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* Britain is parliamentary democracy,the government’s foreign p olicy in theory represents the desires of its electorate.
Britain’s relationship with international institutions
, becຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidume a strategic partner of the United States during the Cold War.
International structure change a fter the Cold War
The end of the Cold War caused a fundamental change in the internatio nal situation, which had a great influ ence on international structure, inclu ding the relationship with the United States.
B​r​i​t​i​s​h​ ​F​o​r​e​i​g​n​ ​R​e​l​a​t​i​o​n​s
Part I
The foreign relationships of British ● before the WWII ● right after the WWII ended.
The British empire and its end
1990-1997: gradually alienated
• After the Cold War, the relation with the Un ited States was gradually alienated. Internati onal public voice had it that Germany would become US’s most important diplomatic par tner in replace of Britain.
2)Another decisive influence upon the way Britain handles its e xternal affairs is geopolitical.As britain is an island,it has crea ted a sense of isolation in its subjects,which results in Britain’ s schizophrenic(精神分裂的,反复无常的)attitude to Europ e.
3) Today the age of British imperialism is gone.But the British foreign policy is still influeced by Britain’s imperial past. And because it had a strong military power an prestige,it had a big influence on the postwar international order.
Part 2
Relations with the United States
• American was one of the British colonies before 1776. • After the industrial revolution, the United States following the Brit
1)As Britain lost its empire so recently,British Policy-makers freq uently forget that Britain is not as infulential as it used to be i n world affairs,
ish aggression and expansion to Asia. • After World War I, the U.S. and Britain launched an arms race. • After World War II, the British cooperation with the United States
The world structure underwent tremendous chang e forever. The relation with US also experienced some ups and downs. To have a special relationship doesn’t mean that t here are no conflicts and frictions among two coun tries. Although there are contradictions and even c onflicts, this can not change the fact that Britain an d the US need each other.
European Economic Community in 1973,which has been called E uropean Union since 1993.
Britain’s participation in the EU remains controversial.At the center of the controversy is the fact that it is not clear about what the EU is and what it will become.The trade between countries and is therefore very supportive of the EU as a free trade area. Britain likes to regard the EU as place where economic cooperatio n is possible and where a flow of trained personal and goods are possible.But Britain has always been less enthusiastic about giving up its national sovereignty to a European government.
The making of Britain’s foreign policy
The general direction of Britain’s foreign policy is mainly decided by the Prime Minister and Cabinet. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office(FCO)(英国联邦与国际事务部),the main government depa rtment,plays a significant role in the making of Britain’s foreign p olicy Many other government ministries such as the Ministry of Def ence and the Department of Trade and Industry also play a part in formulating and carrying out the government’s decisions But an e xtremely influential player in Britain’s foreign policy is the Treasu ry.The Treasury makes decisions on how much money other depar tments can have each year.
The foundations of British foreign policy
The contemporary foreign policy of the UK is greatly influence d by its imperial history and also by its geopolitical traits(地 缘政治特典).
• 9/11 event is a watershed
2001-Now: honeymoon period
9/11 event and anti-terrorism provided a turning poi nt for the enhancement of the relation with America. Britain reacted quickly to 9/11, and took a lead in fol lowing America in fighting against terrorists.
1)One of the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council (联合国安理会常任理事国)----Russia China the US France and the UK.
2) Member of the European Union.Britain joined the
• With the John Major government coming int o power, this relationship was further alienat ed.
• It is clear that Britain has been changed fro m a compulsive partner to an optional one in American global strategy. Britain’s importa nce to the US decreased in economic and di plomatic areas.
1) The Britain used to be called “The sun-never-set Empire” because it ruled 1/3 of the globe and thus became a great empire in the world.
2) After the WWII,the British empire began to decline as more and more former colonies declared their political independence.Throughout the next few decades,the process of decolonization continued,though sometimes the process was full of violence.The end of the great British empire was inevitable.
Britain again became the most important ally of th e US in fighting terrorism. Anglo-American relations hip reached an unprecedented peak since the end of t he Cold War. The personal relationship between Blai r and Bush also became much closer.