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Administration of Medication

Take this tablet half an hour before meals.

Swallow this tablet without chewing.

Take a pinch of this powder and mix it with some water.

Apply a thin coat of this ointment every evening and then cover with a wet dressing. Dip a cotton bud in this tincture and apply it to your gums.

Pour an ampule of this solution into boiling water and inhale it for five minutes. This is a bitter tablet, so take it with some sort of juice.

If you are unable to swallow this tablet/pill/, break it in half or crush it into a powder. Place this pill under your tongue and allow it to dissolve.

Take this capsule with some water.

Drop some mixture on a sugar cube

Shake the mixture well before taking.

Insert one of these suppositories into the vagina before going to bed

Rub a thin layer of this cream on your skin

Use three drops of this eye drops every evening

Apply some talcum and powder to your skin

Mix 15 drops in a cup of water and gargle two or three times a day.

---------UNIT 3 OBSTETRICS AND GYN ( A ) ECOLOGY---------


unit 3 obstetrics and gynecology

1 general questions


could you tell me when your last period was

it was about 3 weeks ago

do you have a regular cycle

yes, it's quite regular. it comes about every 28 days

and how long do your periods last

usually about 5 or 6 days

would you say that they were painful

i get some discomfort especially during the first 2 or 3 days, but it's not too bad would you say that your periods are quite light, average or heavy

i would say they are about moderate, doctor

do you find you are using a lot of pads

no, i can usually just manage with 3 or 4 a day

now, have you had a smear done within the last 3 years

i had one done about 5 years ago, doctor

do you remember the results of it

yes, they said it was clear

do you know how often you ought to be coming /should come/ for a smear test

i think it's about every 2 or 3 years

yes, that's right, although if there are any abnormalities on any of the smear tests you must /should/ come back more regularly than that. do you have any pain or swelling you've noticed in your breasts

well, i don't have any lumps, doctor, but i've sometimes notice that they get a bit sore, especially just before my period. also, sometimes they feel a bit /little/ lumpy, but when i check them a few weeks later they all seem to have gone away.



gynecological complaints













D: what seems to be the problem?

P: over the last a few months, my periods have been getting terribly painful.

D: is this a new thing?

P: my abdomen is alwasys a little bit sore in the first couple of days, but over the last few weeks, i have been getting really sore.i have been getting this terrible crampy feeling in my tummy /stomach/ and some back ache as well. it's been coming on before the bleeding begins / it starts before the bleeding/ and it's been so bad that i had to have some days off from work over the last few months. i've also got another problem, i get so up-tight just before my periods. i feel as though i could murder everyone.

D: that sounds typical of PMT/PMS/- pre-menstrual tension. it's difficult to treat but some people are helped by vitamin B12 or evening primrose oil. there are some self-help groups that you could join, the receptionist will give you a pamphlet if you ask her.


D: what seems to be the problem?

P: my periods used to be quite/fairly/ light, doctor, but they seem to have been getting much heavier recently.

D: have you been passing any clots in them?
