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弓I言 (3)

1 傅立叶级数的计算 (5)

1.1傅立叶级数的几何意义 (5)

1.2傅里叶级数的敛散性问题 (10)

1.3傅里叶级数的展开 (11)

1.4关于傅里叶级数展开的个别简便算法 (16)

1.5利用二元函数微分中值定理研究函数性质 (19)

2 傅里叶级数的相关定理及其应用 (21)

2.1 n元函数中值定理及其几何意义 (21)

2.2利用n元函数微分中值定理研究函数的性质 (28)

3微分中值定理在复数域上的推广 (32)

3.1复数域上的中值定理 (32)

3.2利用复数域内中值定理研究函数性质 (36)

结论 (39)

致谢 (40)

参考文献 (41)


为了更好地认识和应用微分中值定理,使微分中值定理能够最大的发挥其重要作用,在深刻理解和掌握教材内微分中值定理的基础上,将微分中值定理在n元函数以及复数域内推广及应用加以探讨. 首先根据一元函数微分中值定理的内容,给出了罗尔定理、拉格朗日定理、柯西中值定理、泰勒中值定理公式的统一形式.而后又仿照一元函数微分中值定理的形式对教材中二元函数微分中值定理进行补充,给出了二元函数罗尔定理、柯西中值定理和二元函数泰勒中值定理的表述,并且构造“辅助函数”给出了证明过程,然后讨论了二元函数罗尔定理与拉格朗日定理的几何意义.接着通过对比一元函数与二元函数微分中值定理,给出了n元函数罗尔定理、拉格朗日定理、柯西中值定理和泰勒中值定理的表述形式,而后同样借助构造的“辅助函数” 把n元函数转化为一元函数,进而给出了四个定理的证明,并通过几个典型例题验证了n元函数微分中值定理的可用性.最后从二元函数微分中值定理着手,给出了复数域上的罗尔定理、拉格朗日定理、柯西中值定理的表述形式,同时通过几个例题验证了复数域上微分中值定理的可用性.




In order to Understand and make better USe Of the differential mean value theorem WhiCh

Can PIay a IargeSt role in application, We explore the generalization and the application of the differential mean value theorem in n-Variable funCtions and complex field based on the COmPrehension and mastery of the differential mean value theorem in textbook. At first, accord ing to the differe ntial mea n ValUe theorem of on e-variable fun Cti on, We give the UnifOrm of Rolle theorem, Lagra nge theorem, CaUChy mean ValUe theorem, Taylor mean ValUe theorem. The n We compleme nt the differe ntial mea n VaIUe theorem of two-variable fun Cti on in textbook following one- VariabIe funCtion, give the expressions of Rolle theorem, CaUChy mean ValUe theorem, Taylor mea n ValUe theorem of two-variable function, con StitUte auxiliary fun ctio n and give the proof procedure, discuss the geometric Sig nifica nce of the Rolle theorem and Lagra nge theorem of two-variable fun Cti on. Later, We give the expressi ons of the Rolle theorem, Lagra nge theorem, CaUChy mean value theorem, Taylor mean value theorem of n- VariabIe function by COmParing the differential mean value theorem of one-variable function and two-variable fun ctio n. Similarly, by con StitUt ing auxiliary fun ctio n, We Cha nge n-Variable fun ctio n in to one-variable funCtion and give the proof of four theorems. CheCk the availability of the differential mean value theorem by some typical examples. At last, PrOCeed from the differential mean ValUe theorem of two-variable funCtion, We give the expressions of Rolle theorem, Lagrange theorem, CaUChy mean value theorem in complex field and CheCk the availability of the differe ntial mean ValUe theorem by some typical examples at the Same time.


n-Variable function; differe ntial mean ValUe theorem; geometric Sig nifica nce; complex field
