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Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao (G4) high-speed, flat Rucheng expressway, Ping Wu highway, G106, S308 and S207, S306 and national, provincial highway wear mirror and, West County, adjacent to the Beijing Guangzhou railway, Wuhan Guangzhou high-speed railway; county to Changsha Huanghua International Airport half an hour's drive to Changsha, Yueyang drive less than an hour. North South coal transport channel of Mongolia railway through the county section of Yue Ji Cen Chuan, Yu Ping, Meixian, Chengguan, Sanyang township. After the county's total length of the line is about 94 km, 61 km, planning to set up 7 or 5 stations.
Traffic survey of Pingjiang County
京港澳(G4)高速、平汝高速、平伍公路、G106、 S308、S207、S306等国、省道穿镜而过,京广铁 路、武广高铁紧邻县西;县城到长沙黄花国际机场 半个小时车程,到长沙、岳阳车程不到一个小时。 北煤南运大通道蒙古铁路岳吉段经过该县的岑川、 余坪、梅仙、城关、三阳等乡镇。经过该县的线路 总长度分别约为94公里、61公里,规划设7个或5个 站。
The old millennium One of the source of Chu culture The first line of the thirty red tourism products line in China The hometown of Chinese Poetry One of the origins of the Chinese revolution The cradle of the Red Army of the Chinese workers and peasants One of the three generals in the country national park of China The famous hometown of sweet osmanthus honey Gold origin and one of the key forestry counties Decorative gypsum manufacturing Township 2013 Hunan TV reality show Daddy where to go Fifth stations
Project analysis Recognize their own, combined with the actual
strength(优势): 交通位置便利,距 离长沙、岳阳80公里不足 一小时车程,距离武汉200 公里不足两小时车程,辐射 湘、赣、鄂三省消费群
Reflection on the core issue of project 。How to pinpoint the outlet? How to fly?
2、项目对景区游客 吸附力 4、项目承接的互动 模式
项目暂时核 心问题
3、项目营运管理模 式
5、项目如何快速回 笼资金
Project peripheral overview
项目位于平江县加以镇献冲乡,周边有丰富的旅游资源。 1、红色旅游,有“平江惨案旧址”、新四军通讯处旧址、喻杰故居、 李六如故居等。加义烈士陵园和“新四军留守通信处旧址”年接待游客3 万人次。 2、生态旅游,有沱龙峡、连云山两大AAA级峡谷漂流;AAA级纯溪小 镇、丽峰省级森林公园以及采摘休闲农业观光基地汉农果岭。沱龙峡年接 待游客10万人次,总产值500万元。 3、2015年连云山风景名胜区已成功申报为省级风景名胜区,省级廉 政教育示范基地喻杰故居正在积极申报省级爱国主义教育基地。 4、2015年来,连云山漂流、纯溪小镇、沱龙峡漂流以及“平江惨案 旧址”、新四军通讯处旧址、喻杰故居等景区景点累计接待游客达25万人 次,旅游经济综合收入达2亿元。
General situation of Pingjiang County
平江县面积4115平方公里 辖5乡19镇 19镇(三市、长寿、城关、嘉义、龙门、 安定、伍市、向家、瓮江、虹桥、南江、 余坪、浯口、梅仙、岑川、童市、福寿 山、上塔市、石牛寨) 5乡(三阳、三墩、大洲、木金、板江) 平江县人口98万,其中城镇人口40万, 乡镇人口58万
Honor and tourism resources of Pingjiang County
千年古县 湘楚文化源头之一 全国三十条红色旅游精品线路的首号线路 中华诗词之乡 中国革命的发祥地之一 中国工农红军的摇篮之一 全国三大将军县之一 国家重点风景名胜区 著名桂花蜜源之乡 黄金产地及林业重点县之一 装饰石膏制造之乡 2013年湖南卫视真人秀节目《爸爸去哪儿》第五 站的拍摄地点
Pingjiang county tourism project format, functional layout and product ideas
目 录
General situation of Pingjiang County
项目犹如一块璞玉,地段潜力与市场规模是其核心资源所在,如何去雕琢这 块璞玉,这将成为我们研究项目价值最大化的根本命题。
根据平江县地理位置,经济发展水平、产业发展及旅游资源丰富现状结合目前 项目的情况并且借鉴其他成功旅游地产项目,得出如下思路
Projects like a piece of jade, lots of potential and the size of the market is its core resources, how to carve the piece of jade, which will become our research project to maximize the value of the fundamental proposition. According to the geographical position of Pingjiang County, the level of economic development, industrial development and rich tourism resources combined with the current situation of the project and learn from other successful tourism real estate projects, suggestions:
Project overview
Project SWOT analysis
4Baidu Nhomakorabea
Project ideas and suggestions
General situation of Pingjiang County
平江县,隶属于湖南省岳阳市,位于湖南省东北部,处汨水、罗 水上游,汨罗江自东向西贯穿全境,东与江西省修水县、铜鼓县
西与长沙县、汨罗县毗邻。平江县是湘楚文化源头之一,被誉为 “蓝墨水的上游” ,有“中华诗词之乡”的美誉。平江是著名
Pingjiang County, belonging to, Yueyang City, Hunan Province, is located in the northeast of Hunan Province, MI water, Luo water upstream, the Miluo River from east to West runs through the whole territory, at the junction of East and Jiangxi Xiushui County, province, Tonggu County, connected to the north and Tongcheng County in Hubei Province and Hunan Province Yueyang County, Liuyang City, bordering the south, West and Changsha County, Miluo County adjacent. Pingjiang county is one of the source of Hunan Chu culture, known as "the upper reaches of the blue ink", "the hometown of Chinese poetry" in the world. Pingjiang is one of the famous osmanthus nectar Township, gold origin and key forestry county.
weak(劣势): 项目所在位置不明显
opportunity(机会): 平江县旅游资 源丰富,项目所在 地周边 旅游景点聚集,但是没相 应商业配套及设施以及游 客集散地
threaten(威胁): 周边游乐项目竞争 激烈,重复建设多,项目如 没亮点难以脱颖而出
如何找准风口? 如何飞起来?
Pingjiang county area of 4115 square kilometers Jurisdiction over 5 townships, 19 towns 19 town (city, longevity, Chengguan, Chiayi, Longmen, stability, Wu City, to the mouth, Weng Jiang, Hongqiao, Nanjiang, Yu Ping, Wuxi, Meixian, cen Chuan, Tong City, longevity hill, on the tower city, Shi Niuzhai) 5 townships (three continents, Sanyang, pier, Mu Jin, river plate) Pingjiang county population of 980 thousand, of which 400 thousand of the urban population, township population 580 thousand
1, red tourism, "the Pingkiang Massacre Site", the New Fourth Army Communications site, Yujie so Ju, Li Liuru residence. Jia Yi martyrs cemetery and the "new left communication site" 3 annual tourists million. 2, ecological tourism, Tuo longxia and Lianyun mountain two AAA canyon rafting; AAA pure Xi Town, Lai Feng provincial forest park and 3, 2015 Lianyun Mountain Scenic Area declaration has been successfully for the provincial-level scenic spots, the provincial 4, 2015, Lianyunshan drift, pure Xi Town, Tuo longxia drift and Pingjiang