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Contractor Senior Management HSE


Yulin, 14th June 2006


Simon Durkin & Eric Wong

Shell China EP

Contractor Senior Management HSE Workshop

0830 Safety briefing

0835 Introduction and Program of the day



0900 Why manage HSE? WHY? 1030 Break

1045 HSE Management Basics HOW? 1200 Lunch

Contractor Senior Management HSE Workshop


•Understand Shell HSE Commitment and Expectations/理解壳牌HSE承诺和期望

•Understand basic HSE Management System and how leadership behaviours drive performance/理解基本的HSE管理体系和领导层的行为如何推动HSE表现

•To enable Leaders & Senior Managers understand the methods and their personal role in HSE management/使领导和高级经理们理解HSE管理的方法和他们在其中的个人角色

•To create a critical mass of senior managers who are committed to drive improvement in HSE performance/建立一个关键的承诺推动HSE表现进步的高级经理群

I have done

my best

I have a HSE Plan What more do I need to do?

I have put

money in HSE

I have

Safety Officers



Why manage HSE?

LPG sphere –Gas cloud

from a 4mm hole leak!-Bombay High North (BHN) Disaster –2005 -12 dead, 13 missing

355 rescued

Asset Lost : BHN platform, one drilling rig and one supporting vessel


Losses from past Incidents 事故造成的损失HSE Management is a good business

’70 s -Union Carbid Gas leak in India -Thousands dead, Company closed down

1979 –Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant -1.3 Billion USD 1988 -PIPER ALPHA Platform (North Sea UK)

-3.0 Billion USD

1989 -Exxon (艾克森) VALDEZ -20 Billion USD 1998 -ESSO Longford Plant Explosion ( Australia)-4.8 Billion Aust. Dollars 2001 –Lost of Petrobras P36 platform, Brazil -??2005 –BP Texas City Refinery


2005 –Bombay Height ONG BHN Platform Fire (India) -


’70 s -Union Carbid Gas leak in India -Thousands dead, Company closed down 1979 –Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant -1.3 Billion USD 1988 -PIPER ALPHA Platform (North Sea UK)-3.0 Billion USD 1989 -Exxon (艾克森) VALDEZ -20 Billion USD 1998 -ESSO Longford Plant Explosion ( Australia)-4.8 Billion Aust . Dollars 2001 –Lost of Petrobras P36 platform, Brazil -??2005 –BP Texas City Refinery -??2005 –Bombay Height ONG BHN Platform Fire (India) -?? Manage HSE risk properly can reduce losses !

Why manage HSE?


Injuries and loss of life:伤亡事故

•Pain & Injuries ……(伤痛)

•Loss of family member …. (失去家人)•Change the life of the whole family. (改变整个家庭的生活)

事故造成的损失In Shell, any fatality requires top man to explain face-to-face with CEO in Holland
