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Life and Political Career
Francis Bacon was bron in London in 1561,and he was educated at home when he was a child.On 5 April 1573 at the age of 12, He entered Trinity College, Cambridge, living for three years there. In 1576,Bacon began reading law at Gray 's Inn.Yet only a year later he interrupted his study to take a position as an assistance to the ambassador . In 1579 ,while he was still in France ,his father died,leaving him withoutsupport,position,land,income.But he still complete his law degree by borrowing money in 1582. In 1584,he was elected to Parliament as a member for Melcombe in Dorsetshire.He would remain in Parliament as a representative for various constituencies for the next 36 years
人文主义思想以理性思想为基础,同时和人本主 义以及人道主义有密切的关系。
The Great Event
Hundred Years' War
Leabharlann Baidu
1429-1453,France drive English out (except Calais)
The Result of Hundred Years' War
It is a beginning to widespread knowledge and an end to ignorance; Renaissance period also was thought to be the end of the darkness.
Many great minds were also produced in the Renaissance times.Da Vinci was one of these.Although he was not highly thought of in his time,he had many great works of art such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.He now is thought of as a great inventor also.The Renaissance was a time of awakening for the world.
The Great Event
Famous Works and People
Brief Introduction
Renaissance first started in Italy in the 14th century and flourished in France ,Germany, Spain and Britain in the 15th and 16th centuries. It saw the revival of art and sciences.The Renaissance was the beginning of political institutions with a commercial economy and the encouragement of education,arts,and music.It was a period of new inventions and believes.Renaissance actually means "rebirth".
人文主义思想是一种基于理性和仁慈的哲学理论 和世界观。作为一种生活哲学,人文主义思想从 仁慈的人性获得启示,并通过理性地推理来指导。
人文主义思想以理性推理为思想基础,以仁慈博 爱为基本价值观。至于个人的兴趣、尊严、思想 自由、人与人之间的容忍和无暴力相处等等,都 是应有之义。
Famous Works and People
但丁(Dante)(1265- 1321)
Da Vinci
Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯.培根
General Introduction
Francis Bacon(1561-1626) was one of the leading figures in natural philosophy and in the field of scientific methodology in the period of transition from the Renaissance to the early modern era. As a lawyer ,member of Parliament,and Queen's Counsel ,Bacon wrote on questions of law , state and religion,as well as on contemporary politics ;but he also published texts in which he speculated on possible conceptions of society;After his death, he remained extremely influential through his works, especially as philosophical advocate and practitioner of the scientific method during the scientific revolution.
France won the war and successfully united its nation. In the meantime ,this victory formed the base of its expansion in the Continent, On the oter hand,the failure of English rose their nationalism.