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4. Humans have a habit of ameliorating their inventions. Robots will become more perfect. The underlined word “ameliorating” probably means “______” A.using new things
I. Make full use of the word formation
4. The people ①present at the party all ②presented him with a ③present, so he thinks they are friendly ④at present.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ缩略法(Abbreviation)
I. Make full use of the word formation
Make a new word by using the method of blending and then tell the meaning.
网民 netizen 1.net, citizen ___________ 2.costume, play__________ 角色扮演 cosplay 3.chair, sofa____________ 沙发椅 chofa 4.automobile, home __________ autome 流动住宅车 5.nicotine ,teenager _________ nico-teen 抽烟的青少年 拼缀法(blending)
I. Make full use of the word formation
困难 1.setback__________
2. by-product______________ 副产品
勿忘我 3.forget-me-not__________
4.out-of-date computer________ 过时电脑
B. making something better
C. increasing the number D. becoming very curious (Issue 33)
II. Make full use of the context clues
5. Ahmad Khawaja became famous, and his paintings were worth thousands of dollars at that time. He made a large number of paintings and was known as a prolific and clever painter.
6. After Ann put the letter in the envelope, she sealed it and put a stamp on it. 封口
7.We watched as the cat came quietly through the grass toward the bird. When it was just a few feet from the victim, it gathered its legs under itself and pounced….

fridge motel brunch
要求考生读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话 题的简短文章以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从 中获取相关信息。考生应能:细推态大,猜结 1、理解主旨要义; 2、理解文中具体信息;
II. Make full use of the context clues
2. He was in a serious relationship with a woman who was white and Asian. At last, they were married. The underlined word “serious” can be replaced by “_______” A. stable B. bad C. mixed D. dangerous (Issue 32)
Using Word Formation
拼缀法(Blending) 去头去尾法 转化法(Conversion)
Group Competition
I. Make full use of the word formation
1.mispronounce __________(Group1) 误读
I. Make full use of the word formation
1.“After she comes ①back, I’ll ②back her,” John said sitting at the ③back of the room.
Tips:①adv ②v ③n
约翰坐在房间的后部说:“她回来 Can you translate the sentence? 后,我会支持她的。”
I. Make full use of the word formation
3. Don’t ①trouble ②trouble until ③trouble ④troubles you.
Tips:①V. ②n ③n ④V.
Can you translate the sentence? 不要自找麻烦,除非麻烦找到你。
Do you still know these words?
• • • • • • • • courage confidence burning desire Supernatural Mislead Unbelievable non-existence Sociology • • • • Underestimate looker-on Overemphasize out-of-the-classroom activity long-distance
The underlined word “prolific” probably means “______”
A.having a great dream B. producing many works C. having a lot of experience D. leading a happy life (Issue 34)
非抽烟者 2.nonsmoker ___________ (Group2) 微波 3.microwave__________ (Group3)
4.supernatural__________ (Group4) 超自然的
无条件的 5.unconditional__________ (Group5)
II.Make full use of the context clues 3. Students learn a huge amount of coordination through music, so parts of the body can work better together. The underlined word “coordination” probably means “______”
阅 读 策 略 训 练 系 列
阅 读 猜 词 策 略
Strategies of Words Guessing Hayden
Vocabulary report
• Report new words we have learnt in 2 minutes.
• Such as: gradually 逐渐地
Tips:①adj ②v ③n ④ n 参加晚会的人都给他呈上了一份礼物, Can you translate the sentence? 因此他认为他们目前都很友好。
I. Make full use of the word formation
5. The teacher said ①that ② that ③"that"④ that ⑤that student used there was right.
禽流感爆发 5.outbreak of Bird Flu____________
I. Make full use of the word formation 1.CBA________________ 中国篮球协会 2.ATM ________________ 自动取款机 3.MBA_________________ 工商管理学硕士 前任执行总裁 4.ex-CEO_________________ 英国广播电台 5.BBC__________________
I. Make full use of the word formation
II. Make full use of the context clues 语境
II. Using word formation利用构词法 派生法(Derivation) 添加前缀prefix 和后缀 suffix) 合成法(Compounding)
I had first known ,that she was wrong, and that her anxiety had clouded her judgment. (04全国卷) “cloud” means 使模糊 “_____________________.”
Can you list the strategies of words guessing?
Tips:①connective word ②pron ③n ④connective word ⑤pron
老师说那个学生所使用的那个 Can you translate the sentence? that是对的。
There is 20 points!
I. Using context clues 利用上下文语境 1. 同近义词 或反义词
A.body building B. mutual relationships between people C. communications with others D. cooperation between body parts (Issue 32)
II.Make full use of the context clues
4、作出判断和推理; 5、理解文章的基本结构; 6、理解作者的意图、观点和态度。
阅 读 策 略 训 练 系 列
阅 读 猜 词 策 略
Strategies of Words Guessing Hayden
Many United Nations employees are polyglots: Mr. Jim, for example, speaks five languages fluently. “polyglot” most probably means “_______________.” 精通多国语言的
2. 定义、解释或举例
Using Context Clues 3.标点符号 4. 因果关系
5. 常识经验
II.Make full use of the context clues
• 1. “Survival of the fittest” is the golden rule in this world. In other words, “Let the unfit perish” is the motto. • The underlined word “perish” probably means “______” • A. die B. grow C. start D. say (Issue 28)
I. Make full use of the word formation
2. I ①can ②can a ③ can ④ can a ⑤can. 温馨提示can 罐头
Tips:①modal v ②v ③n ④v ⑤n
我能够让一个罐头有能力装另一 Can you translate the sentence? 个罐头。