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This graduat ion desi gns a line o f the main d esign M7130 flat su rface grinding machin e tong s, th e adv antage of this t ongs is to whet to pare th e ac curacy high, ca n ca rry on differen t s pare parts'pro cess, can process vari ous pillar f orm to face it can pro cess vario us flat surface work piece,its appl ication is very exten sive.This kind of tongs ma inly is top and botto m spo rt and the circu mfere nc e of the emery whe els tha t make s use of to whet the he ad to face t o carr y on whet to pare, the eme ry wh eel become soon high er, t he c ircumfe rence leaves t he me ntal exertion to also compar e gre atly, be t he su rface contact of the eme ry whee l and th e work piece, will whe t a spa rk in a moment. A spare part s for design sinc e is the cylinde r form work piece, re quest t o face in t he cyli nder u p make use of a l ine of the M7130 fla t surf ace g rinding machi ne to whet a fan-shaped side of, it processes the work pr eface to i s divided into: Fir st a fan-s haped slot of first thick on the emery wheel, then make fan-s haped slot emery wheel w ith certa inly turn soon with t he surfa ce contac t of the cylinder form wo rk piece, make us e of the emery whee l to whet to pare the work piec e fin ally.Can p rocess thus the work piece of the d emand shape. I n fin e pass a design,make me underst and a line of the M7130 flat surf ace gr inding machi ne ton gs to consti tute the pa rt of and each fun ction t hat par t rise, thus ma ke me u ndersta nd the wo rk principle of a fu rniture.

Ke y wor ds: Tongs, whet to p are the accura cy, wor k prefa ce


1绪论 (1)

2夹具的简介 (2)

2.1夹具的功用、组成和分类 (2)

2.2 夹具设计的特点和基本要求 (4)

2.2.1 夹具设计的特点 (4)

2.2.2 夹具设计的基本要求 (4)

2.3 工件在夹具中的定位 (6)

2.3.1 工件定位的基本原理 (6)

2.3.2 夹紧装置的组成 (7)

2.3.3 夹紧装置的基本要求 (7)

2.3.4夹紧力的确定 (8)

2.4 基本夹紧机构选择和应用 (10)

2.5 夹紧的动力系统 (11)

2.5.1气动夹紧系统的组成和特点 (11)

2.6夹具的其它装置 (13)

2.6.1对刀装置的基本结构 (13)

2.6.2对刀装置位置尺寸的确定 (13)

2.7分度装置 (13)

2.7.1分度装置的基本形式及定义 (13)

2.7.2分度装置组成部分 (14)

2.8 对定机构 (14)

2.8.1对定机构的基本结构 (14)

2.8.2机构夹具分度装置上通常设置有锁紧机构 (14)

2.9夹具体的结构形式 (14)

2.9.1 夹具体毛坯的类型 (15)

2.9.2 夹具体设计的基本要求 (15)

3 M7130B平面磨床夹具的工作原理 (16)

4设计和分析M7130B平面磨床夹具的加工工艺 (17)
