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You my tea the floor.

2. It was lucky that you didn’t hurt yourself. (改为同义句)

_____________, you didn’t hurt yourself.

3. 杰克在电脑游戏上花的时间比我表弟少。

Jack time on computer games ______my cousin.


There are many ___________ of ____________ in China.


It's worrying that

6. 我建议他要收拾房间, 但他不听。

I the room, b ut he didn’t

follow it.

7. 告诉她不要把秘密放在心里。

Tell her 8. 你应该把你的零花钱用来买杂志,而不是用来买零食。

You should spend snacks.

9. 阅读之前先浏览一下问题,这是很重要的。

It is .


Of the three children, Jim usually does his homework .

11. 你可以看到一百多个世界各地名胜的模型。

You can see _____ of more than a hundred from all over the world.

12. 我的学校比丹尼尔的学校暑假少放几个星期。

My school _______________________________ than Daniel’s.

13. 当你作业上遇到困难时你的朋友关心你吗?

___________________________ when you have problems with your homework? 14. 吃药前,你最好看一下说明书。

You _________________________________________________before taking the medicine.

15. 当我们阅读有趣的书时候,时间似乎过得更快。

Time _________________ when we are reading interesting books.

16. 在我们学校,老师学生比他们学校多。

_________________________________ in our school than in theirs.

17. 凯特希望他们能每月进行一次学校组织的旅游。

Kate hopes they _________________________________________.

18. 昨天的班会课上,Tom建议我们不要去参加校外的课程班。

At yesterday’s class meeting, Tom outside school.

19. 今天早上路上交通太繁忙了,我们不得不放慢了速度。

_________________________________ on the road this morning and we had to slow down.

20. 当我们在做自己喜欢的事情的时候,时间似乎总是过得更快。

___________________________________________when we are doing something we like.

21. 你愿意和谁一起分享这些饼干?

Who are you willing _______________________________________________________?

22. 暑假里,中国学生比英国学生多休息几周。

Chinese students ________________________for the summer holiday than British students.

23. 那个小男孩用泥土把洞填了起来。

That little boy the hole earth.

24. 我的爸爸经常自己修理自行车而不是付钱让别人修。

My father often repairs his bike himself someone to do it.

25. 那座90英尺宽的桥是由钢制成的。

That 90-foot-wide bridge is

26. 我的好朋友Tony总是认真听我的问题并且给我提供帮助。

My good friend Tony always my problems and me help.

27. David 建议我多花点时间在打篮球上。

David advises me __________________________________________ basketball.

28. 和朋友谈论各地的名胜古迹是一件有趣的事。

It’s fun to _________________________________________________________.

29. 学生们一下车就迫不及待跑进了电影院。

Students _____________________________ the cinema when they got off the bus. 30. 周日上午,图书馆开得比平时早些。

On Sunday morning, the library _______________________________________.

31. 足球比赛将在下周举行。你最好亲自去观看。

The football match will ____________ next week and ______________________.

32. Jack不仅幽默而且工作努力。

Jack is ___________________________________________________________.


I in the exam,


I don’t want my mother to know it ,please _________ i t ___________.


that the food is healthy.

36. 玛丽邀请我参加他们学校去博物馆的旅行。

Mary ________ us to ________ their school ________ to the ________.

37. 我们迫不及待地下了车。

We couldn’t the bus.

38. 这个埃菲尔铁塔模型是用金属制成的。

The ________ Eiffel Tower is .

39. 你可以自学如何制作主页。

You can how to _______ a home _______.

40. 我们学校足球队需要你的支持。

Our school your ________.
