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The pattern is gradually reduced as the child matures.In teenage girls it may still be detected in the 1随着孩子们长大成熟,这种情况正在逐渐的减少。(换序译法)2,我们仍然可以发现,一giggling cover—up of the face,with hands or papers,when embarrassed.but by the time we are

些少女在尴尬的时候仍会用手或手帕捂着自己的脸咯咯地傻笑。(换态译法)3但是当我们adult, the childhood hiding ,which decreased to adolescent shyness,is expected to disappear

长大成人之后,我们可以勇敢地迈着大步去会见我们的亲戚朋友同伴以及拜访主人接待客人altogether,as we bravely stride out to meet our

时,那些从孩童时代隐藏在母亲裙子后的害羞行为,到减至青少年时期的害羞行为都期望会guests,hosts,companion,relatives,colleagues,customers,clients,or friends. Each social occasion

一同消失。(转句译法)我们加入每一次社会involves us, once again,in encounters similar to the ones which made us hide as scared infants

场合中,一次又一次,我们遭遇到的那种惧怕感,正如受惊吓的婴儿会躲到妈妈的身后一样。and ,as then each encounter is slightly threatening.In other words,the fears are still there ,but their

换句话说,惧怕感仍然存在,但是我们的表expression is blocked. Our adult roles demand control and suppression of any primitive urge to

情隐藏了那种惧怕的心里。(增译法)我们成年人的角色要求我们要控制自己,放弃任何withdraw and hide ourselves away.The more formal the occasion and the more dominant or

起初表现出来的恐惧并把这种恐惧伪装起来。(断句译法)场合越正式,我们的社会伙伴unfamiliar our social companions,the more worrying the moment of encounter becomes.Watching 越重要或我们对他越不熟悉,我们就越担心这种恐惧感会到来。我们可以people under these conditions,we can observe the many small ways in which they continue to

注意到,在这种恐惧的情况下,他们仍然会用好多方法来效仿“孩子们隐藏在妈妈衣服后面”“hide behind their mother's skirts.”The action are still there ,but they are transformed into less

的行为。但这种行为已经转变成一种不太明显的行为或姿势而存obvious movements and postures.It is these that are the Barrier signals of adult life.

