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• A single market and a common currency conditions for companies and consumers.
• EU has united the citizens of Europe – while preserving Europe’s diversity.
What is the European Union?
• Shared values: liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law.
• Largest economic body in the world.
European Commission President JoséManuel Barroso
EU Institutions
European Commission • 27 Commissioners, representing the European
perspective, each responsible for a specific policy area. • EU’s executive branch proposes legislation, manages
budgets. • Approves EU Commissioners.
European Court of Justice • Highest EU judicial authority. • Ensures all EU laws are interpreted and applied
correctly and uniformly. • Can act as an independent policy maker but unlike
• European political integration is unprecedented in history.
• EU enlargement has helped overcome the division of Europe – contributing to peace, prosperity, and stability across the continent.
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27 Member States
Combined population of
EU Member States
7 Percent of world’s population
30 Percent of
global GDP
Percent of combined
55 worldwide Official Development Assistance
European Parliament in session
EU Institutions
European Parliament • Voice of European citizens – members elected for
five-year terms. • With the Council, passes EU laws and adopts EU
欧洲联盟50年欧盟的形成与 发展
European Union
United in diversity
Celebrating the European Union: A Half Century of Change and Progress
• Since the creation of the EU half a century ago, Europe has enjoyed the longest period of peace in its history.
Union’s day-to-day business and budget, and enforces rules. • Negotiates trade agreements and manages Europe’s multilateral development cooperation. Council of the European Union • EU’s main decision-making body, comprised of ministers of 27 Member States, representing Member State’s point of view. • Decides on foreign policy issues. • Council presidency rotates among Member States every six months.
• World’s most successful model for advancing peace and democracy.
• A unique institution – Member States voluntarily cede national sovereignty in many areas to carry out common policies and governance.
• Not a super-state to replace existing states, nor just an organization for international cooperation.
• World’s most open market for goods and commodities from developing countries.
the U.S. Supreme Court, the ECJ can only deal with matters covered by the Treaties.
The euro was introduced in 1999
European Central Bank
• The European Central Bank (ECB) is the central bank for Europe's single currency, the euro.