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1. target—goal(目标)

2. problem—issue(难题)

3. chance—opportunity (机会)

4. adventure—expedition(冒险)

5. resident—citizen(居民)

6. influence—impact(影响)

7. method—way, approach(方法) 8. old people—the aged, the elderly(老人)

9. difficulty—obstacle, barrier, challenge(困难) 10. people—individual, person, human(人)

11. fame—reputation, renown, prestige(名声) 12.with no rain at all—droughts(干旱)

13. advantage—merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength(优势)

14. disadvantage—drawback, downside, weakness 15.development—advance, progress(缺陷)

16. body language—gesture(姿势) 17. district—zone, place, region(地区)

18. litter—rubbish, trash(垃圾) 19. expressway—freeway, highway(高速公路)

20. wealth—fortune, property(财富,财产)

21. economic downturn—economic depression(经济低迷)

II. 动词及动词短语的替换

1. get—acquire, obtain(得到)

2. reduce—decrease, lessen, cut(减少)

3. improve—promote, enhance(改进)

4.help—assist, aid(帮助)

5.have—posses, own(拥有)

6.agree (with)—approve(同意)

7.thank—appreciate(感谢) 8.walk—cover(步行)

9.express—convey(表达) 10.make sure—ensure(确信)

11.solve—cope with, deal with, resolve(解决) 12.encourage—motivate, fuel(鼓励,激发)

13.think—claim, consider, believe, insist, maintain, hold, argue(认为)

14.keep—preserve, reserve, maintain(保持) 15.damage—hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine(损害) 16.give—offer, provide, supply(给与) 17.develop—cultivate, foster (培养)

18.declare—claim(宣称) 19.protect—conserve, preserve(保护) 20.prevent—slop(阻止)

21.ensure—assure, guarantee(确保) 22.clear—eliminate, remove(消除)

23.be devoted to doing—be committed to doing(致力于) 24.undergo—experience(经历)

25.lead to—bring about, result in, cause(导致) 26.request—demand, need, require(要求)

27.show—reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, present(展示) 28.book—reserve(预订)

29.grow to—rise to, increase to, climb to, jump to(增长至) 30.put off—delay(推迟)

31.fall to—decline to, decrease to, drop to, reduce to(降低至)

32.give permission to do—allow sb to do(允许) 33.look like—resemble(相似)

34.be interested in—be caught in, be crazy about, be absorbed in(感兴趣)

35.set off for—head for(出发去某地) 36.speed up—accelerate(加速) 37.make—enable(使) 38.switch—convert, transform(转换) 39.forbid—ban, prohibit(禁止) 40.build—establish(建立) 41.be short of—lack of(不足) 42.tell sth/sb apart—distinguish(区分) 43.reveal—expose(暴露) 44.deal with—handle(处理) 45.make full use of—make the most of, take advantage of(充分利用)

46.take actions—take measures, take steps(采取措施)

47.be made of—be composed of, consist of(由…构成)

48.add new workers—hire more people (增加新成员)

49.take up—account for, constitute, consist of, make up, occupy, hold, compose (占)

50.be firmly convinced—believe firmly(使确信)

51.put one’s heart into—be absorbed in, be bent on, be buried in(专心致志于)

52.in comparison with—compared with, compared to, in comparison to(与…相比)

53.do sth to the best of one’s ability—try one’s best to do, spare no effort to do, make every effort to do,
