hay day任务翻译

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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complete 500 truck deliveries 完成500卡车运送

sell goods to visiting customers 200 times 卖商品给客户拜访200次

make 25000 coins in sales at your roadside shop 让25000个硬币在你的路边店销售make 3000 coins in revenue from loading your river boat 把3000个硬币在你的收入从装载船collect 3600 eggs 收集3600个鸡蛋

collect 500 jugs of milk 收集500壶牛奶

collect 1500 strips of bacon 收集1500条培根

collect 300 wool 收集300毛

collect 20 goat milk 收集20个奶山羊

harvest 200 fields in 20 minutes 收获200个领域20分钟

deliver 10 truck orders in 30 minutes 在30分钟内送10卡车的订单

collect 30 animal prducts in 45 minutes 收集30个动物产品45分钟completely load 3 consecutive river boats 全负荷连续3河船

place an ad in the newspaper 100 times 在报纸上登广告的100倍

build 10 production buildings 建立10个生产建筑

invest 100 coins in decorating your farm 投资100个硬币在装饰你的农场

pick 600 fruits 摘水果600

pick 200 berries 摘200个浆果

revive 20 fruit trees or berry bushes 恢复20果树和浆果的灌木丛excavate 5 gold ore 挖掘5个金矿

produce 8 bars of precious metals 生产8条贵金属

buy 2 pets 买2只宠物

feed your pets 10 times 喂你的宠物的10倍

fill 10 crates for other players' boat orders 填充10箱其他球员的船的订单

expand your farm 3 times 扩展你的农场的3倍

spin the wheel of fortune 28 days in a row 自旋连续28天的命运之轮

achieve 400 boat leaderboard points 船的排行榜达到400点

fish a total of 5 fish 鱼类共5鱼

catch a total weight of 30 lbs 到30磅的总重量

expand the fishing area 2 times 发展渔业面积2倍

fish every day for 7 days in a row 鱼每天连续7天
