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1.temporary adj. 临时的,暂时的;短暂的Most adolescent problems are temporary . 多数青

少年问题是暂时性的。n. 临时工,临时雇员

plex adj. 复杂的;难懂的

3.accurate adj. 精确的,准确的;正确无误的(常指文字,信息,测量) Police have stressed that

this is the most accurate description of the killer to date...警方强调这是迄今对凶手最精确的描述。

4.efficient 与effective的区别

efficient 高效;efficiency,意为“效率,功效”.

effective 有效effectiveness,意为"效果,有效".

increase efficiency of production and diminish cost of output(成本)His order to arrest me was no longer effective. Light clothes are effective in keeping cool in warm weather.

The faith I placed in my doctor’s treatment perhaps helped in its effectiveness.

5.constant adj. 不断的,持续的The Forbidden City attracts a constant stream of visitors every

day, especially in national holidays.

6.contain 包含Factory shops contain a wide range of cheap furnishings(furniture)

7.consist in=lie in在于The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity.

consist with 和……保持一致Deeds should consist with words言行一致

consist of 由……组成My diet consisted almost exclusively(唯一地) of chocolate-covered biscuits and glasses of milk.

8.obese adj. 极为肥胖的lean adj. 瘦的;贫瘠的;简洁的;精干的Obese people tend to have

higher blood pressure than lean people.

9.frustrate v. 挫败;阻挠;使受挫折Doesn't it frustrate you that audiences in the theatre are so


10.sensitive adj. 感性的易受影响的Compared with his sister, Jerry is more even sensitive to,

and more easily troubled by, emotional and relationship problems.

11.accessible adj. 易接近的,可达到的Frank put the medicine in a top drawer(抽屉) to make sure

it would not be accessible to the kids.

12.几倍The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be three times as big as the

present(现在的目前的) one.

13.deliberately 故意地Don’t defend him any more. It’s obvious that he deliberately destroyed

the fence of the garden even without apology.

14.relevant 有关的I don’t think what he said is relevant to the topic we are discussion now. He

has missed the point.

15.stubborn 固执倔强的Joe is proud and stubborn, never admitting he is wrong and always

looking for someone else to blame.

16.otherwise 否则Thanks for your directions to the house; we wouldn’t have found it otherwise.

17.meanwhile 同时;在此期间;(引出某一情形的另一方面,尤指与前面提到的完全相反时)

与之相比,然而Smoking, even at light levels, is harmful to health. Drinking with measure, meanwhile, is beneficial.

18.dreadful 糟糕透顶的He told us the dreadful news. (强调糟糕程度)极其非常We’ve made a

dreadful mistake

19.clumsy adj. 笨拙的;复杂难懂的I'd never seen a clumsier, less coordinated boxer
