







例如,CHN—China中华人民共和国、USA—the United States美国、AUS—Australia澳大利亚、HKG—Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China中国香港特别行政区、MAC—Macao Special Administrative Region of China 中国澳门特别行政区。

又如,国际赛事缩略语的运用:FIFA—International Football Federation 国际足球联合会、ATTF—Asian Table Tennis Federation 亚洲乒乓球联合会、FIVB—International V olleyball Federation 国际排球联合会等。



例如,goal-keeper 守门员、goal-line 球门线、goal-post 守门柱、Water-skiing 滑水。



例如,Wushu—武术、Kungfu—功夫、Taijiquan—太极拳、Yoga—瑜伽、Tac kwon do —跆拳道、Sumo—相扑等这些均属于带有民族特色的体育项目,译者并未重新使用新词来统一以上项目的名称,而是全球约定俗成地使用了具有本民族特色的发音,使翻译更加简单易懂。



英语描写体育的作文带翻译Sports are an essential part of our lives. They provide us with not only physical fitness but also mental well-being. From a young age, we are encouraged to participatein sports, and it is rightly so. Sports teach us discipline, teamwork, and perseverance. They also help us to develop a competitive spirit and a sense of sportsmanship.There are many different types of sports, each with its unique set of rules and regulations. Some of the most popular sports include football, basketball, cricket, tennis, and athletics. Each sport has its own set of skills, and mastering these skills takes time and dedication.Football is one of the most popular sports in the world. It requires a lot of physical fitness and a good understanding of the game. The objective of the game is to score goals by kicking the ball into the opposing team's goal post. The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins.Basketball is another popular sport that requires a lot of physical fitness and skill. The objective of the game is to score points by shooting the ball through the opposing team's hoop. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.Cricket is a sport that originated in England and is now played all over the world. It requires a lot of skill and patience. The objective of the game is to score runs by hitting the ball and running between the wickets. The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins.Tennis is a sport that requires a lot of skill and agility. The objective of the game is to hit the ball over the net and into the opposing player's court. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.Athletics is a sport that includes running, jumping, and throwing events. It requires a lot of physical fitness and skill. The objective of the game is to complete the events in the shortest amount of time or with the greatestdistance or height.In conclusion, sports are an essential part of our lives. They provide us with physical fitness, mental well-being, and teach us important life skills. Whether it is football, basketball, cricket, tennis, or athletics, each sport has its unique set of skills that require time and dedication to master. So, let's get out there and get active! 。





















体育英语作文带翻译Sports and Health。

Sports and health are closely related. Engaging in sports activities not only helps to keep the body fit and healthy, but also has a positive impact on mental well-being. In this article, we will explore the benefits of sports on our health and how we can incorporate sports into our daily lives.Firstly, sports have numerous physical health benefits. Regular exercise through sports helps to improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles and bones, and maintain a healthy weight. It also reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Furthermore, sports help to boost the immune system, making us less susceptible to illnesses and infections. By engaging in sports activities, we can improve our overall physical well-being and lead ahealthier lifestyle.In addition to physical health, sports also contribute to mental well-being. Exercise releases endorphins, which are known as the "feel-good" hormones, leading to a sense of happiness and well-being. Sports also provide an outlet for stress and anxiety, allowing individuals to relax and unwind. Furthermore, participating in team sports fosters a sense of camaraderie and belonging, which can help to combat feelings of loneliness and isolation. Overall, engaging in sports activities can have a positive impact on mental health, improving mood and reducing the risk of depression.Despite the numerous benefits of sports, many people struggle to incorporate sports into their daily lives. However, there are various ways to make sports a part of our routine. Firstly, finding a sport that one enjoys is key to staying motivated. Whether it's swimming, running, or playing basketball, choosing a sport that brings joy and fulfillment is essential. Additionally, setting realistic goals and creating a schedule for sports activities can help to maintain consistency. It's important to start smalland gradually increase the intensity and duration of workouts. Furthermore, finding a sports buddy or joining a sports club can provide support and motivation, making it easier to stay committed to regular exercise.In conclusion, sports and health go hand in hand. Engaging in sports activities not only improves physical health, but also has a positive impact on mental well-being. By incorporating sports into our daily lives, we can lead a healthier and happier lifestyle. It's important to find a sport that brings joy, set realistic goals, and seeksupport from others to stay motivated. With dedication and perseverance, sports can become an integral part of our routine, leading to improved overall health and well-being.体育与健康。



体育专业英语术语构词研究 --以篮球NBA为例[摘要]作为我国当代的高素质体育专业大学生,对外语能力的掌握不可忽视。

掌握篮球NBA的专业术语的构词规律,学好体育专业英语(ESP,English for Sports Majors),对掌握NBA篮球文化、国际体育赛事基本知识,看懂英文解说的比赛,阅读英文原版的篮球杂志等起到促进的作用,也为有志报考篮球国际裁判的体育人提供帮助。

[关键词]专业术语;NBA;构词规律1.前言1.1 体育英语的概念在《体育英语翻译教程》一书中指出:体育英语就是在体育赛事或体育活动中使用英语作为交际工具的语言,以及具有特殊表达方式的语言变体1。


1.2体育英语词汇介绍1.2.1体育英语词汇的来源及分类原则词汇是构成句子的一个小单位,英语单词的组成是有根据的,并不是随意组合的,体育英语与平常使用的英语交流不同,有很大的差异性,比如在词汇方面上,由于体育科学的涵盖领域极其宽广,各运动项目均具有自己特有的技术性词汇(technical words)、术语(terminology)以及行话(jargon)。


1.2.2 体育英语词汇的分类从词汇的含义角度上来看,体育英语词汇可分为基本词和新造词两部分。





1.2.3 体育英语词汇常见构词方法关于体育英语的构词方法,肖腊梅、刘建平2,陈梅3等从构词和使用两个方面,分析了体育英语词汇的特点,里面也具体阐述了构词方面的运用,分别有缩写词的运用、加缀词的运用、转换词的运用、新词的运用、旧词新义的运用、外来词的运用等七个方面。



子简短而富有张力表现力 ,戏剧性 的展示了体育项 目的吸引 力 。在竞争激烈 的篮球 比赛场 上 , 分秒必争 的时刻 , 队员之 间
的互动用语也是 十分简短 , P a s s ,I g i n o p e n n o w !( 传球 ! 现在
没 人 防我 ! )
后再进行翻译 , 以便译文 的 自然通顺易懂 。 体育英语里也常用 到这一技巧 。如下例 ,
赛场 的状况 , 减少翻译 中的失误 。
中国与英语 国家在文化 、 历史 、 风俗 等各 方面的不同表现
有 的句子在英语里顺理成章 , 但在翻译成中 3 . 体育英语 的句法特点也很独 特 。由于体 育运动 的动感 在语言上的差异 。 文 时极为别扭不符逻辑 , 因此很多时候 , 我们 需要 词性 转换 之 十足, 生 动有趣 , 描述体育运 动的句子 一般结构 十分紧凑 , 句
二、 体 育英语翻译 的标准和译者要求
中国著名 的翻译 家严复 曾经提 出过一种 翻译翻译标 准 : 信 达雅 。不 同的是 , 在 体育英语 翻译 中, 标准则 不尽相 同了 ,
T h e n t h e NB A c o u l d t e a m u p w i t h F I B A t o s t a g e a ” Wo r l d C u p o f B a s k e t b a l l ” f e a t u r i n g a l l t h e g r e a t p l a y e r s . T h a t mo n e y wo u l d i f n d i t s wa y t o he t NB A.
可 以使用直译 , 保证 忠实于原文 内容 , 保 持原文风格 。 相反地 , 如果不能 找到与之对应的 内容 , 则采用意译 的翻译方法。 需要



acrobatic gymnastics---技巧运动athletics/track & field---田径beach---海滩boat race---赛艇bobsleigh, bobsled---雪橇boxing---拳击canoe slalom---激流划船canoe---赛艇chess---象棋cricket---板球cycling---自行车diving---跳水downhill race---速降滑雪赛,滑降dragon-boat racing---赛龙船dressage---盛装舞步equestrian---骑马fencing---击剑figure skating---花样滑冰football(英语)/soccer(美语)---足球freestyle----自由式gliding; sailplaning---滑翔运动golf----高尔夫球Greece-Roman wrestling----古典式摔跤gymnastic apparatus----体操器械gymnastics----体操handball-----手球hockey----曲棍球hold, lock-----揪钮horizontal bar-----单杠hurdles; hurdle race----跨栏比赛huttlecock kicking---踢毽子ice skating---滑冰indoor---室内item Archery---箭术judo---柔道jumping----障碍kayak----皮划艇mat exercises---垫上运动modern pentathlon---现代五项运动mountain bike---山地车parallel bars---双杠polo---马球relative work---造型跳伞relay race; relay---接力rings----吊环roller skating----滑旱冰rowing-----划船rugby---橄榄球sailing--帆船shooting---射击side horse, pommelled horse---鞍马ski jump---跳高滑雪ski jumping competition---跳高滑雪比赛ski---滑雪板skiing---滑雪slalom---障碍滑雪softball---垒球surfing---冲浪swimming----游泳table tennis---乒乓球taekwondo---跆拳道tennis----网球toxophily---射箭track---赛道trampoline---蹦床trapeze---秋千triathlon---铁人三项tug-of-war---拔河volleyball---排球badminton---羽毛球baseball---棒球basketball---篮球walking; walking race---竞走wall bars---肋木water polo----水球weightlifting ---举重weights ---重量级winter sports -----冬季运动wrestling --- 摔交yacht --- 游艇Men’s 10m Platform 男子10米跳台Women’s Taekwondo Over 67kg 女子67公斤级以上跆拳道Women’s Athletics 20km Walk 女子20公里竟走Men’s Diving Synch ronized 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板Women’s Diving 3m Springboard 女子3米跳板Women’s Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 女子10米跳台Men’s Wrestling Greco-Roman 58kg 男子58公斤古典摔交Men’s Diving 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板Men’s Artistic Gymnastics Parallel Bars 竞技体操男子双杠Women’s Artistic Gymnastics Beam 竞技体操女子自由体操Men’s Table Tennis Singles 男子乒乓单打Women’s Diving 10m Platform 女子10米跳台Women’s Artistic Gymnastics Uneven Bars 竞技体操女子跳马Women’s Table Tennis Singles 女子乒乓单打Men’s Badminton Singles 男子羽毛球单打W omen’s Badminton Doubles 女子羽毛球双打Men’s Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 跳水男子10米跳台Women’s Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 跳水女子3米跳板Men’s Table Tennis Doubles 男子乒乓球双打Women’s Badminton Singles 女子羽毛球单打Men’s Fencing Team Foil 击剑男子团体花剑Wo men’s Judo Heavyweight +78kg 柔道女子重量级78公斤Men’s Shooting 10m Running Target 射击男子10米移动靶Women’s Shooting 25m Pistol 射击女子25米运动手枪Women’s Table Tennis Doubles 女子乒乓球双打Men’s Weightlifting 77kg 举重男子77公斤级抓举Women’s Weightlifting 75+ kg 举重女子75公斤以上级抓举Mixed Badminton Doubles 羽毛球男子双打Women’s Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体操女子个人全能决赛Women’s Judo Half-Heavywt 78kg 女子次重量级78公斤级柔道Men’s Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体操男子个人全能Women’s Fencing Team Epee 击剑女子团体重剑Women’s Ar tistic Gymnastics Team Finals 竞技体操女子团体Women’s Judo Half-Middlewt 63kg 女子次中量级63公斤级柔道Women’s Weightlifting 63kg 女子63公斤级挺举举重Women’s Weightlifting 69kg 女子69公斤级抓举举重Men’s Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 男子团体竞技体操Men’s Shooting 10m Air Rifle 射击男子10米气步枪Women’s Shooting Trap 射击女子多向飞碟Women’s Weightlifting 53kg 举重女子53公斤级抓举Women’s Judo Half-Lightwt 52kg 女子次轻量级52公斤柔道Women’s Shooting 10m Air Pistol 女子10米汽枪Women’s Cycling Track 500m Time Trial 运动场自行车赛女子500米计时赛Men’s Shooting 10m A ir Pistol 男子10米气手枪Women’s Shooting 10m Air Rifle 女子10米气步枪Men’s Weightlifting 56kg 男子56公斤级挺举acrobatic gymnastics---技巧运动athletics/track & field---田径beach---海滩boat race---赛艇bobsleigh, bobsled---雪橇boxing---拳击canoe slalom---激流划船canoe---赛艇chess---象棋cricket---板球cycling---自行车diving---跳水downhill race---速降滑雪赛,滑降dragon-boat racing---赛龙船dressage---盛装舞步equestrian---骑马fencing---击剑figure skating---花样滑冰football(英语)/soccer(美语)---足球freestyle----自由式gliding; sailplaning---滑翔运动golf----高尔夫球Greece-Roman wrestling----古典式摔跤gymnastic apparatus----体操器械gymnastics----体操handball-----手球hockey----曲棍球hold, lock-----揪钮horizontal bar-----单杠hurdles; hurdle race----跨栏比赛huttlecock kicking---踢毽子ice skating---滑冰indoor---室内item Archery---箭术judo---柔道jumping----障碍kayak----皮划艇mat exercises---垫上运动modern pentathlon---现代五项运动mountain bike---山地车parallel bars---双杠polo---马球relative work---造型跳伞relay race; relay---接力rings----吊环roller skating----滑旱冰rowing-----划船rugby---橄榄球sailing--帆船shooting---射击side horse, pommelled horse---鞍马ski jump---跳高滑雪ski jumping competition---跳高滑雪比赛ski---滑雪板skiing---滑雪slalom---障碍滑雪softball---垒球surfing---冲浪swimming----游泳table tennis---乒乓球taekwondo---跆拳道tennis----网球toxophily---射箭track---赛道trampoline---蹦床trapeze---秋千triathlon---铁人三项tug-of-war---拔河volleyball---排球badminton---羽毛球baseball---棒球basketball---篮球walking; walking race---竞走wall bars---肋木water polo----水球weightlifting ---举重weights ---重量级winter sports -----冬季运动wrestling --- 摔交yacht --- 游艇Men's 10m Platform 男子10米跳台Women's Taekwondo Over 67kg 女子67公斤级以上跆拳道Women's Athletics 20km Walk 女子20公里竟走Men's Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板Women's Diving 3m Springboard 女子3米跳板Women's Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 女子10米跳台Men's Wrestling Greco-Roman 58kg 男子58公斤古典摔交Men's Diving 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板Men's Artistic Gymnastics Parallel Bars 竞技体操男子双杠Women's Artistic Gymnastics Beam 竞技体操女子自由体操Men's Table Tennis Singles 男子乒乓单打Women's Diving 10m Platform 女子10米跳台Women's Artistic Gymnastics Uneven Bars 竞技体操女子跳马Women's Table Tennis Singles 女子乒乓单打Men's Badminton Singles 男子羽毛球单打Women's Badminton Doubles 女子羽毛球双打Men's Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 跳水男子10米跳台Women's Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 跳水女子3米跳板Men's Table Tennis Doubles 男子乒乓球双打Women's Badminton Singles 女子羽毛球单打Men's Fencing Team Foil 击剑男子团体花剑Women's Judo Heavyweight +78kg 柔道女子重量级78公斤Men's Shooting 10m Running Target 射击男子10米移动靶Women's Shooting 25m Pistol 射击女子25米运动手枪Women's Table Tennis Doubles 女子乒乓球双打Men's Weightlifting 77kg 举重男子77公斤级抓举Women's Weightlifting 75+ kg 举重女子75公斤以上级抓举Mixed Badminton Doubles 羽毛球男子双打Women's Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体操女子个人全能决赛Women's Judo Half-Heavywt 78kg 女子次重量级78公斤级柔道Men's Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体操男子个人全能Women's Fencing Team Epee 击剑女子团体重剑Women's Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 竞技体操女子团体Women's Judo Half-Middlewt 63kg 女子次中量级63公斤级柔道Women's Weightlifting 63kg 女子63公斤级挺举举重Women's Weightlifting 69kg 女子69公斤级抓举举重Men's Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 男子团体竞技体操Men's Shooting 10m Air Rifle 射击男子10米气步枪Women's Shooting Trap 射击女子多向飞碟Women's Weightlifting 53kg 举重女子53公斤级抓举Women's Judo Half-Lightwt 52kg 女子次轻量级52公斤柔道Women's Shooting 10m Air Pistol 女子10米汽枪Women's Cycling Track 500m Time Trial 运动场自行车赛女子500米计时赛Men's Shooting 10m Air Pistol 男子10米气手枪Women's Shooting 10m Air Rifle 女子10米气步枪Men's Weightlifting 56kg 男子56公斤级挺举----------------------------------------竞技性运动competitive sport用粉笔记下(分数等);达到,得到chalk up出名make one's mark体育项目(尤指重要比赛)event体育PE (Physical Education)体格、体质physique培训groom余的,带零头的odd年少者junior残疾人the handicapped/disabled学龄前儿童preschool全体;普通;一般at large平均寿命life expectancy复兴revitalize使有系统;整理systemize历史悠久的time-honored跳板spring-board秋千swing石弓,弩crossbow(比赛等的)观众spectator取得进展make headway体育大国/强国sporting/sports power与...有关系,加入be affiliated to/with落后lag behind武术martial arts五禽戏five-animal exercises体育运动physical culture and sports增强体质to strengthen one's physique可喜的,令人满意的gratifying称号,绰号label涌现出来to come to the fore源源不断 a steady flow of队伍contingent又红又专/思想好,业务精to be both socialist-minded and vocationally proficient体育界sports circle(s)承担义务to undertake obligation黑马dark horse冷门an unexpected winner; dark horse爆冷门to produce an unexpected winner发展体育运动,增强人民体质Promote physical culture and build up the people's health锻炼身体,保卫祖国Build up a good physique to defend the country为祖国争光to win honors for the motherland胜不骄,败不馁Do not become cocky/be dizzy with success, nor downcast over/discouraged by defeat.体育道德sportsmanship打出水平,打出风格up to one's best level in skill and style of play 竞技状态好in good form失常to lose one's usual form比分领先to outscore打成平局to draw/to tie/to play even/to level the score失利to lose中华人民共和国运动委员会(国家体委)Physical Culture and Sports Commission of the PRC (State Physical Culture and Sports Commission)中华全国体育总会All-China Sports Federation国际奥林匹克委员会International Olympic Committee少年业余体育学校youth spare-time sports school, youth amateur athletic school辅导站coaching center体育中心sports center/complex竞赛信息中心competition information center运动会sports meet; athletic meeting; games全国运动会National Games世界大学生运动会World University Games; Universiade比赛地点competition/sports venue(s)国际比赛international tournament邀请赛invitational/invitational tournament锦标赛championship东道国host country/nation体育场stadium; sports field/ground体育馆gymnasium, gym; indoor stadium比赛场馆competition gymnasiums and stadiums练习场馆training gymnasiums操场playground; sports ground; drill ground体育活动sports/sporting activities体育锻炼physical training体育锻炼标准standard for physical training体育疗法physical exercise therapy; sports therapy广播操setting-up exercises to music课/工间操physical exercises during breaks体育工作者physical culture workers, sports organizer运动爱好者sports fan/enthusiast观众spectator啦啦队cheering-section啦啦队长cheer-leader国家队national team种子队seeded team主队home team客队visiting team教练员coach裁判员referee, umpire裁判长chief referee团体项目team event单项individual event男子项目men's event女子项目women's event冠军champion; gold medalist全能冠军all-round champion亚军running-up; second; silver medalist 第三名third; bronze medalist世界纪录保持者world-record holder运动员athlete; sportsman种子选手seeded player; seed优秀选手top-ranking/topnotch athlete田径运动track and field; athletics田赛field events竞赛track events跳高high jump撑杆跳高pole jump; polevault跳远long/broad jump三级跳远hop, step and jump; triple jump 标枪javelin throw铅球shot put铁饼discus throw链球hammer throw马拉松赛跑Marathon (race)接力relay race; relay跨栏比赛hurdles; hurdle race竞走walking; walking race体操gymnastics自由体操floor/free exercises技巧运动acrobatic gymnastics垫上运动mat exercises单杠horizontal bar双杠parallel bars高低杠uneven bars; high-low bars吊环rings跳马vaulting horse鞍马pommel horse平衡木balance beam球类运动ball games足球football; soccer足球场field; pitch篮球basketball篮球场basketball court排球volleyball乒乓球table tennis; ping pong乒乓球拍racket; bat羽毛球运动badminton羽毛球shuttlecock; shuttle球拍racket网球tennis棒球baseball垒球softball棒/垒球场baseball(soft ball)field/ground 手球handball手球场handball field曲棍球hockey; field hockey冰上运动ice sports冰球运动ice hockey冰球场rink冰球puck; rubber速度滑冰speed skating花样滑冰figure skating冰场skating rink; ice rink人工冰场artificial ice stadium滑雪skiing速度滑雪cross country ski racing高山滑雪alpine skiing水上运动water/acquatic sports水上运动中心aquatic sports center水球(运动)water polo水球场playing pool滑水water-skiing冲浪surfing游泳swimming游泳池swimming pool游泳馆natatorium自由泳freestyle; crawl (stroke)蛙泳breaststroke侧泳sidestroke蝶泳butterfly (stroke)海豚式dolphin stroke/kick蹼泳fin swimming跳水diving跳台跳水platform diving跳板跳水springboard diving赛艇运动rowing滑艇/皮艇canoeing帆船运动yachting; sailing赛龙船dragon-boat racing室内运动indoor sports举重weightlifting重量级heavyweight中量级middleweight轻量级lightweight拳击boxing摔交wresting击剑fencing射击shooting靶场shooting range射箭archery拳术quanshu; barehanded exercise; Chinese boxing 气功qigong; breathing exercises自行车运动cycling; cycle racing赛车场(自行车等的)倾斜赛车场cycling track室内自行车赛场indoor velodrome摩托运动motorcycling登山运动mountaineering; mountain-climbing骑术horsemanship赛马场equestrian park国际象棋(international) chess特级大师grandmaster象棋xiangqi; Chinese chess围棋weiqi; go航空模型aeromodel; model aeroplane航海模型marine modelling; model ship跳伞parachuting定点跳伞accuracy jump; precision landing无线电定向radio direction finding造型跳伞relative work滑翔运动gliding; sailplaning技巧sports acrobatics拔河tug-of-war毽子shuttlecock踢毽子shuttlecock kicking毽秋jianqiu; shuttlecock playing。





















竞技性运动competitive sport ⽤粉笔记下(分数等);达到,得到 chalk up 出名 make one's mark 体育项⽬(尤指重要⽐赛) event 体育 PE (Physical Education) 体格、体质 physique 培训 groom 余的,带零头的 odd 年少者 junior 残疾⼈ the handicapped/disabled 学龄前⼉童 preschool 全体;普通;⼀般 at large 平均寿命 life expectancy 复兴 revitalize 使有系统;整理 systemize 历史悠久的 time-honored 跳板 spring-board 秋千 swing ⽯⼸,弩 crossbow (⽐赛等的)观众 spectator 取得进展 make headway 体育⼤国/强国 sporting/sports power 与……有关系,加⼊ be affiliated to/with 落后 lag behind 武术 martial arts 五禽戏 five-animal exercises 体育运动 physical culture and sports 增强体质 to strengthen one's physique 可喜的,令⼈满意的 gratifying 称号,绰号 label 涌现出来 to come to the fore 源源不断 a steady flow of 队伍 contingent ⼜红⼜专/思想好,业务精 to be both socialist-minded and vocationally proficient 体育界 sports circle(s) 承担义务 to undertake obligation ⿊马 dark horse 冷门 an unexpected winner; dark horse 爆冷门 to produce an unexpected winner 发展体育运动,增强⼈民体质 Promote physical culture and build up the people's health 锻炼⾝体,保卫祖国 Build up a good physique to defend the country 为祖国争光 to win honors for the motherland 胜不骄,败不馁 Do not become cocky/be dizzy with success, nor downcast over/discouraged by defeat. 体育道德 sportsmanship 打出⽔平,打出风格 up to one's best level in skill and style of play 竞技状态好 in good form 失常 to lose one's usual form ⽐分 to outscore 打成平局 to draw/to tie/to play even/to level the score 失利 to lose 中华⼈民共和国运动委员会(国家体委) Physical Culture and Sports Commission of the PRC (State Physical Culture and Sports Commission) 中华全国体育总会 All-China Sports Federation 国际奥林匹克委员会 International Olympic Committee 少年业余体育学校 youth spare-time sports school, youth amateur athletic school 辅导站 coaching center 体育中⼼ sports center/complex 竞赛信息中⼼ competition information center 运动会 sports meet; athletic meeting; games 全国运动会 National Games 世界⼤学⽣运动会 World University Games; Universiade ⽐赛地点 competition/sports venue(s) 国际⽐赛 international tournament 邀请赛 invitational/invitational tournament 锦标赛 championship 东道国 host country/nation 体育场 stadium; sports field/ground 体育馆 gymnasium, gym; indoor stadium ⽐赛场馆 competition gymnasiums and stadiums 练习场馆 training gymnasiums 操场 playground; sports ground; drill ground 体育活动 sports/sporting activities 体育锻炼 physical training 体育锻炼标准 standard for physical training 体育疗法 physical exercise therapy; sports therapy ⼴播操 setting-up exercises to music 课/⼯间操 physical exercises during breaks 体育⼯作者 physical culture workers, sports organizer 运动爱好者 sports fan/enthusiast 观众 spectator 啦啦队 cheering-section 啦啦队长 cheer-leader 国家队 national team 种⼦队 seeded team 主队 home team 客队 visiting team 教练员 coach 裁判员 referee, umpire 裁判长 chief referee 团体项⽬ team event 单项 individual event 男⼦项⽬ men's event ⼥⼦项⽬ women's event 冠军 champion; gold medalist 全能冠军 all-round champion 亚军 running-up; second; silver medalist 第三名 third; bronze medalist 世界纪录保持者 world-record holder 运动员 athlete; sportsman 种⼦选⼿ seeded player; seed 优秀选⼿ top-ranking/topnotch athlete ⽥径运动 track and field; athletics ⽥赛 field events 竞赛 track events 跳⾼ high jump 撑杆跳⾼ pole jump; polevault 跳远 long/broad jump 三级跳远 hop, step and jump; triple jump 标枪 javelin throw 铅球 shot put 铁饼 discus throw 链球 hammer throw 马拉松赛跑 Marathon (race) 接⼒ relay race; relay 跨栏⽐赛 hurdles; hurdle race 竞⾛ walking; walking race 体操 gymnastics ⾃由体操 floor/free exercises 技巧运动 acrobatic gymnastics 垫上运动 mat exercises 单杠 horizontal bar 双杠 parallel bars ⾼低杠 uneven bars; high-low bars 吊环 rings 跳马 vaulting horse 鞍马 pommel horse 平衡⽊ balance beam 球类运动 ball games ⾜球 football; soccer ⾜球场 field; pitch 篮球 basketball 篮球场 basketball court 排球 volleyball 乒乓球 table tennis; ping pong 乒乓球拍 racket; bat ⽻⽑球运动 badminton ⽻⽑球 shuttlecock; shuttle 球拍 racket 球 tennis 棒球 baseball 垒球 softball 棒/垒球场 baseball(soft ball)field/ground ⼿球 handball ⼿球场 handball field 曲棍球 hockey; field hockey 冰上运动 ice sports 冰球运动 ice hockey 冰球场 rink 冰球 puck; rubber 速度滑冰 speed skating 花样滑冰 figure skating 冰场 skating rink; ice rink ⼈⼯冰场 artificial ice stadium 滑雪 skiing 速度滑雪 cross country ski racing ⾼⼭滑雪 alpine skiing ⽔上运动 water/acquatic sports ⽔上运动中⼼ aquatic sports center ⽔球(运动)water polo ⽔球场 playing pool 滑⽔ water-skiing 冲浪 surfing 游泳 swimming 游泳池 swimming pool 游泳馆 natatorium ⾃由泳 freestyle; crawl (stroke) 蛙泳 breaststroke 侧泳 sidestroke 蝶泳 butterfly (stroke) 海豚式 dolphin stroke/kick 蹼泳 fin swimming 跳⽔ diving 跳台跳⽔ platform diving 跳板跳⽔ springboard diving 赛艇运动 rowing 滑艇/⽪艇 canoeing 帆船运动 yachting; sailing 赛龙船 dragon-boat racing 室内运动 indoor sports 举重 weightlifting 重量级 heavyweight 中量级 middleweight 轻量级 lightweight 拳击 boxing 摔交 wresting 击剑 fencing 射击 shooting 靶场 shooting range 射箭 archery 拳术 quanshu; barehanded exercise; Chinese boxing ⽓功 qigong; breathing exercises ⾃⾏车运动 cycling; cycle racing 赛车场(⾃⾏车等的)倾斜赛车场 cycling track 室内⾃⾏车赛场 indoor velodrome 摩托运动 motorcycling 登⼭运动 mountaineering; mountain-climbing 骑术 horsemanship 赛马场 equestrian park 国际象棋(international) chess 特级⼤师 grandmaster 象棋 xiangqi; Chinese chess 围棋 weiqi; go 航空模型 aeromodel; model aeroplane 航海模型 marine modelling; model ship 跳伞 parachuting 定点跳伞 accuracy jump; precision landing ⽆线电定向 radio direction finding 造型跳伞 relative work 滑翔运动 gliding; sailplaning 技巧 sports acrobatics 拔河 tug-of-war 毽⼦ shuttlecock 踢毽⼦ shuttlecock kicking 毽秋 jianqiu; shuttlecock playing。


















例:Queensland attack.Danny Herbert passes to Tim Horan who scores a try.译:昆士兰队进攻.丹尼·赫伯特将球传给蒂姆·霍兰,霍兰持球触地得分。



体育的好坏英语作文带翻译Sports: The Good and the Bad。

Sports play an important role in our lives. They not only help us stay fit and healthy, but also teach us important life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. However, sports can also have negativeeffects if not approached in a balanced and responsible manner.On the positive side, sports are a great way to stay physically active. Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health and preventing chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Engaging in sports also helps improve our mental well-being by reducing stress and anxiety, and boosting our overall mood. Furthermore, sports provide us with opportunities to socialize and build strong relationships with others. Whether it's playing on a team or participating in individual sports, the camaraderie and friendships formedthrough sports are invaluable.In addition to the physical and social benefits, sports also teach us important life skills. Team sports, in particular, help us develop teamwork, communication, and leadership skills. By working with others towards a common goal, we learn how to collaborate, compromise, and support one another. Individual sports, on the other hand, teach us discipline, determination, and self-motivation. Whetherit's pushing ourselves to run that extra mile or practicing a difficult skill repeatedly, sports help us develop the resilience and perseverance needed to overcome challengesin life.Despite the many positive aspects of sports, there are also potential downsides that need to be addressed. One of the most concerning issues is sports-related injuries. While physical activity is important, it's equally important to engage in sports in a safe and responsible manner. Overtraining, improper technique, and lack of proper equipment can lead to serious injuries that can have long-term effects on our health. It's crucial to prioritizesafety and seek proper guidance from coaches and trainers to prevent injuries and promote a healthy approach to sports.Another negative aspect of sports is the potential for excessive competition and pressure. While healthy competition can be motivating and rewarding, an overly competitive environment can lead to stress, anxiety, and burnout. This is especially true for young athletes who may feel pressured to excel in their sport at the expense of their physical and mental well-being. It's important for coaches, parents, and athletes themselves to recognize the signs of excessive pressure and take steps to maintain a healthy balance between sports and other aspects of life.In conclusion, sports have both positive and negative aspects. On one hand, they provide numerous physical, social, and mental benefits, and teach us important life skills. On the other hand, they carry the risk of injuries and excessive pressure. It's important for individuals, communities, and organizations to promote a balanced and responsible approach to sports that prioritizes safety,well-being, and overall development. By doing so, we canfully enjoy the positive impact of sports while minimizing the potential downsides.体育,好与坏。







【关键词】体育英语翻译特点策略【Abstract】Sports English combines everyday language and sports jargon, which has itself particular characteristics.With the development of China’s sports undertakings and international sports communications frequently, the high quality translation of sports English is becoming an important task.This article begins from the characteristics of sports English, and elaborates the problems in sports English translation.It also discusses on the translation strategies of sports English from literal translation and free translation.【Key words】sports English; translation; characteristic; Strategy随着时代的发展,世界各国间的体育交流日益频繁,英语作为国际交流与沟通的通用语言,体育英语的翻译已逐渐受到社会各界的重视,它与普通的英语翻译既有共性,也有其独特性。



体育英语的翻译及特点-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1体育英语的翻译及特点杨璐璐渤海大学外国语学院,辽宁锦州,12100摘要:英语作为一种世界各国文化、体育之间交流的一种工具,随着体育运动的兴盛越来越显得重要起来。



例如,Michael Jordan represented the United States at the 1984 Los Angeles Games. 迈克.乔丹代表美国参加了1984年洛杉矶奥运会Two time first team All-NBA Team, Named the 1996-97 Schick NBA Rookie of the Year, becoming the first 76ers player to ever win the award阿伦-艾弗森,获得1996-97赛季NBA“最佳新秀”称号,2次以首发身份参加“全明星大赛”,成为76人队首位获此殊荣的球员。


以一篇篮球新闻为例:In 1999-2000 season, hit 172 pieces of three-pointer , rank the second of NBA; The hit rate of free throw is 0. 887, rank the 5th of NBA; The hit rate of three-pointer is 0. 423, rank the 11th of NBA season原意是季节,指一年四季的总称,而此处翻译为赛季,常常用在体育比赛的中表示比赛从开始到结束的时间区段。




例如:NBA表示National业的飞速发展,体育英语得到越来越多人Basketball Association(美国职业联赛篮球的关注。

体育英语作为专业性英语,融合联赛);CBA表示China Basketball Association了体育日常用语和体育专业术语,具有一(中国男子篮球职业联赛);FIFA表示Fé定的特殊性。

因此,本文从词汇和句法两dération Internationale de Football个方面,探究了体育英语的特点,并根据Association(国际足联);FINA表示Fé英汉思维差异研究体育英语的词汇和句法dération Internationale de Natation(国际泳的翻译策略。

体育英语词汇和句法的翻译策略◇内江师范学院外国语学院 陈红锦 阚 琪联);IBF表示International BadmintonFederation(国际羽联)。









再如足球中的“射门”1 什么是体育英语通常用“shoot”表示,而篮球中的 “投篮杜思民老师在《体育英语翻译教程》得分”又译为“goal”。



体育科技英语的特征及其翻译刘明【摘要】体育科技文体具有精确性、规范性和专业性等特点,其句法更严谨、结构更复杂.对体育科技英语的词汇和句法特点进行分析,指出,体育科技英语中专业术语和缩略语多,词汇往往在体育语境中被赋予新义,大量使用名词、名词化结构和名词短语,以及被动句式和复杂型长句.针对这些特点,结合相关翻译实例,探讨体育科技英语的翻译方法和技巧,旨在提高我国体育科技英语翻译水平,促进体育科技的国际交流.%English for sport sciences has a characteristics of accuracy, standardization and specialization with more rigorous syntax and more complex structure.This article analyzes the vocabulary characteristics and syntactic characteristics of English for sport sciences and points out that there are many jargons and acronyms in English for sport sciences, words are often given new meanings in the sport context, and nouns, nominalized structures and noun phrases are used extensively, as well as passive sentences and complex long sentences.In view of these characteristics and by many translation examples, this article explores the translation methods and skills of English for sport sciences in order to improve the translation level of English for sport sciences in China and thus promote the international exchanges of sport sciences.【期刊名称】《河北体育学院学报》【年(卷),期】2016(030)006【总页数】5页(P54-58)【关键词】体育科技英语;词汇;句法;特征;翻译【作者】刘明【作者单位】河北体育学院外语系,石家庄 050041【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G80-05体育科技英语是我国体育科技工作者与国际体育专家学者交流体育学科最新发展动态的重要媒介,也在我国体育科技产品和专利进出口的发展中发挥着不可替代的作用。














在一篇关于NBA球星科比的报道中,使用的是“Kobe Bryant will be the focus in the event”在进行翻译的过程中,通过直白的带有一定的口语性质的语言,科比将会成为本赛季的亮点。





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如为改扩建矿山, 应说明矿山现状、


(2 列出开发利用方案编制所依据的主要基础性资料的名称。


对改、扩建矿山应有生产实际资料, 如矿山总平面现状图、矿床开拓系统图、采场现状图和主要采选设备清单等。









