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1. 不定式---将来(to do/ to be done)

(1)to do

①与the first/next/only/last连用

She is always the first (one) to come and the last to leave.


Let's first find a room to live in / to put the things in.

We have nothing to worry about.(=There is nothing for us to worry about.)

③ “有...要... ”用主动表被动.

I have a lot of things to do today.

Have you got anything to say at the meeting?

(2)to be done


Here is a letter to be taken to Mr. Li.

The meeting to be held next week is really important.



Do you know the boy talking ( = who is talking ) to the teacher?

Did you notice the boy sitting ( = who was sitting ) at this desk yesterday?

The man shaking ( = who is now shaking ) hands with Mr. Li visited our class yesterday.


He is a student loved by all the teachers.

The material discovered almost by accident,has greatly changed the world.

(3)being done---正在被

The building being built will be the third Teaching Building of our school.

The meeting being held is really important.

辨析:done, being done, to be done(表被动的后置定语)

A building ________ (build) last year is our library.

A building ________ (build) now is our library.

A building ________ (build) next year is our library.


1.The Town Hall ______ in the 1800’s was the most excellent building at that time.

A. to be completed

B. having been completed

C. completed

D. being completed

2. Can those ____ at the back of the classroom hear me?

A. sat

B. sit

C. to sit

D. sitting

3. The trees _____ in the storm have been moved off the road.

A. being blown down

B. blown down

C. blowing down

D. to blow down

4. The play_____ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.

A. produced

B. being produced

C. to be produced

D. having been produced

5. We are invited to a party _________in our club next Friday.

A. to be held

B. held

C. being held

D. holding

6. I have a lot of readings _____ before the end of this term.

A. complete

B. to complete

C. completed

D. completing



(1)to do

作目的状语: in order to do / so as to do

He got up early in order to catch the first bus.

To get a good result, she worked very hard.

He went to France to learn French.

They stood by the roadside to talk about the plan.

作结果状语: only to do / have no choice but to do/ can do nothing but do/ too...to/adj.+enough to do

He hurried to the station only to find the train gone.

We have no choice but to wait.

He wants to do nothing but play computer games.

His family was too poor to support him.

He is old enough to go to school.

作原因状语: 表示引起这种情绪变化的原因。

I’m sorry not to have come on Tuesday.

I am very glad to see you.

She was very happy to get the first prize.

I feel it an honor to be invited to the party.

(2)to be done ---为了被

To be praised by his mother, the girl studied very hard.



Hearing the noise, I turned round. (时间)

Reading attentively, he forgot the time for lunch.(原因)

Reading carefully, you'll learn something new.(条件)

They stood by the roadside, talking about the plan.(伴随)


Given more attention, the trees could have grown better. (条件)

Faced with difficulties, we must try to overcome them.(时间)

Punished by the teacher, the boy felt depressed. (原因)

(3)having done--主动+先后关系

Having finished the homework, Jane went to bed.
