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Part1: Module4-6重点短语集锦:


1.有线电视cable TV

2.移动电话cell phone

3.描述你的教室describe your classroom

4.没有人no one

5.在将来in the future

6.用邮件(的方式)by email

7.发送他们的作业send their homework 8.使用网络use the Internet 9.未来的生活life in the future 10.在北极at the North Pole 11.狂风暴雨heavy rain and strong winds

12.变暖get warm

13.全年all year 14.在农场on farms/ on the/a farm 15.做单调的工作do dull jobs

16.很舒服be very comfortable 17.在网络上on the Internet 18.自由时间free time 19.做繁重的工作do heavy work 20.一周三次three times a week

21.用太阳能为住宅供暖use the sun to heat our homes


1.华东East China

2.华南South China

3.1.5千米长1.5 kilometres long

4.554米高544 metres high

5.1300万人13 million people

6.700万人7 million people

7.回答一些问题Answer some questions

8.一个更新的城市a newer city

9.in the east of … 在…的东面部(范围内)

10.in the west of … 在…的西面部(范围内)11.in the south of …在…的南面部(范围内)

12.in the north of …在…的北面部(范围内)13.be famous for … 因…而著名

14.the capital of …的首都15.have a population of… 有多少人口16.on the coast 在沿海17.比……宽wider than 18.在法国的北部in the north of France 19.在沿海near the sea

20.在美国的西部in the west of the USA 21. 在中国的南部in the south of China

22.在塞纳河畔on the River Seine 23.在美国的东海岸on the east coast of the USA

24.擅长于做某事be good at 25.做一张体育明信片make a sports poster

26.对立观点opposite opinions 27.体育版sports pages 28.中国日报China Daily 29.动身去… leave for 30.到晚了arrive late 31.在后面at the back 32.到这儿get here 33.和…说话speak to 34听清楚hear clearly

35.多于more than

36.需要干某事need to do sth 37.努力工作work hard 38.领..四处参观take …around Part2: Module4-6基础知识集锦:

1. no one表示“没有人、无人”。作主语时谓语动词用单数。Eg.没有人在这。No one is here.

2. by 介词,含义有“用、通过、靠”等,表示方法、手段、或方式。

by后接交通工具,不加冠词。如:乘(飞机,火车,公交车….): by (plane, train, bus…). 【拓展】with 介词,“用(工具)” Eg. 用粉笔:with chalk 用手:with hands in 介词,“用语言” Eg. 用英语:in English

3. use 动词,意为“使用,用,利用” e.g.我能用你的钢笔吗?can I use your pen?

use sth. to do sth. 用……做某事 e.g. We use the Internet to do our homework.

4. send v. send sth. to sb.=send sb. sth. (发)送给某人某物

类似词:give/ pass/bring sth. to sb.=== give/ pass/bring sb. sth.

make/buy/cook sth for sb === make/buy/cook sb sth

5. get It will get warm at the North Pole so the seas will be very rough.

get warm 意为变暖。在这get为系动词,意为变…,后面可以跟形容词,常表示“状态变化”。

翻译:秋天天气变凉。It will get cool in autumn.

另外我们还学过get的另一个含义得到,如:get presents(翻译) 得到礼物

6. flying 动词ing 形式作主语

Eg: Drinking milk is good for you. / Walking and swimming are good exercises.

7. lots of 许多的,大量的

【拓展】lots of, many 与much

lots of 既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。可与many,much互换。

many 修饰可数名词,表示数量,反义词是few。


8.(对某人来说)做某事是…的It’s + adj. +for sb.+ to do sth.

翻译: 回答这个问题对他来说很容易。It’s very easy for him to answer this question.



1)一般在形容词的词尾加ly slow—slowly

2)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的形容词,变y为i加ly happy-- happily

3)以-ble或-le结尾的形容词,去e 加ly possible – possibly

4)以-l结尾的形容词变为副词时直接加ly careful-- carefully

5)部分形容词和副词同形。hard late early fast …

11.在表示事物的长度时用long, 高度用high,宽度用wide.

①The mountain is about 100 metres high. 这座山大约100米高。

②The room is about 50 metres long. 这个房间大约50米长。

③The river is about 30 metres wide. 这条河大约30米宽。

12.in, on, to 方位词与介词连用时,in表示在范围之内; on表示在范围之外但相连;to表示在范围之外并不相连。Qingdao is on the east of Weifang. Qingzhou is in the west of Weifang.

Jinan is to the west of Weifang.

13.动身去某地leave for spl. 离开某地leave spl. 离开A地去B地leave A for B

1) I am leaving for Beijing. 我要动身去北京。2) I am leaving Beijing. 我要离开北京。3) I am leaving Shanghai for Beijing. 我要离开上海去北京。

14.population 意为“人口居民”,常与定冠词“the”连用。

①Hong Kong has seven million people.香港有七百万人口。(就划线部分提问)

→What’s the population of Hong Kong?


The population of China is large.中国人口众多。


例如:About seventy percent of the population in China are farmers.中国大约有百分之七十的人
