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Unit 2综合能力测评


Part 1 Speaking说(25%)


1. bus

2. plane

3. taxi

4. ship

5. Subway

6. train

7. stop 8. on foot 9. slow down

10. pay attention to


1. How do you usually go to school?

2. You must look right before you cross the road.

3. Slow down and stop at a yellow light.

4. Stop and wait at a red light.

5. Go at a green light.


A: Let's go to the bookstore.

B: Great! How do we go there?

A: On foot.


A: Please wait! It's red now. We must stop and wait.

B: Sorry. . . Look! It's green now. We can go.


My friends come to school in different ways. Amy comes to school by bike. Mike's home is far from our school. He usually comes to school by subway. John takes the No. 12 bus to school.

Part 2 Listening听(25%)


() 1. A. by B. bus C. bike

() 2. A. fat B. far C. fast

() 3. A. music B. maths C. must

() 4. A. pay B. plane C. plant

() 5. A. way B. wear C. subway


() I must pay attention to the traffic lights!

() How do you get to the UK from China?

() Don't go at the red light!

() Go at a green light.

() Some kids go to school by sled.


() 1. A. I go there by bike. B. Yes,I do.

C. You can go there by bus.

() 2. A. I can go by bus. B. I go to school by bike.

C. It's near the library.

() 3. A. Certainly, you can go on foot.

B. Sure,you can go there by bike.

C. Of course you can.

() 4. A. Great! B. What about you? C. It's not far.

() 5. A. On foot. B. It's very far. C. It's too expensive. 四、听录音,判断下面句子的正(T)误(F)。(10分)

() 1. I go to Beijing during my winter holiday.

() 2. My grandparents and I go to Beijing by plane.

() 3. We take a taxi to the Great Wall.

() 4. I am happy in Beijing.

() 5. Peking University is near my hotel. So I go there by bike.

Part 3 Vocabulary and Grammar词汇与语法(30%) 一、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(5分)

() 1. A. foot B. Germany C. USA

() 2. A. ship B. stop C. plane

() 3. A. sometimes B. often C. by

() 4. A. go B. wait C. bike

() 5. A. traffic B. yellow C. green


() 1. Go at a __________light.

A. red

B. green

C. yellow

() 2. I come to school __________bike.

A. by

B. on

C. in

() 3. —__________can I get to the Bowen Bookstore?

—By taxi.

A. Where

B. What

C. How

() 4. You must__________ right before you cross the road.

A. look

B. looks

C. looking

() 5. Usually I go to the park ________foot.

A. by

B. on

C. at


() 1. A. We go to Shanghai by ship.

() 2. B. They go to the museum by subway.

() 3. C. I must pay attention to the traffic lights!

() 4. D. Usually I go to the park by the No. 14 bus.

() 5. E. Sometimes I go to Hong Kong by plane.


Lucy and Lily:How can we get to the bookstore?

Mike:It's easy. 1. ________ The bookstore is near the park.

Lucy:2. ________ Hurry up,Lily!

Mike:3. ________ The traffic light is yellow now.

Lily:You're right. 4. ________

Lucy:5. ________ Let's go now.

Part 4 Reading and Writing读和写(20%)

