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刘翔,张洋* ,李文定,贾翀
( 南京林业大学木材工业学院,南京 210037)
摘 要: 为了研究初含水率对杨木胶合板板坯的导热性能以及对热压传热过程的影响,采用准稳态法测试了不同 含水率条件下施胶杨木胶合板坯的导热系数,并进行了热压工艺试验。结果表明,随着板坯含水率从 10% 增加到 22% ,板坯的导热系数明显增加; 胶合板热压传热过程可以分为快速升温和慢速升温两个阶段,在快速升温阶段芯 层升温速率随着板坯初含水率的提高而递增,在慢速升温阶段初含水率对芯层升温速率基本没有影响。 关键词: 胶合板; 含水率; 导热系数; 传热 Effects of moisture content on heat transfering during plywood during hot-pressing∥LIU Xiang,ZHANG Yang,LI Wen-ding,JIA Chong Abstract: In order to investigate the effect of moisture content on the thermal conductivity and heat transfer during hot pressing of plywood,the quasi steady method was applied to measure the thermal conductivity of the resinated plywood assembly with different moisture contents during hot pressing. The results showed that with moisture content increased from 10% to 20% ,the thermal conductivity increased significantly,and that plywood hot pressing can be divided into fast heating and slow heating phases. During the first phase the heating rate of the core layer rised with the increase of moisture content while during the second phase the impact of moisture content on the heating rate of the core layer could be ignored. Key words: plywood; moisture content; thermal conductivity; hot pressing Author’s address: College of Wood Science & Technology,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037,China
热压是胶合板生产的关键工序,研究热压过程中 板坯内部的热质传递现象对优化热压工艺,减少胶合 板生产能耗具有重要意义。国内外学者对人造板热
收稿日期: 2012-09-06
修回日期: 2012-10-21
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