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1.Set-up and Prepare for Trapping. Twenty-four hours before trapping, withhold food, but always continue to provide water. 2.Prepare the traps Place a trap on the ground and make certain it is stable 3.Keep track of the traps at all times 4.After the cat has been trapped, spring into action
walk on the street
have nothing to eat,
have no place to hide
they are worried about being hit by cars and being killed by people. Expression in their eyes reveals the senses of fear and distrust toward human beings.
2.Neuter (绝育)
1.The noise :during the oestrous period(发情期) 2.Strong reproductive capacity 3.after neutering,Male dog or cat can be released at once, females need be taken care of a few days.
In England
• kennel master
In America
• Animal cages
In China
be maltreated • threat of Wachman • treat as guinea pigs
no law to protect
What can we do?
Social harm
Attack people
• Rabies is one of the three
major diseases seriously threatening human life in ten years ,the other two are HIV/AIDS and cancer. Once people infected with the rabies virus, mortality rate nearly 100%. The main transmission way of rabies is by sick dogs, cats and other carnivorous animal bites and scratches.
● Abortion ● Baby with birth defect ● Be allergic to their fur and smell
● Be not neutered
§ Be as a pet (has a responsible owner),if the dog give birth to so many babies,and the owner don't have enough money to bring them up,the owner has to abandon the babies. § For the stray dogs, the situation is even worse.
● Be disabled
● Spend a lot of money if you want to cure them.
● Some other incurable disease
§ Cancer § Kidney disease § Serious skin diseas(make them look ugly,even disgusting)
1.Return dogs to their original outdoor home 2.Feed and provide the dogs with water after they regain consciousness. Wait eight hours after surgery before feeding adult dogs. Puppies can be fed shortly after waking from anesthesia. 3.Hold dogs until they recover.
Potential risk
Stray dogs may affect the urban health situation.
• It can be said that the shelter dogs are worthy of our love, but on the other hand we also need to pay attention to the latent “bomb”. Stray dogs not regularly vaccinated(接种疫苗), contact environment is bad, so the risk of carrying plagues(鼠疫) , fleas(跳蚤), viruses(病毒) and parasites(寄生虫) are high. Once the ill dogs died and are not buried, the body with a large number of bacteria(细菌) is a potential risk which may cause a spread of diseases.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2001 2005 2009 2013 北京
• They not only influence the environment but also bring us troubles. So the stray dogs should get more and more attention.
Problems with Trap-Neuter-Release
• TNR promoters claim TNR will reduce dog populations, the science tells us that TNR puts wildlife in peril while failing to bring dog populations under control or address related health concerns. • TNR is presented as a way to humanely stabilize and decrease dog populations. Many studies have found that TNR as a management tool fails to do so. Its advocates describe dogs as territorial animals that stay in their home range and keep new dogs out. In fact, resident dogs do not keep newcomers from feeding or joining the colony, and enough dogs are dumped illegally or attracted to the food supply at TNR colonies to outweigh losses due to death or adoption. • It appears that the majority of TNR dogs are not vaccinated(接种) , creating a major public health concern.
TNR: Trap-neuter(绝育)-return
• It is a method of humanely trapping unaltered feral dogs, spaying or neutering them, and returning them to the location where they were collected. • humane and more effective alternative to euthanasia (安乐死) for managing and reducing feral dog populations 。
stray dogs
Stray dogs are those dogs that had been adopted, but abandoned later for some reasons. They can be seen everywhere. For example School, community and Vegetable market , and so on
Increase the financial burden of society
Affect traffic
• Traffic jam • Traffic accident
Different attitude
In Italy
• imprisonment
In Japan
• Help to take care
• Animal doctor:
The dog and patient
The dog and old
children of the stars :
Refuse to communicate , indifference .
Thank you!
the number of stray dogs is amazing
.ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
• their abusing leads to a soaring reproductive rate • the quantity can be doubled in a year. • there has been more than 1 million stray dogs in Beijing currently, • the data has a growth trend
③.Urban housing demolition
● Move to a place where is not allowed to have pets. ● The destination is so far
(having difficulties to bring them)
④.Be afraid of parasites when having a gravida
5.You may be faced with particularly hard-to-trap cats. Cats can become trap-shy—frightened to go near or enter a trap ,we can think other ways. 6.Take the cats to a veterinarian or a spay/neuter clinic.
1.Be abandoned 2.The reproductive capacity is too exceptional.
① Cute in baby time &Compared with growing up
Time goes by

②. Get badly sick