.

1. 2. 3. 4.
1.2 Distribution channel functions
Information Promotion Contact Matching (including such things as manufacturing, grading, assembling, and packaging) Negotiation Physical Distribution (transporting and storing) Financing Risk Taking
Export Management Companies 10. U.S. Export Trading Companies 12.
Foreign-Country Middlemen

Some of the more important foreign-country middlemen, who find markets for foreign manufacturers include:
1. Nature of Distribution Channels

1.1 Distribution channel
Channels of Distribution is known as "Place" in the "4 P's" model of Marketing. Distribution Channels provide the utility of place, of having products where the customer wants when the customer wants them. Channels of Distribution is defined as an organized network (system) of agencies and institutions which, in combination, perform all the functions required to link producers with end customers to accomplish the marketing task.
9. 11. 13. 14.
Home-Country Brokers
Buying Offices Selling Groups Webb-Pomerene Export Associations Foreign Sales Corporation Export Merchants Export Jobbers

Distribution has two dimensions: Logistics- Physical movement of goods Strategy- Who participates and what they do
1. Nature of Distribution Channels
Frequently used types of domestic intermediaries include:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Manufacturers’ Retail Stores
Global Retailers Trading Companies Complementary Marketers Manufacturer’s Export Agent