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driven by the poElivcaeluwaatsiornedo. nTlhya. t color doesn't ted wsituhitAhsepr.oSshee.Scolindseisstsfoorf .tNhrEeeTle3t.t5erCs.liHeonwt ePvreorf,ilae 5.2
The problem is, not only does he play the guitar very loudly,
but he also plays it quite badly. I really wish he would take up
another hobby altogether, or at least find a quieter musical
up at the crack of dawn for work the next day. The other
neighbour and his wife must be more tolerant than me. I don't
know what his other neighbour thinks about it. I don't know what
• Coherence is 'the relevance of one utterance to aEnvoatlhuearti'on only.
ted •wi衔th接As是po篇se章.S的lid有e形s f网or络.N,ET连3贯.5是C篇lie章nt的Pr无ofile 5.2 形C网o络py。rig作ht者20往19往-2着01意9利As用p词os语e P的ty重L复td、. 词义的联想、对比、照应以及各种修辞手 段铺设有形网络以编织无形网络,使文本 传神达意。
instrument to play.
英语篇章特点 汉英篇章对比 汉英翻译策略 4
• a text can be linguistically cohesive but incoherent, as the example illustrates:
• My father bought a Lincoln convertible. The car
sanCgotpoymrieght 2019-2019 Aspose Pty Ltd.
• 替代词 (substitution) one(s)‘, ’do‘, ’so/not‘, ’same‘ etc.
• 黄先生有没有拿信?可能拿过了。 • Did Mr. Huang take that letter? he might have
Evaluation only. ted with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2
Copyright 2019-2019 Aspose Pty Ltd.
• cohesion:the linguistic ties and connections which exist within texts
英语篇章特点 汉英篇章对比 汉英翻译策略 2
• 指示词(reference) • 称谓语(deixis) • 省略 (ellipsis)
• 他歌常。唱民歌,我E永va远lu也a忘tio不n了on他ly唱. 给我的第一首 ted•wHithe sAinsgpsofsoelk.Ssloidngess. fIo'llrn.eNvEerTfo3r.g5etCthlieenfitrsPt hroefile 5.2
tedpwlayitinhgAthsepgouistaer..SHelidacetusalfloy row.NnsEtwTo 3gu.5itarCs,liaesnimt pPlerofile 5.2
apcreofuesr Cttiocooppnlaeyy rathingedheatlne2cet0xripc1eo9nns-ei2vle0ate1ele9act tAnriicsghoptnowes.heBeunPt Ih'mteytsrLeyeitndmg.stotoget
to sleep and have to get up at the crack of dawn for work the
next day. I don't know what his other neighbourfe for that matter. They must be more tolerant than me.
lettCeroipsyn'rtigahs tfa2s0t 1a9s-a20te1le9pAhosnpeocsaell.Pty Ltd.
• A: That's the telephone • B: I'm in the bath • A: O.K
英语篇章特点 汉英篇章对比
汉英翻译策略 5
英语篇章特点 汉英篇章对比 汉英翻译策略 3
• I tried to get to sleep. My neighbour owns an acoustic guitar and
an electric guitar. He likes to play the electric guitar. I had to get
• 英语篇章:开门见山,直奔主题 章法:introductionbody-conclusion
• 汉语篇章:迂回曲折,委婉含蓄。 章法:起承转合
his wife thinks about it. My neighbour plays the guitar quite

badly. I wish my neighEbvoaurluwaoutlidotnakoenuplya.nother hobby.
I'm trying to get to sleep but he's at it again, my neighbour,