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《冰川时代4》的故事,是从鼠奎特与松果的疯狂追逐开始,,并且,在这段过 程中,牵一发而动全身,地球因为鼠奎特的疯狂行径,在受到小小的连锁刺激后, 原本相连的地表径自分裂成七大洲四大洋,导致曼尼、希德和迪亚哥开启了全新 的大冒险, 希德的古怪姥姥无意间也与三人一起漂流到海上,,更特别的是, 这群难兄难弟还被一票海盗给堵上,让他们的回家之旅,增添了更多意想不到的 疯狂刺激
Experienced two episodes of the previous adventures, the mammoth Manny, sloth Sid, saber-toothed tiger Diego confronted with new problems--an unknowing Tyrannosaurus came and went off with Sid. In order to find companions, Manny and Diego went into the Ice Age's "paradise" with other animals......
Ic来自百度文库 Age 1
Ice Age1
20,000 years before, our planet is entering an ice age. All kinds of animals begin immigrating to the south, seeking more warm climates. Sid, a sloth who never stops talking is left behind sleeping while everyone else begins the journey to the south. Awaking, he meets Manny, a mammoth who travels to the north, and decides to follow him. When a humans camp is attacked by tigers, a woman takes her baby and jumps on a river. Before she drowns, the baby is rescued by Manny and Sid. The two animals decide to search for the father and return the baby to him. Diego, one of the tigers that attacked the humans, comes also claiming the baby. 两万年以前,地球正迈入冰河世纪,奇形怪状的动物们都涌向南方,希望能够找 到一个温暖的地方.希德,一只多舌树獭被抛在了队伍的后面因为在大家都在南迁 的时候他正在睡觉.当他醒来的时候她遇上了曼菲德,一只正向北方挺进的猛犸象, 于是决定跟随他.当一个人类的营地被一群剑齿虎攻击的时候,一个女人抱着孩子 跳进了河里.在她溺死之前那个孩子被曼菲德和希德就起来了.这两个家伙决定去 寻找孩子的爸爸然后归还给他.迭哥,攻击人类老虎中的一员,为了这孩子也加入 了他们的队伍.
曼尼,希德和迭戈在另一个不可思议的冒险。冰河时代即将结束, 而动物喜欢他们的新世界:融化天堂水公园,喷泉和焦油坑。但当 曼尼,希德和迭戈发现,几英里的冰融化会淹没他们的山谷时候, 他们必须警告大家,想出办法逃避洪水。
Ice Age 3
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (恐龙的黎明)
经历了前两集的历险之后,长毛象曼尼、树懒希德、剑齿虎迭戈又 遇到新麻烦,不知道从哪里蹦出来的霸王龙掳来走了希德!为了寻 找同伴,一行动物走入了冰河世纪的“世外桃源”。。。。。。
Ice Age 4
Ice Age: Continental Drift (大陆漂移)
“Ice age 4 " story, from rat Barquette and pineal Crazy Chase started, and, in the process, the earth because of Oquet's madness, by the small chain after stimulation, originally connected surface was split into seven continents four ocean, leading to Manny, Sid Diego and open new adventure. Sid eccentric grandmother accidentally and three people drifted out to sea, this group of fellow sufferers were a pirate blocked, make their journey home, adding more beat all frenzy...
Ice Age 2
Ice Age2: The Meltdown (冰川消融)
Manny, Sid and Diego return in another incredible adventure. The Ice Age is coming to an end, and the animals are delighting in their new world: a melting paradise of water parks, geysers and tar pits. But when Manny, Sid and Diego discover that the miles of melted ice will flood their valley, they must warn everyone and somehow figure out a way to escape the coming deluge.
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