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密级 学校代码

题目 英文
远洋船舶轮机模拟器智能柴油主机系统建模与操作仿真 The Modeling and Operating Simulation of
题 目 Large Oceangoing Ship’s Intelligent Diesel Engine System
姓名 孙 俊 职称 教授
指导教师 单位名称
学位 博士 邮编 430063
学科专业名称 轮 机 工 程
论文提交日期 学位授予单位
2013-4 武汉理工大学
论文答辩日期 学位授予日期
2013 年 5 月
本人声明,所呈交的论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及 取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外, 论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得 武汉理工大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一 同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说 明并表示了谢意。
本文选用香港东方海外集团(OOCL)公司所属的 8063teu 集装箱船作为轮 机模拟器仿真母型船,其主推进动力装置 MAN B&W 12K98ME-C 智能柴油机作 为建模仿真对象,开展了如下的研究:
(1) 分析了智能柴油机的工作原理,比较了与传统柴油机的结构差异,运用 容积法、平均值法和插值法等方法建立起了智能柴油机的数学模型。对 ME 型 智能柴油机的气缸内热力过程、涡轮增压器热力过程、进排气系统热力过程、 高压共轨系统、排气阀执行器、柴油机控制单元(ECU)、气缸控制单元(CCU) 和主机遥控系统进行建模。并对智能柴油机模型进行仿真计算,得到了不同工 况下的重要工作参数,如缸内排温、最高爆发压力、平均指示压力和扫气压力 等,仿真数据与台架试验数据较吻合。并绘制了不同工况下柴油机的 p − v、p − ϕ 和T − ϕ 示功图。


轮 机

智 能

主 机


培 养 单 位 :能源与动力工程学院
学 科 专 业 :轮机工程

研 究 生 :任伟
指 导 老 师 :孙俊 教授

大 学
2013 年 6 月
分类号 UDC
Now the intelligent diesel engine's mathematical model and operation simulation software is established. It has been applied to WMS2012 oceangoing ship’s marine engine simulator. Key words: Intelligent diesel engine, Marine engine simulator, Volumetric method, Indicator diagram, Modeling and simulation
签 名:
日 期:
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Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
随着柴油机电子控制技术的发展,现在的远洋船舶逐渐采用大型低速智能 柴油机作为主推进动力装置,但是由于智能柴油机控制系统比较复杂,有很多 操作都是通过软件来完成的,这就增加了轮机员对智能柴油机日常运行管理和 维护的难度。因此开发智能柴油机模拟器对轮机员进行上船前的培训显得至关 重要。而如何建立能准确反映智能柴油机动力装置的数学模型和模拟实船的操 作控制系统是轮机模拟器开发的核心部分。
(2) The author introduces the network structure of the marine engine simulator and functions of the simulation support platform, and analyzes the function and
(3) 运用实例演示智能柴油机操作仿真软件在备车的状态起动主机的操作 流程。并且还通过举例说明如何在线调节柴油机单缸的爆压,并以 p − ϕ 示功图 的形式展现了单缸爆压调节前后的曲线对比,能较准确的模拟仿真实船主操作 面板(MOP)的功能。并完成了对主机常见的故障进行仿真模拟。
建立的智能柴油机数学模型和开发的智能柴油机操作仿真软件已运用到 WMS2012 远洋船舶轮机模拟器中。
(3) Through examples the author explains how to start engine at the state of standby by using the intelligent diesel engine operation simulation software, and how to adjust the detonation pressure of diesel engine online with showing the p − ϕ indicator diagram before and after adjustment. It can accurately simulate the function of the MOP. And the author has done the fault simulations of the main engine.
structure of the real ship’s main operation panel (MOP) software. By using Visual programming software Visual C + + 6.0 MFC application as a development tool, and variety of graphics, buttons, labels, liquid column display controls as the auxiliary tools, an intelligent diesel engine operation simulation software is developed which has functions of operating, displaying , adjusting the engine’s parameters online.
(2) 详细介绍了轮机模拟器系统的网络结构组成和仿真支撑平台的功能特 点,并对实船的主操作面板(MOP)软件的功能及结构进行分析。利用可视化 编程软件 Visual C++ 6.0 的 MFC 应用程序作为开发工具,以各种图像制作、按 钮、标签和液柱显示等控件为辅助工具,开发出了能实现多种仿真操作、监控 显示和在线调节柴油机工作参数等功能的智能柴油机操作仿真软件。
With the development of electronic control technology of diesel engine, now oceangoing ships gradually adopt large and low speed intelligent diesel engine as the main propulsion device, but due to the fact that the intelligent control system of diesel engine is very complex, there are a lot of operations that are completed by software, which increases the difficulty of the engineer on intelligent diesel marine engine’s operation management and maintenance. Therefore developing intelligent diesel engine simulator for the engineer's training before they work on board is very significant. How to establish the mathematical model that can accurately reflect intelligent diesel engine power plant and simulate the operation control system of real ship are the core parts of engine simulator’s development.
This dissertation chooses OOCL company’s 8063 teu container ship as the marine engine simulator’s mother ship, and chooses the MAN B&W 12K98ME-C diesel engine as the simulation object modeling, then does some research on the following aspects:
(1) Based on the analysis of the differences of the structure characteristics and working principle between the intelligent diesel engine and the traditional diesel engine, the mathematical model of intelligent diesel engine is established with volumetric method, mean value method and interpolation method modeling principle. The author makes mathematical model and simulates the thermal process in the cylinder, turbocharger, central cooler, high pressure common rail system, exhaust valve actuators, electronic control unit, main engine remote control system and so on. And the author simulates and calculates the diesel engine under different load conditions to get the parameters such as the exhaust temperature, maximum temperature, mean indicated pressure, scavenge sir pressure and so on, then gets the thermal parameters and bench test data for comparative analysis, it has a satisfactory simulation results. The p − v , p − ϕ , t − ϕ indicator diagram of intelligent diesel engine is drawn.