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在每一个民族的语言里,或多或少有些关于更礼貌更客气的表达方法,也就是委婉语气表达( overtone of politeness)。西方人的委婉更是出了名的,英语学习者经过长期的英语学习和研究不难发现英语中有许多婉转口气的表达法,它使听话者觉得说话者更有涵养或更容易接受其内容,也使自己显得更有教养。那么如何讲有礼貌的英语呢?下面就用一些例子对此做一些阐述。

1 有关请求和命令的婉转说法


● Pass the water.(不礼貌 )

● Pass the water, please.(使对方容易接受。)

● Would you pass the water?(试探受话人是否乐意)

● Could your possibly pass the water?(询问受话人是否有做某事的可能性,很客气)

● I would be extremely grateful if your would pass the water.(假设语气陈述句,很有礼貌)

● I wonder if you would be good enough to pass the water.(假设语气,很委婉)


● .

● (Yes,) certainly.

● Yes, by all means.

● Of course. I'll be only too pleased to.

否定回答:当你被别人邀请参加聚会或其他等等活动而你因有事不能参加;或者人家有事相求你又确实帮不了,请求得不到满足,回答使发话人不悦,这时你不妨试试下面这些软否定:No, I'm afraid I can't; Well, I'd love to, but actually, I'm afraid I can't at present because...; I wish I could, but...; I'd love to, but...; I'd be glad to, but...; I'm afraid not, ...; It's very kind of you to say, but ...; I'd like to ..., but ...,etc. 让我们用一些对话做为例子 :

● A: We plan to go to the beach after class, want to come?

B: I'd love to, but Pro. Jones wants to speak with me.

● A: It never fails, It's raining hard outside and I'm stuck without an umbrella.

B: I'd like to let you have mine, but I have to go out soon.

● A: Will you go to the movies with me tonight?

B: I'd love to, but I've caught a cold.

● A: Could you possibly do me a favor?

B: Sure, What is it?

A: I've got a problem. I have to fix my table and I don't have a hammer. Could I possibly borrow yours? B: I'm sorry. I'm afraid I don't have one.

A: Oh .Do you know anybody who does?

B: Yes. You should call Charlie. I'm sure he'll be happy to lend you his.

A: Thank you. I'll call him right away.

● A: It's such a fine day, shall we go to the park for a walk?

B: I'd like to join you, but I find it chilly to walk outside in spite of the sun.

2 劝告的婉转法


● You ought to type this paper.(有强加于人的意向 )

● You really should slow down at your office.

● You'd better tell him the truth.

● I'd advise you to take a vacation.

● You should take your parents' advice, they know what's best for you.

● If I were you , I'd buy another car without hesitation.(含蓄地达到劝告目的)

3 建议的表达法


● I suggest you go for some advice.(不够礼貌,用于熟悉的人 )

● I would suggest starting the work at once.(较委婉)

● You can read the novel now if you like.(给人选择余地,较客气)

● You could/might have a look at the novel.(客气)

● Why not call me next weekend?(有礼貌的建议)

● Why don't you find a decent job?(同 5))

● Can /may/Could/might I suggest that...?(使受话人容易接受)

● It would be better if you copy that again.(假设条件句,容易使人接受)

● I wonder if I might make the suggestion that...(用在正式场合,比如外交家的审慎的辞令风格)

4 如何利用某些时态婉转地表达自己种种想法


某些实意动词( want, wonder, think, hope等)的过去时、现在进行时、过去进行时表现在时比直接用现在时态更婉转,如:

● A: Did you want me?

B: Yes, I wondered if you could give me some help.

● It's time you had a holiday.

● I wish you lived closer to us.

● If only you lent your book to me.

● I'm hoping you'll give us some advice.
