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out of date A. old-fashioned or without the most recent information and therefore no longer useful 过期的;缺乏新信息的;陈腐的 * Suddenly she felt old and out of date 她猛然觉得自己老了,跟不上时代了。
out-of-work =unemployed out-of-town A. = located away from the centre of a town or city 城外的;郊野的 B.=coming from or happening in a different place (an out-of-town guest) 外来客;an out-of-town performance

美国之所以关注放宽规管,部分是考虑 到有些国家可能会把规则作为阻止出口 商品进入他们国内市场的间接手段。
Paraphrased as :

Americans are concerned about deregulation partly because they fear that some countries may create trade regulations which will indirectly prevent goods entering their markets.

在美国历史早期, 政府和公司主要集中 发展国内经济,不顾国外的状况。
Paraphrased as:

In the early days of the U.S. history, government and business placed main emphasis on the development of the domestic economy, and ignored whatever happened in other countries.

* I rewrote the article because it didn’t accord with our policy.

Americans in recent years have grown increasingly concerned about piracy and counterfeiting of U.S. products ranging from computer software and motion pictures to pharmaceutical and chemical products.

Leabharlann Baidu
* We shall have the work done, irrespective of the cost.

The United States also frequently urges foreign countries to deregulate their industries and to take steps to ensure that remaining regulations are transparent, do not discriminate against foreign companies, and are consistent with international practices.

American interest in deregulation arises in part out of concern that some countries may use regulations as an indirect tool to keep exports from entering their markets.

discriminate: treat unequally on the basis of sex or race etc. * practices that discriminate against women and in favor of men * It is illegal to discriminate on grounds of race, sex or religion.

美国人最近几年已越来越关心美国产品 的盗版和假冒,从计算机软件、电影到 制药和化学产品。
Paraphrased as:

In recent years, Americans are more and more interested in illegal copying and faking U.S. products, including computer software, movies, medicine and chemical products.
out of concern

out of concern=considering, take something into account * Trade is like a sport, in which all participants play by the rules out of concern for their own interests. * They have done that out of concern for both parties.
accord (n.)一致、符合

accord: agreement between two parties or countries etc. * His words are in accord with his ideas. * There are few issues on which the two are in perfect accord.

deregulation deregulatory deregulatory reforms撤销管制的改革 “deregulatory” only used before noun

transparent: that you can see through * The Chinese government will work hard to provide foreign investors with a stable and transparent policy environment. * In the past two years after its WTO accession, China is earnestly implementing its WTO commitment, dedicating to a more open, fairer and more transparent investment environment in order to attract more FDI

尽管承诺多边主义,美国近几年也有实 行区域和双边贸易协议,在一定程度上 是因为小范围的盟约很容易协商,而且 通常会为更大的协议奠定基础。
Paraphrased as:

Though the U.S. admits multilateralism, it still has in recent years sought regional and bilateral trade agreements. This is in part because smaller agreements are easier to achieve, which are the bases of bigger agreements

out- of- date technology落伍的技术 an out-of-date map 已过时的地图

B. no longer valid an out-of-date driving license 过期的驾驶护照

Despite its commitment to multilateralism, the United States in recent years also has pursued regional and bilateral trade agreements, partly because narrower pacts are easier to negotiate and often can lay the groundwork for larger accords.
counterfeit 盗版

counterfeit : not genuine but made to look exactly like the genuine one Syn: forged * Most brands that are being counterfeited are well known and popular. * Manufacturing and selling counterfeit products is a dangerous profession.

Deregulate: to move government rules and controls from some types of business activity. 撤销对(贸易、商业活动等)的管制; 解除控制 deregulated financial markets 放宽了管制的金融市场 syn: decontrol
U.S. Foreign Trade and Global Economic Policies
Marianne Chen

In the early days of the nation’s history, government and business mostly concentrated on developing the domestic economy irrespective of what went on abroad.

美国也频频促使外国放松对本国工业的规 管,采取措施以取保其余规定是透明的, 不歧视外国公司,并符合国际惯例。
Paraphrased as:

The U.S. also frequently makes foreign countries to take loose control of their industries, and to take measures to make sure that other regulations are transparent, do not have a prejudice against foreign companies, and are agreeable with international practices.
irrespective of

irrespective of = without consideration of; regardless of 不论…(如何), 不管…, 不顾…; * By the open policy we mean opening to all other countries, irrespective of their social systems.
lay the groundwork for

lay the groundwork for: be the base for * The initial talks are going to lay groundwork for more specific talks. * To achieve this goal, the government must not be directly involved in economic activities, but rather, lay the groundwork for a moral and fair market. 基础(工作)