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学号: 10418232 常州大学





学院文法学院专业班级法学102 校内指导教师高国梁专业技术职务讲师





On Perfection of the judicial guarantee of human rights in China

Abstract:Perfection of judicial protection of human rights is an important reform of the deployment of the eighteen congress of the party since the third plenary session. Because our country judicial guarantee for human rights exist some common problems, such as the mandatory measures and unjust violation of human rights, judicial relief system and the system of legal assistance to the human rights guarantee is not perfect, so the country must carry out a series of practical measures to achieve the citizen's human rights security. By refining the coercive measures decision, execution and termination procedures to regulate mandatory measures of judicial procedure; through sound wrong, wrong discovery mechanism, prevention mechanism of misjudged case mechanism and the establishment of misjudgments accountability mechanism to prevent the occurrence of miscarriages of justice; through the improvement of national judicial assistance legislation system, reasonably determine the scope of legal aid, perfect measures assistance program, strict justice, safeguard judicial aid to realize the perfection of judicial relief system of the state; the legislation system of the legal aid system, expand the scope of legal aid object, a sound legal aid agencies, legal aid funds and stable sources, building a more professional legal assistance team, perfect the supervision system of legal aid case in order to realize the legal aid system.

Key words:judicial protection of human rights; property right; personal right; relief right


摘要................................................................ I 目录.............................................................. III

一、引言 (1)

二、人权司法保障制度概述 (1)

(一)人权司法保障制度的概念与意义 (1)

1.人权司法保障的概念 (1)

2.完善人权司法保障制度的意义 (1)

(二)我国人权司法保障制度的历史发展 (2)

三、我国人权司法保障制度存在的问题 (3)

(一)司法活动中公民财产权利屡遭侵犯 (3)

1、查封、扣押、冻结、处理涉案财物行为有待规范 (3)

2、冤假错案剥夺公民的财产 (4)

(二)司法活动中公民人身权利屡受侵害 (4)

1、刑讯逼供仍频发于限制人身自由的强制措施中 (4)

2、冤假错案剥夺公民的自由甚至生命 (5)

(三)司法活动中公民救济权制度亟待完善 (5)

1、我国司法救助制度仍处于起步阶段 (5)

2、法律援助制度有待改善 (6)

四、我国人权司法保障制度的完善 (6)

(一)进一步规范强制性措施的司法程序以保障公民权利 (6)

(二)防止冤假错案的制度措施 (7)

(三)加强对公民救济权实现的保障 (8)

1、完善国家司法救助制度以保障公民救济权实现 (8)

2、完善法律援助制度以拓宽公民救济途径 (8)

五、结语 (9)

参考文献 (11)

致谢 (12)
