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Happy ending~ Thank you~
OriLeabharlann Baiduin
As everyone knows, the Middle East of the Euphrates River and the Griess river basin is one of the earliest cradles of human civilization. as early as 2300 BC, Mesopotamia culture reached a very advanced level. About 3800 years ago, when the Mesopotamia civilization has tended to decline, a man named Abraham (Abraham) people from ur southern Mesopotamia (UR), Babylon (Babylon), Marley (Mari), and (Haran) migration to be called
Canaan (Canaan) place (the), was removed several times after settling in
Beersheba . 众所周知,中东的幼发拉底河和底格里斯河流域是人类文明的最早发祥地之 一。 早在公元前2300年,美索不达米亚文化就达到了相当发达的程度。 大约3800年前,当美索不达米亚文明已经趋于衰败时,一位名叫亚伯拉罕 (Abraham)的人从两河流域南部的乌尔(Ur)、经巴比伦(Babylon)、马 利(Mari)、哈兰(Haran)迁徙到被称作迦南(Canaan)的地方(即巴勒 斯坦),几经辗转后定居在别是巴(Beersheba)。
Judaism is the world's three largest monotheism,it is the earliest and most ancient religion,as well as the Jewish people's life style and belief. The main commandments and teachings of Judaism from the Torah(托拉). Judaism's most important teachings is that there is one God, which is invisible and eternal God. He would like all people, righteousness and compassion, because God made man in his image, so people should have dignity and respect seriously.
Major sects:
• • • • • orthodox science(正统派) Shatema pie(沙特马派) Reformist(改革派) the conservatives(保守派) Reconstruction school(重建派)
Judaism have three major--- the passover(逾越节), Sukkot(住棚节) and the Pentecost Outing(五旬节 ), in addition to the feast of unleavened bread(除酵 节), Hanukkah(修殿节), Purim(普林节), Reading Festival(读经节), New Year's Day(读 经节), the day of atonement(赎罪日), mourning the Sabbath(哀悼日). In addition to the ten commandments, Jewish law have all sorts of rules from social ethics to daily life to the Jews.
Fundamental Doctrines
犹太教堂所接受的改信者,必须遵照犹太教当局的规定,因为一个人改信犹太教并不 只是简单的自我认定的事情。基本教义以摩西· 迈蒙尼德于12世纪归纳的13条为核心:
1、创造主创造并主宰宇宙及一切受造之物。 2、创造主为独一无二真神。 3、创造主无形无体无相。 4、创造主是最先的,也是最后的。 5、创造主为唯一应受敬拜之主,此外别无可敬拜之物。 6、先知一切传述皆真实无妄。 7、摩西是先知中最伟大的一位。 8、律法为神向摩西所传,并无更改。 9、律法不可更易。 10、创造主洞察世人一切思想行为。 11、创造主予遵守律法者奖赏,对践踏律法者惩罚。 12、复国救主弥赛亚必将降临,应每日盼望,永不懈怠。 13、人死后将复活。