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Can you play a tune on the flute? Pru stands on the sand dune. Lucy had a prune. Lucia is a cute baby. It is a huge stone. It is true, Pru was ill with the flu. Can you put the puma in the box? Lucy, don’t be rude to me.
Jane can bake a cake. Dale has a cake in his bag. Nate came in late. Mum set the cake in the plate. The ba-ker put the cake on the ta-ble. Can Jane make a cake? Kate can swim in the lake. Jane has a mate. Kate is brave. Jane is safe. Dad ate a grape, and Mum ate a date.
I have one son. Who is your son? Come and sit by me. The stove is one ton. Do you love your mother and brother? Monkey, monkey, do you like some money?
3.在 sk, st, ss 前 a 发三号音。
4. a 在 all, alk 中发四号音。
Baidu Nhomakorabea
5. a 在 w 之后发五号音(water除外)。
A cat ran. A cat and a rat ran. Dad has a cap. Matt had a fat rat. A fact is a fact. Tab is a bad cat. Dad’s cat made me sad. Max had a fan. A cat sat at the bag. Nat can pat a cat. Can a cat pat a rat? Val had land and sand. Dad has jam and ham. The mad cat is on the mat.
I want to wash my watch. What is this? It is a wallet.
pen leg let bed get red end net set beg wet yes yet hen ten egg web fed hem men bet jet pet bell fell yell sell smell tell well help left lend bend fend mend tend send desk next text west nest best rest test
Rose has a big nose. Rose will go to Nome. Tell me a joke. The stove is at home. The dog ate the bone. Jo woke up late. Rose is like a rose. I sent dad a note. We chose the red globe.
Send Ned a bag. Dad lent Bess a jet. Len had a rest. Ned fell into the tent. Can you tell the men in red? Yes, I can help you to do that. Rex sat on the bench. Did Bess get wet? Can Ted sell a desk? Nell has a red bed. The pen is in the desk. Mum and dad fed the red hen.
Tom hop pop top cot dot not rot scott
The fox got off the box. The dog ran and sat on the mop. Rob has a big dog. The pot got hot. The frog is in the box. Did the cop have a fox? He did not have a fox, but he had a dog.
Eve cede gene Steve Swede Pete these theme Chi-nese Jap-a-nese
he we
She helps me. We can call Peter. He has a fever. Peter is not Chinese. He is Japanese.
I like the sky. I-da is like dad. Clyde has a nice wife. We bite a bit of ice. Clive will fly the kite in the sky. Nile has a smile on her face. Tim will ride my bike. Mike will ride his bike.
him kid mid dig fig did lid rid lip zip Miss kiss fill hill bill mill till will film Milk lift swim Silly Billy! Silly Billy! Why is Billy Silly? Silly Billy went to the inn. Tim is thin as a pin. Sid bit his lip. This is a big pig. Bill is a big man. Phil has a big hat. Will Liz win? Yes, Liz will win. Is Lyn in the tin? No, she is not in the tin.
all call hall ball fall mall tall wall We are all in the hall. Tom has a ball. Dad is a tall man. We walk and talk. Bell calls me to go to the mall.
wad want wash what watch wallet Water
bike like bite ice nice rice price hide ride side tide wide life wife file mile pile smile time crime fine line mine nine pipe ripe wipe kite site drive size prize dyke type Clyde my by fly cry dry try shy why sky spy si-lence bi-cycle Bi-ble di-ary gi-ant ti-ger
face lace pace race grace place space age cage page rage sage wage stage
a-ble ta-ble ca-ble la-dy ba-by ba-sin ca-ter ba-ker ma-jor pa-per fa-ble fa-tal A-my Ma-vis Da-vid
cat mat map Ann ran sat man tax had sad mad hat bat ant can jam lab fan lad fat has pat rat Sam sand hand land

2.在一个元音字母+一个辅音字母+e 及 以该元音字母结尾的重读音节中,该 元音字母发二号音。
ate made pane lake game gate state
bate same mate make grade Kate gave
came dame fade mane tape hate nape plane bake brave Dale Jake take wake snake fame base case date fate late rate plate skate save wave grape wade
up us cup mum fun rub tub bud mud bug dug hug jug mug rug dull gum sum bun gun run sun bus but cut hut use mute cube tube huge duke mule fume tune fuse muse cute tu-lip stu-dent du-al hu-man du-ty pu-ma su-per
note rose nose hope rope robe globe code joke woke broke spoke pole role stole Rome bone tone drove stove froze hole home close stone smoke so go no Jo Jo-dy lo-tus lo-cust pro-gram mo-ment no-tice pho-to ro-bot o-pen o-ver old cold hold most post both to two do who Son ton none front month London love Come some other brother mother wonder cover
Jude juke June jute Luke flute rule ru-ler rude Rube Bruce clue glue blue true Sue Pru flu Tru-dy ru-by Lu-cy Lu-cia
pull full bull put bush
My uncle will go to London next Monday. Mum, I want a bun. Dad, we had a lot of fun on the bus. The dog dug in the mud. My brother put the pup in the tub to take a bath. The red jug is on the rug. My son give me a big hug. Gus and Russ had fun in the sun. The bug moves on the rug.
cat dad mad bad hat bag sat nat ban ham lag
ket ded med bed het beg set net ben hem leg
ask task pass glass cast fast plant dance class-room master
mask grass class last past France class-mate
The glass is on the table. I want to ask a question. We can run very fast. We went to France last year. Can you finish the task in the class/ I can see grass in the glass.