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Topic One


Mary comesfrom England.She likes BeijingOpera best.Shethinks it’s interesting and wonderful. Shewantedtosee Beijing Op era but couldn’t geta ticket. Soshe was very disappointed. Shedidn’t kn owwhat to do.Then Mr.Wanggot aticket, buthe couldn’tgo to see it. His sonhadafeverlastnight,so hegave theticket to Mary.Shewas pleased andsaidthankstoMr. Wang. She was veryexcitedanddecided to learnsomething about BeijingOpera.

Topic Two

每个人都不可能没有烦恼。当你有烦恼时, 请试着控制你的情绪, 因为情绪可以影响你生活中的很多方面。所以生活中我们应当相信自己, 笑对人生, 多与父母、朋友沟通。

Nobody canbe happy allthe time.When youbecome unhappy, you should tryto controlyour feelings. Because bad feelingscan make you lose your friendsandgiveyou otherbadeffects. Here aresome ways to make you feel better.

(1)Look inthe mirrorand speak to yourself,“I’m the best in the world.I can doanything.”

(2)Dosomething forothers. Youwill feel happyif you always help others inneed.

(3)Smilewhenyou getup in the morningandbelieve youw ill havea nice day.

(4)Write down yourthoughts, dreams oranythingyou want. Writing always helpsyou express your feelings.

(5)Staywith your family. Youmaytalk withyour parents,relatives, friendsand so on.

Topic Three

上个星期天晚上,你和家人一起去看京剧。谈谈去之前你的心情及看过之后的体会。Last Sunday evening,my father,mother and I wentto see Beijing Op era.Iwaslooking forwardto seeing it, because I heard that it waso ur nationaloperawitha historyof 200years. It expresses Chineseculture. I t’s full of famous stories, beautifulfacial paintings,wonderful gestures andfighting. Onthe night beforewe started,I felt soexcited that I couldn’t sleepwell.Whenwegot tothetheater,I found there wereso many people there. They looked veryexcited, too.Then I had a nice e vening there. After seeingit, Ithink it is really wonderful.



1. 当你工作或学习感到厌烦时,可以选择旅行。休闲的同时也可以领略大自然的美丽风光,呼吸新鲜空气,结交新朋友,散心等。

2. 有时旅行会有烦恼,如天气多变、被雨淋湿等。

3. 出发前应充分了解天气情况,最好结伴同行,可以互相照应,以免发生意外。

除以上需要注意的几点,可根据你的理解自由发挥。提示词语:be tired of doingsth.,enjoy the beautyofnature,breathe,prepareyourself, companion,cause accident ...


Travelis a very good activity. When youare tiredofworking or studying,orwhenyou have time, youcan gotoa beautifulplaceto enjoy thebeauty of nature.Youcan breathe fresh air, make some new frien ds,relaxyourself and so on.

But sometimes it maycausetrouble. The weatheroften changes. You mayget wet in the rain andmay have acold. You should

prepareyourselfcarefully before your trip. You should know somethingabout theweather. You’d betterfindacompanion(partner)so that you can help each othertoavoid accidents.In this way,you’ll have a wonderful trip.


Topic One假如你叫刘辉,是仁爱国际学校的学生。美食节过后,你和同学们积极清理现场,捡废纸,拾塑料瓶,再卖到回收中心,然后给贫困地区儿童捐款。

提示词语:废纸 waste paper;塑料瓶 plastic bottle;回收中心 a recycling center;捐钱donatethe money;贫困地区 poor areas

My name is Liu Hui. I’m a student in Ren’ai International School.I know some children inpoor areas needmoney for school. So my friends and I decided tocollect wastepaperandplasticbottlesafter the foo
