

chapter 10 Insurance 《外贸英语函电》PPT课件

chapter 10 Insurance 《外贸英语函电》PPT课件
Basic Knowledge
3.All Risks
Aside from the risks covered under the F.P.A and W.A conditions as above, this insurance also covers all risks of loss or damage to the insured goods whether partial or total, arising from external causes in the course of transit. 一切险的责任范围除包括上列“平安险”和“水渍险”的所 有责任外,还包括货物在运输过程中,因各种外来原因所造 成保险货物的损失。不论全损或部分损失,除对某些运输途 耗的货物,经保险公司与被保险人双约定在保险单上载明的 免赔率外,保险公司都给予赔偿。
special extra risks 特殊附加险
Basic Knowledge
General Extra Risks一般附加险
1)T.P.N.D. Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery 2)Fresh Water and Rain Damage
Fresh and/or Rain Water Damage 3)Risk of Shortage 4)Risk of Intermixture and Contamination Risks 5)Risk of Leakage 6)Risk of Clash and Breakage 7)Risk of Odour3ຫໍສະໝຸດ Basic Knowledge
Broker in the western countries, the exporter, who wishes to have his goods insured, does not approach the insurer directly but instructs an insurance broker to insure on his behalf. The exporter forwards his instructions on a form supplied by the broker and gives the required details on the form. The broker, who is authorized to place insurance with certain limits, write the particulars of the proposed insurance on a document called “slip”(pink slip. An employee's termination notice.) and sends the assured a memorandum of the insurance on a duplicate form of instructions.


The stone of the relevance should be tailed to the recipient, taking into account their position, culture, and preferences
Writing Skills for Foreign Trade English Response
The active voice is more direct and consistent, making it
easier for the reader to understand the message
Average jargon or technical language
Technical language or industry jargon can be fusing and
Closing Salute and Signature
The concluding remarks and signature are the final part of the format for foreign trade English letters, representing the professional competence and politeness level of the writer.
Basic Principles of Foreign Trade English Response
Correct Terminology
Clear Structure
Policy Language
Using the correct terms and phrases specific to the field of international trade is essential to communicate effectively

Unit 3 Enquiry《外贸英语函电》PPT课件

Unit 3 Enquiry《外贸英语函电》PPT课件
或…(goods)be in…demand句型,如“我们市场上对男式衬衫需求量很
大”。可译作“There is a large demand for Men s Shirts in our
market.”或“Men’s Shirts are in great demand in our market.”。
the terms of an order with you or to negotiate a contract.
We look forward to receiving an order from you.
Yours faithfully,
Text B
Dear Sir,
We have received your letter of March 11 inquiring about
3% is granted.If you place your order not later than the end
of this week,we would guarantee prompt delivery within 20
days,and demand your payment by sight L/C.
on to us for our attention.你方5月8日鞋和手套的询盘已转交我
5.We think the colors will be just what you want for the
fashionable trade,and the beauty and elegance of our
Enclosed please find our quotation sheet and a copy of



探索如何提高外贸英语函电的写作水平和效率,例如积累词汇量,阅读范例信函 和进行模拟练习。
回顾学习外贸英语函电所获得的收获和成果,以及如何货方式等,以便能够正 确地表达意思。
商务信函的写作规范 和注意事项
了解商务信函的写作规范 和注意事项,包括语法准 确性,礼貌用语和正式性 等要点。
掌握商务往来中常见情景和问 题,例如洽谈合作,解决纠纷 和催款等。
学习如何应对商务往来中的各 种问题和挑战,例如语言障碍, 文化差异和货物损坏等。
掌握商务往来中的跨文化沟通 技巧,例如尊重他人文化,避 免误解和合理调整期望值等。
学习商务信函的写作技巧和方法,例如清晰简洁的语言,逻辑结构和恰当的礼貌 用语。
《外贸英语函电》PPT课 件
外贸英语函电是指在国际贸易中使用的商务信函,并且是用英语撰写的。学 习外贸英语函电对于从事国际贸易的人员至关重要。
商务信函的格式和结 构
了解商务信函的标准格式 和结构,包括信头,日期, 称呼,正文和落款等部分。
商务信函中的常用词 汇和用语

chapter 3 Enquiries 《外贸英语函电》PPT课件

chapter 3 Enquiries 《外贸英语函电》PPT课件
plicated color expressions
1)修饰法 adj.+color表示颜色的浓、淡、明、暗 deep/dark blue深蓝色 light/pale yellow 浅黄色 bright/rich/vivid red/green艳红,翠绿色
2)词缀法 color +ish 表示颜色的浅淡 “微带……色” whitish sky 微白的天空 yellowish leaves 淡黄的树叶 reddish face 微红的脸 greyish ashtray 淡灰色的烟灰缸
dozen=12 score=20 gross=144/12 dozen dozens of…数十个 3 score and ten =70 years old death pays all scores 一了百了 gross negligence 重大疏忽
249684 亿 twenty-four trillion nine hundred and sixty-eight billion four hundred million
56957 亿 five trillion six hundred and nety-five billion and seven hundred million
2077 亿 two hundred and seven billion and seven hundred million
3531 万 thirty-five million three hundred and ten thousand
Buyer –make enquiries Letters of Request/ Letters of Enquiries Supplier– answer the enquiries Letters of response or Letters for answering enquiries

Unit 12 Insurance《外贸英语函电》PPT课件

Unit 12 Insurance《外贸英语函电》PPT课件
it is quite possible that the goods will encounter various kinds
of risks and sometimes suffer losses.In order to protect the
goods against possible loss in case of such risks,the buyer or
sale of the goods.
For CIF transactions,we usually effect insurance for
110% of the invoice value against …(risks),that is
to say 100% is for CIF invoice value and 10% is to cover
charges a low premium,and a policy which protects against a
large number of risks charges a high premium.对投保人(保险单
the October 20,we wish to give you the following information:
For transactions concluded on CIF basis,we usually effect
insurance with PICC against All Risks,as per Ocean Marine Cargo
• in such circumstances



Learning objectives:
•To enable students to master the principles of business letter writing; •To become acquainted with the general layout of most business letters; •To skillfully write structural parts of business English letters with proper styles; •To be familiar with the procedures of foreign trade, parties and documents involved.
Unit 1 Business Letter Writing
1 Structure
Hale Waihona Puke 2)编号,日期(reference and date) 3)封内名称和地址 (inside address) 4)经办人(attention)
In most cases, the business letter will be the first impression that you make on someone. For this reason it is important that you are diligent in your task of writing an effective business document. Even though business writing is possibly less formal than it once was.



Language Style and Poly Language
Language Style
The language style should be formal and objective, avoiding colloquial language or slang It should also be consistent and clear, avoiding redundancy
• Writing Skills for Foreign Trade English Response
• The Practical Application of Foreign Trade English Response
• Common problems and solutions in foreign trade English correspondence
Overview of Foreign Trade English Response
Definition and characteristics
Foreign Trade English Correspondence refers to the written communication in English used in international business transactions It encompassed letters, emails, and other business documents exchanged between businesses in different countries
Use formal and professional language to understand a sense of seriality and professionalism

Unit 16 Electronic Commerce《外贸英语函电》PPT课件

Unit 16 Electronic Commerce《外贸英语函电》PPT课件
Consumer to Business is a growing arena where the
consumer requests a specific service from the business.
Example:Harry is planning a holiday in Darwin.He
provide employees of an organization with
information.The intranet is usually accessed through the
organization’s network,though it can and is often
extended to an entrant who uses the Internet but
E-commerce,B2B E-commerce emphasizes supply chain
integration,direct marketing over the web,and
electronic marketplaces.
All in all,E-commerce has the promise to be a very
lists items for sale with a commercial auction site.Other consumers
done solely through
the Internet.
Example:A home user wishes to purchase some good
quality wine.The user accesses the Internet site and
follows the links to read a report on the recommended


As direct to your port from here are few and far between , we hope that partial shipment is allowed to make it easier for us to get the goods ready for shipment.
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
【相关短语2】 ship
n. 用于装客或运货的船
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
即期装船 prompt shipment 有船即运 shipment by first available steamer 装船迟误 delay in shipment 装船期 shipment date
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
烧伤病人的治疗通常是取烧伤病人的 健康皮 肤进行 自体移 植,但 对于大 面积烧 伤病人 来讲, 健康皮 肤很有 限,请 同学们 想一想 如何来 治疗该 病人
We regret to say that we cannot accept your demand for prompt shipment as we usually ship goods by regular liners.
n.[u]交货,发货 [c] 所交运的货物

Unit 1 Modern Business Letters《外贸英语函电》PPT课件

Unit 1 Modern Business Letters《外贸英语函电》PPT课件
Jameson & Sons Ltd.
34 Madison Square
Melbourne E.C.2.
January 25,20_
Our Ref.No.…
Your Ref.No.…
(2)China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corp.
connection with our not clearing our account which was outstanding as at
the end of June.
Please accept our profuse apologies.We were unable to settle this matter
associated with business,its activities require human
beings to interact with and react to each other;to
exchange information,idea,plans and proposals;to
letters help the writers as much as the readers,and will probably
mean an earlier reply.
Text B
The Language of Modern Business Letters
Nowadays,more and more people like to do business through a fax machine
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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一、课程说明:该课程是外贸英语专业和 国际贸易专业的核心业务课程之一。其 主要内容是通过对实际对外贸易的方方 面面的各种信函的学习,来力图掌握实 际对外贸易中各种信函的理解和规范写 作(包括格式、措辞、表达和习惯用语 等)。同时,这一切必须要以对贸易实 物中各种规则、术语的一定程度的掌握 为基础。
4 Writing principles and Language Features (应用文的写作原则和语言特点)
The main function of business English writing is to inform or remind counterpart or public of a certain thing or public affairs and to ask the counterpart or public to act according to the rules stimulated in what is written. Such a writing has its specific language style, that is ,the essential language features which are called “7c”: completeness, concreteness, clearness, conciseness, courtesy, consideration and correctness
2)封内行名和地址(Inside Name and Address):是 指收信人的行名和地址,一般列在信笺的左上方,在 信头之下,沿左页边线写起。封内地址与信封地址写 法相同。便利:对于发信人而言:发信时可与信封地 址相互对照,避免放入信封时发生错误,也便于准确 归档,便于以后查找。对于收信人而言,收信后如信 封与信函分离,原信仍能保持完整,便于查阅。封内 地址必须将受信人姓名一并写出,如: Mr. C. E. Eckersley c/o Messrs Longmans Green & Company 6&7 Clifford Street London SW7 2DY England 注:在公司名称的前面加c/o(care of),意思是由其 转交,说明本信是一封私人信要由本人拆封,总收发 不要拆。
a) Completeness(完整)
5w1h:who, when, where, what, why, how b) Concreteness(具体) Using specific facts,figures and time can help write concretely and vividly. e.g. today (tomorrow, yesterday)-------July 2nd, 2002 one of our big buyers--------a company placed over U.S.$2,000,000 worth of business with us each year c) Clearness(清楚) e.g.: We can supply 50 tones of the item only. We can supply only 50 tones of the item. d) Conciseness(简洁) e.g. at this time---now in case---if in regard to----regarding on the grounds that----because equitable----fair converse---talk
g) Correctness(正确) e.g. You ask short delivery for your order. Short delivery: short weight not quick delivery ------you require quick (prompt) delivery for your order. It is the lowest price available to you. ---It is the lowest price we can offer now.

年份应完全写出,不能用(00)来代替(2000) 月份要写英文名称,不能用数字来代替,如(3/9/99)等不能在正是 函件中使用。 月份名称可以用缩写,如Aug. Jan. 但May或June或July本身就很短, 不再减缩了。 日期最好用基数字,如1,2,3---
e.g. June 5, 2000 Sep.5, 2005 另外,如果遇到特殊情况,一时找不到印好信头的信笺,用白 纸写信时,须将发信人地址及日期一并写在右上角(写日期的 位置上端),如 P.O. Box 1079 Beijing, China Sep. 5, 2005
e) Courtesy(礼貌) e.g. We take the pleasure of sending you our latest catalogue and we wish to draw your attention to a special offer we have made in it. -----You will certainly be interested in a special offer on page 4 of the latest catalogue sent to you by us. 常用礼貌的表达句型:We are afraid that--It seems to us that---It appears that---etc.
C)Deciding adopt the proper layout, tone and style. Different kinds of practical English writing has different layout, tone and style, which will be discussed in relevant champers. d) Writing naturaபைடு நூலகம்ly and sincerely
二 The structure and layout of a business English writing
1 Included parts
1)信头(The heading/Letter heading):信头一般包括发信人 的姓名、地址、网址、电子信箱、电传号、电话号码等。有些 信头上,发信人也注明编号和查号,希望对方复信时能指明原 信号码,以便查阅原件。一般公司的信笺都事先印有信头,因 此,往往我们打信时只需在日期线(Date Line)上填写日期就 够了。在打日期时,我们要注意:
如需注明对方经办人,可以在受信人名称住址下面加 上Attention或Attention of等字样,如: Richard Thomas & Baldwins Ltd. 151Gower Street London, SC76DY, England Attention Mr. Cave 注:在商业信函中,当对公司进行尊称时,Messrs应 用很多。它源自于法文Messieurs 表示客气,时Mr.的 复数,一般只用语一人名为姓名的公司。当信是写给 公司的某一个人的时候或者是非人称的公司名称时, 则不加Messrs。
四、成绩评定方式 平时成绩占总成绩30%,期末考试成绩 占总成绩70% 其中在平时成绩中,出勤考核占15%, 作业完成情况占10%,其他占5%。 五、课程学习时间:1-18周 答疑时间:暂定于每日中午 六、学习内容
Lesson One Business Letter Writing
一 Background: 1、In today’s highly developed toughly competitive society, communication between individuals and groups is becoming increasingly frequent and important. It serves to pass on information, to express ideas or to exchange feelings. Generally speaking, the function of a business letter is to get or to convey business information, to make or to accept an offer, to deal with various businesses.
2、Preparation before writing(写作前的准备工作)
Studying your reader’s interest, that is, thinking of what your reader thinks. “Put yourself in your reader’s shoes” b) Planning what you will write and writing effectively. In order to plan what you write better and write effectively, you’d better learn to think and write directly in English and draft an outline before writing. For example, if you are to write a letter claiming for the losses of your ordered computers occurred in transportation, firstly you should draft an outline like this: (1)Goods arrived (2)Losses found on reinspection(复验) (3)Claiming compensation (4)Solution suggested