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Expressions on Love, Marriage and Family

I. Love

1. Nouns/noun phrases

Love-birds 热恋中的情人

old flame 旧情人

rival in love 情敌

The third arm 第三者

Platonic love 精神恋爱

Puppy love早恋/少男少女间短暂的爱

first love初恋

later-life love黄昏恋

Love at first sight

Infatuation (尤指一时的)热恋,痴迷

Love-hate relationship 爱恨交加的关系unrequited love暗恋

one-sided love 单相思

lovesickness 相思病;痴情

Love triangle 三角恋爱

Mutual attraction 相互吸引

Blind date 相亲

one night stand 一夜情

Love token 定情信物

Love letter 情书

2. Verbs/verb phrases

hook up 介绍

take a shine to sb. 一见倾心

Hit it off投缘

Fall in love with

Be in love with

Pull one’s heartstrings 打动心弦

Be into sb. 为某人深深着迷

Have a crush on sb. 迷恋某人

dig (someone) 非常喜欢(某人)

drool over (someone) 痴迷(某人)

I’m all over you. 我喜欢你

See people, seeing people 约会搞对象,在找对象Go steady with 关系稳定下来,即恋爱

Fickle 朝三暮四

Flirt with

play hard-to-get 欲擒故纵

Stand… up 放某人鸽子

Date another girl on the side 脚踏两条船

I’m over you. 我不喜欢你了

The chemistry isn’t there. 不来电

Have a falling out with 分手

Be crossed in love 失恋

Lose one’s love 失恋

3. Adjectives

lovey-dovey: to be very affectionate towards another person. This is often used in a negative way.


Lovelorn 失恋的,为情所困的,害相思病的

Fancy sick 害相思病的

4. Idioms

The torch of Hymen 爱情

tug of love 爱之拔河,争夺孩子的监护权

play Cupid: to arrange for two people to meet, hoping that they will fall in love with each other 扮演红娘的角色

Fall head over heels:when someone is totally in love and is excited about it 深深爱上某人,爱得神魂颠倒

All’s fair in love and war: In some situations, such as when you are in love or waging war, you are allowed to be deceitful in order to get what you want. 在爱情和战争中,一切都情有可原。Love in a cottage 清贫而和谐的婚姻或爱情生活

On the rocks 恋情告急/恋情出现危机

Beauty is in the eyes of the lover 情人眼里出西施

catch one’s heart, never be apart. 愿得一人心,白首不相离

II. Marriage

1. Nouns/noun phrases

single/bachelor 单身汉

single woman /bachelorette 单身女郎


finance(husband-to-be) 未婚夫

financee(wife-to-be) 未婚妻

intended wife 未婚妻

couple-to-be 未婚夫妻

matchmaker 月老

marriage go-between 媒人

suitor 求婚者


groomsman/best man 伴郎

bridesmaid 伴娘

Bridegroom 新郎

Bride 新娘

Wedding vows

wedding march 婚礼进行曲

Paper/silver/golden wedding 纸婚/银婚/金婚

trousseau/dowry 嫁妆

wedding invitations

wedding shower

officiator 主婚人

wedding dress/gown 婚纱、结婚礼服

wed in a civil ceremony 登记结婚

wedding reception 婚宴

wedding feast 喜宴

other half 配偶

Better half 配偶(妻子)

In-laws 姻亲;(尤指)岳父母

family man 有家室的人

newly-wed 刚结婚的人

well-matched couple 相配的一对

Marriage made in heaven 天生一对

DINK= double income, no kids


Pre-marital property notarization 婚前财产公证

marriage liberalization 婚姻自由化

Trial marriage 试婚

Extramarital relations 婚外恋

Prenuptial agreement 婚前协议

marriage certificate 结婚证

matrimonial agency 婚姻介绍所

register office 结婚登记处

marriage after divorce /remarriage 再婚

mixed marriage 涉外婚姻;跨国婚姻


legal marriage 合法婚姻

cohabitation 同居

early marriage 早婚

late marriage 晚婚

Conjugal love 夫妻之爱

Wedlock 结婚生活,婚姻

freedom of marriage 婚姻自主

The institution of marriage 婚姻制度

arranged marriage 包办婚姻

mercenary marriage 买卖婚姻

A marriage of convenience 权宜婚姻(基于利害关系而非爱情的结合)Shotgun marriage 奉子成婚的仓促婚姻

starter marriage 短暂初婚

left-hand marriage 门户不当的婚姻
