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[中图分类号]R34815 [文献标识码] A [文章编号]1681-5459(2007)04-0292-03

Effects of micr oelement and heavy metal on children

CHENG Y a n.Central Hospita l of Chongqing Three Gorge,Chongqing404000,China

[Abstra ct]O bjective Through the analysis of the samples of children microelment examination,the writer tries to have a better knowledge of the kinds and amounts of microelements children get rencently,and how much knowl2edge people have on the supplement of routine microelements;Through the analysis of the samples of chikdren heavy metal exmination,to know the status of how children are affected by the pollution of lead and cadmium,and the im2provement of treatment.Methods A careful study of the blood exam results of the122samples of the hospital in the last two years,and the re2examinations of106of them.Results Who have got treatment,shows,22113percent of them lack iron;7137,calcium;411,zinc;1164,magnesium;There is no lack of copper and phosphorus;Samples of lead greater than100μg/L are49,40116percent of all;Those of cadmium greater than5μg/L are two,1164 percent of all.After the treatment on those106children,who have blood lead greater than40μg/L,a great differ2ence is shown between the pre2treatment and post2treatment.Conclusion It s obvious that the lack of microelments is decreasing,and people have a better understanding of the supelement of microelments.The harm of pollution of heavy metals on children is increasing,as people have little knowledge of it.Treatment on children to decrease blood lead work is effective to be recommonded.

[K ey words]children;microelements;heavy metals



111 一般资料2004年5月~2006年5月到我院门诊就诊,按规定进行检查和复查资料齐全的122例儿童为纳入对象,年龄3个月~13岁;男80例,女42例。年龄12个月以内9例,1~1岁11个月17例,2~3岁11个月31例,4~5岁11个月24例, 6~7岁11个月20例,8~9岁11个月12例,10岁以上9例。122例儿童中城市居住儿童91例,农村居住儿童31例。主动要求做常规微量元素的儿童108例,主动要求做铅和镉检测的儿童16例。

112 检测方法每例儿童抽取静脉血2~3ml,促凝管血标本送检,微量元素钙、铁、锌、铜、镁、磷采用
