



关联方,满足以下条件者为实体的关联方: ( 1)直接或者通过一个或若干个中介间接地: ①控制、或是受实体的控制、或是与实体同受控制(包括母公司 、子 公司和伙伴子公司) ; ②在实体中有权益,因此对该实体有重大影响;或 ③对实体具有共同控制; ( 2 )联营企业(按《国际会计准则第 28 号——对联营企业投资会计》 的定义) ; ( 3 )实体是合营者的合营企业(参见《国际会计准则第 31 号——合营 中权益的财务报告》 ) ; ( 4) 实体或其母公司关键的管理人员, 即直接或间接地有权并负责计划、 指挥和控制实体活动的人员,包括该实体的所有董事(执行董事或非执行董 事)或高级职员; ( 5)与( 1)和( 4)项提及的个人关系密切的家庭成员; ( 6)由( 4)或( 5)项提及的个人拥有表决权,能直接或间接地控制或 共同控制,或者能对其施加重大影响的实体;或 ( 7)针对实体或其关联方实体的雇员福利的离职后福利计划。 关联方交易,指关联方之间相互转移资源、服务或义务,不论是否收取 价款。 控制,指为了从实体的活动中获取利益而决定该实体财务和经营政策的 权力。 共同控制,指按合同规定对某项经济活动共享控制。 重大影响,指参与实体财务和经营政策上的决定,但不控制这些政策的 权力。可以通过持股、章程或协议来获得重大影响。
管理人员报酬 A3.理事会建议不应披露管理人员报酬、业务费用津贴以及日常经营过程中支付 的同类项目,因为: (1)在某些地区,管理人员报酬的批准程序消除了进行关联方披露的根本 理由。 这些程序避免了关键管理人员和实体之间的关联方关系对日常经营过程中 支付的管理人员报酬金额的潜在影响; (2)要求披露管理人员报酬会导致隐私问题,在某些国家和地区,是通过 受托责任机制来解决这一问题,而非在财务报表中进行披露。 (3)如果要披露管理人员报酬,IAS24 则需要定义“管理人员”和“报酬” , 而这很可能是有争议的。而且, 只有在为所有形式的管理人员报酬制定了计量规 定后,才有可能对这些披露进行比较。

安永《国际财务报告准则更新》中文版本 (2015年12月31日)

安永《国际财务报告准则更新》中文版本 (2015年12月31日)

第二部分总结了自2015年7月1日起在《国际财务报告准则解释 委员会最新资讯》1上发布的某些议程决定。如欲了解2015年7 月1日前发布的拒纳通知,请参阅之前版本的《国际财务报告准 则更新》。在某些拒纳通知中,解释委员会提及了可提供充足指 引的现有公告。这些拒纳通知提供了对公告应用的观点,且在 《国际会计准则第8号》第12段“其他会计文献和可接受的行业 惯例”规定的范围内。
第一部分的开始部分列示了一份截至不同年末的强制采用时间 表。在该表中,公告按照其生效日期列示。需要注意的是,很多 公告包含允许主体提前采用的条款。
该表之后是对公告的讨论,除年度改进项目集中在第一部分结尾 处之外,其余均按照相关准则在国际财务报告准则合订本(蓝皮 书)中的先后顺序排列。
当准则或解释业已发布但主体尚未采用时,《国际会计准则第8 号--会计政策、会计估计变更和差错》要求主体披露已知的 (或可合理估计的)与理解新公告对财务报表的可能影响相关的 信息,或者说明不披露的原因。第一部分开始部分的表格有助于 识别在此披露要求范围内的公告。
本刊概述了准则和解释(公告)即将发生的变化,还提供了若干 现行项目的最新进展情况,而非提供有关这些主题的深度分析或 讨论。更确切地说,其目的在于强调这些变化的关键方面。在作 出决策或采取行动之前,请参考公告正文。



国际会计准则(1~41)中英文目录对照国际会计准则(1~41)中英文目录对照1.IAS1:Presentation of Financial Statements《IAS1——财务报表的列报》2.IAS2:Inventories《IAS2——存货》3.IAS3:Consolidated Financial Statements《IAS3——合并财务报表》(已被IAS27和IAS28取代)4.IAS4:Depreciation Accounting《IAS4——折旧会计》(已被IAS16、IAS22和IAS38取代)5.IAS5:Information to Be Disclosed in Financial Statements《IAS5——财务报表中披露的信息》(已被IAS1取代)6.IAS6:Accounting Responses to Changing Prices《IAS6——物价变动会计》(已被IAS15取代)7.IAS7:Cash Flow Statements《IAS7——现金流量表》8.IAS8:Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors 《IAS8——当期净损益、重大差错和会计政策变更》9.IAS9:Accounting for Research and Development Activities《IAS9——研发活动会计》(已被IAS38取代)10.IAS10:Events after the Balance Sheet Date《IAS10——资产负债表日后事项》11.IAS11:Construction Contracts《IAS11——建造合同》12.IAS12:Income Taxes《IAS12——所得税》13.IAS13:Presentation of Current Assets and Current Liabilities 《IAS13——流动资产和流动负债的列报》(已被IAS1取代)14.IAS14:Segment Reporting《IAS14——分部报告》15.IAS15:Information Reflecting the Effects of Changing Prices《IAS15——反映物价变动影响的信息》(2003年已被撤销)16.IAS16:Property, Plant and Equipment《IAS16——不动产、厂场和设备》17.IAS17:Leases《IAS17——租赁》18.IAS18:Revenue《IAS18——收入》19.IAS19:Employee Benefits《IAS19——雇员福利》20.IAS20:Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance《IAS20——政府补助会计和政府援助的披露》21.IAS21:The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates《IAS21——汇率变动的影响》22.IAS22:Business Combinations《IAS22——企业合并》(已被IFRS3取代)23.IAS23:Borrowing Costs《IAS23——借款费用》24.IAS24:Related Party Disclosures《IAS24——关联方披露》25.IAS25:Accounting for Investments《IAS25——投资会计》(已被IAS39 和IAS40取代)26.IAS26:Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans《IAS26——退休福利计划的会计和报告》27.IAS27:Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements《IAS27——合并财务报表及对子公司投资会计》28.IAS28:Investments in Associates《IAS28——对联合企业投资会计》29.IAS29:Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies《IAS29——恶性通货膨胀经济中的财务报告》30.IAS30:Disclosures in the Financial Statements of Banks and Similar Financial Institutions《IAS30——银行和类似金融机构财务报表中的披露》31.IAS31:Interests in Joint Ventures《IAS31——合营中权益的财务报告》32.IAS32:Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation《IAS32——金融工具:披露和列报》33.IAS33:Earnings per Share《IAS33——每股收益》34.IAS34:Interim Financial Reporting《IAS34——中期财务报告》35.IAS35:Discontinuing Operations《IAS35——终止经营》(已被IFRS5取代)36.IAS36:Impairment of Assets《IAS36——资产减值》37.IAS37:Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets 《IAS37——准备、或有负债和或有资产》38.IAS38:Intangible Assets《IAS38——无形资产》39.IAS39:Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement《IAS39——金融工具:确认和计量》40.IAS40:Investment Property《IAS40——投资性房地产》41.IAS41:Agriculture《IAS41——农业》国际会计准则中文版文件格式:Pdf可复制性:可复制TAG标签:会计学点击次数:更新时间:2010-03-30 15:23介绍国际会计准则中文版,国际会计准则在2008年做了更新,中文版不知道是否同步更新,这个对于会计从业人员的帮助很大,在网上找了很久中文版都是2003的老版本,不知道楼主上传的版本对我是否有用。



任务名称:企业会计准则24号一、引言企业会计准则(Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises,以下简称“企业会计准则”)是中国财政部于2006年7月发布的一套强制性会计准则,旨在规范中国企业的会计核算和财务报告,提高财务信息的透明度和可比性。



三、关联方和关联交易的定义与识别3.1 关联方的定义准则24号中,关联方是指企业在直接或间接控制、被控制或共同受控制下的交易对方,以及与企业存在控制关系、重大影响关系或共同控制关系的人或组织。

3.2 关联交易的定义准则24号中,关联交易是指与关联方之间进行的交易、计划交易或非交易性资金、股权等流动。

3.3 关联方和关联交易的识别企业应通过审查股东、高级管理人员、关联方关系等方式来识别可能存在的关联方和关联交易,并及时披露相关信息。

准则24号规定了关联方和关联交易的披露要求,主要包括以下几个方面: ### 4.1 关联方的披露企业应披露与之存在关联关系的股东、高级管理人员、关联方以及其他可能影响财务报告的人或组织的具体情况和关联关系。

4.2 关联交易的披露对于涉及到的关联交易,企业应披露交易方、交易内容、交易价格、交易时间等详细信息,并说明相关交易对企业财务状况和经营成果的影响。

4.3 关联交易对财务报表的影响披露企业应按照准则24号的规定进行关联交易对财务报表的影响披露,包括关联交易对企业资产、负债、权益、利润和现金流量等方面的影响。

五、关联方和关联交易的会计处理准则24号规定了关联交易的会计处理原则,主要包括以下几个方面: ### 5.1 关联交易的会计核算企业应按照公允价值原则,以交易当时的公允价值为基础,记录和确认关联交易的相关会计科目,确保财务信息的真实性和准确性。













国际会计准则 24号

国际会计准则 24号

国际会计准则 24号
1.国际会计准则第 24 号的适用范围
2.国际会计准则第 24 号的主要内容
3.国际会计准则第 24 号的修订历史
一、国际会计准则第 24 号的适用范围
国际会计准则第 24 号(以下简称“准则”)适用于对关联者的揭示,以及报告企业与其关联者之间的交易的处理。


需要注意的是,本号准则仅适用于第 3 段所述、第 6 段所修正的那些关联者之间的相互关系。

二、国际会计准则第 24 号的主要内容




三、国际会计准则第 24 号的修订历史
国际会计准则第 24 号自 1984 年 7 月公布以来,经历了多次修订。

其中,最近的一次修订于 200X 年进行,对关联方披露的要求进行了进一步明确和完善。



英汉互译复式记账double-entry bookkeeping跨国公司Multinational enterprise世界会计或全球会计World Accounting国际会计International Accounting国外子公司会计Accounting for Foreign Subsidiaries国际会计准则委员会IASC,Internatinal Accounting Standards Committee编报财务报表的框架Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of FinancialStatements概念框架Conceptual Framework投资者Investors雇员Employees贷款人Lenders.供应商和其他商业债权人Suppliers and other trade creditors政府及其机构Governments and their agencies权责发生制Accrual basis持续经营Going concern可理解性Understandability相关性Relevance重要性Materiality可靠性Reliability真实反映Faithful representation实质重于形式Substance over form中立性Neutrality审慎Prudence完整性Completeness可比性Comparability国际会计准则IAS Internatinal Accounting Standards国际财务报告准则IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards现行汇率法current rate method流动与非流动项目法current-noncurrent method时间量度法monetary-nonmonetary method时态法temporal method货币性与非货币性项目法monetary-nonmonetary method功能货币Functional currency列报货币Presentation currency外币Foreign currency汇率Exchange rate期末汇率Closing rate即期汇率Spot exchange rate汇兑差额Exchange difference货币性项目Monetary items通货膨胀会计inflation accounting物价变动会计accounting for changing prices不变购买力模式historical cost/constant purchasing power一般物价水平general price level现行成本/名义购买力current cost/nominal purchasing power经营收益operation income资产持有利得holding gain会计惯例与会计准则Accounting Practice & Accounting Standards历史成本historical cost。




在这个时代, 任何一个国家要脱离世界贸易市场和资本市场谋求自身发展是非常困难的。

会计作为国际通用的商业语言, 在经济全球化过程中扮演着越来越重要的角色, 市场参与者也对其提出越来越高的要求。





译文(二)会计准则就是会计管理活动所依据的原则, 会计准则总是以一定的社会经济背景为其存在基础, 也总是反映不同社会经济制度、法律制度以及人们习惯的某些特征, 因而不同国家的会计准则各有不同特点。


它与社会经济发展水平和会计管理的基本要求是相适应的,因而,每个国家的会计准则必然具有某些共性:1. 规范性每个企业有着变化多端的经济业务,而不同行业的企业又有各自的特殊性。




基本词汇库存现金 Cash on hand银行存款 Bank deposit应收账款 Accounts receivable预收账款 Advance from customers应收利息 Interest receivable应收股利 Dividend receivable应收票据 Notes receivable其他应收款 Other receivables坏账准备 Bad debt provision存货 Inventory存货跌价准备Provision for decline in value of inventories合同资产Contract asset固定资产 Fixed assets固定资产减值准备Provision for impairment of fixed assets在建工程 Construction in progress累计折旧 Accumulated depreciation固定资产清理 Disposal of fixed assets投资性房地产Investment property债权投资 Debt investment其他债权投资 Other debt investment交易性金融资产 Held-for-trading financial assets 其他权益工具投资Other equity instrument investment长期股权投资 Long-term equity investment长期应收款 Long-term receivable递延所得税资产 Deferred tax assets持有待售资产/处置组Assets (or disposal groups) held for sale应付账款 Accounts payable预付账款 Prepaid accounts应付职工薪酬 Employee compensation payable 应付利息 Interest payable 应交税费 Taxes payable其他应付款 Other payables合同负债 Contract liability短期借款 Short-term loans长期借款 Long-term loans应付债券 Bond payable可转换公司债券 Convertible bond长期应付款 Long-term payable递延所得税负债 Deferred tax liabilities实收资本 Paid-in capital股本 Share capital股份期权 Share options股本/资本溢价 Share/Capital premium资本公积 Capital reserve其他资本公积 Other capital reserve盈余公积 Surplus reserve其他综合收益 Other comprehensive income营业收入 Revenue营业成本 Cost of goods sold税金及附加 Taxes and surcharges营业利润 Operating profit财务费用 Financial expenses销售费用 Selling expenses管理费用 General and administrative expenses 其他收益Other income营业外收入 Non-operating income营业外支出 Non-operating expenses所得税费用 Income tax净利润 Net profit利润分配 Profit appropriation法定盈余公积 Statutory surplus reserve任意盈余公积 Discretionary surplus reserve未分配利润 Undistributed profit基本每股收益 Basic earnings per share稀释每股收益 Diluted earnings per share预计负债 Estimated liabilities或有负债Contingent liabilities经营租赁 Operating lease融资租赁 Financing lease承租人 Lessee出租人 Lessor租赁收入 Rental income未实现融资收益 Unrealized financing income 未确认融资费用 Unsettled financing expenses 记账本位币 Functional currency会计估计 Accounting estimates会计差错更正 Correction of accounting errors 货币计量 Currency measurement 调整事项 Adjusting events非调整事项 Non-adjusting events追溯调整 Retrospective adjustments年初余额 Balance at the beginning of year 年末余额 Balance at the year end持续经营 Going concern终止经营discontinued operations资本化 Capitalization/Capitalized债务重组 Debt restructuring披露 Disclosure分部报告 Segment reporting关联交易 Related party transactions计税基础 Tax basis暂时性差异 Temporary differences递延收益 Deferred income资产减值 Impairment of Assets当企业资产的可收回金额低于其账面价值时,即表明资产发生了减值,企业应当确认资产减值损失,并把资产的账面价值减记至可收回金额。



目录1 概述2 范围3 定义4 揭示5 生效日期二、范围1.本号准则适用于对美联者以及报告企业与其关联者之间的交易的处理。












为了实现财务信息的全球标准化,国际会计准则委员会(International Accounting Standards Board,简称IASB)制定了一系列的国际会计准则。



案例一:收入确认与商誉测试公司A是一家全球性的制药公司,根据国际会计准则第15号(IFRS 15)收入确认准则,公司A需要根据以下步骤确认收入:确定合同;识别合同中存在的性能义务;确定合同的交易价格;分配交易价格到合同中的性能义务;确认收入。




此外,公司A在并购一家竞争对手时,根据国际会计准则第3号(IFRS 3)商誉测试准则,公司A需要对并购交易进行商誉测试。



根据国际会计准则第9号(IFRS 9)金融工具准则,公司B 需要对其投资的金融工具进行分类和计量。


此外,公司B还需要根据国际会计准则第24号(IFRS 24)关联方交易准则揭示与关联方的交易和关系。




目录CHAPTER 1 SUMMARY1.1 Accounting Regulation (1)1.2 History of IASB (7)CHAPTER 2 PRESENTATION2.1 Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of FinancialStatements (12)2.2 IAS1 Presentation of Financial Statements (18)2.3 IAS7 Cash Flow Statements (25)2.4 IAS8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates andErrors (30)CHAPTER 3 BANLANCE SHEET AND INCOME STATEMENT3.1 IAS2 Inventories (34)3.2 IAS11 Construction Contracts (41)3.3 IAS18 Revenue (49)3.4 IAS23 Borrowing Costs (56)3.5 IAS37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and ContingentAssets (61)3.6 IAS12*Income Taxes (77)3.7 IAS16*Property, Plant, and Equipment (80)3.8 IAS17*Leases (84)CHAPTER 4 DISCLOSURE4.1 IAS10 Events After the Balance Sh eet Date (88)4.2 IAS14 Segment Reporting (93)4.3 IAS24 Related Party Disclosures (108)4.4 IAS34 Interim Financial Reporting (113)CHARPTER 1 SUMMARY1.1 Accounting Regulation广义的会计规范所覆盖的范畴很广,其形成方式也各不相同。



国际会计标准IFRS与国际会计准则的主要内容与应用国际会计标准IFRS(International Financial Reporting Standards)是一系列由国际财会准则委员会(IASB)制定和发布的会计准则。



一、IFRS的主要内容1. 财务报表要求:IFRS规定了财务报表的要求,包括资产负债表、利润表和现金流量表等。


2. 会计政策选择:IFRS允许企业根据实际情况选择适用的会计政策,以及在某些情况下,提供不同的会计政策选择。


3. 重大会计估计和判断:IFRS要求企业根据相关准则进行重大会计估计和判断。



4. 关联方披露:IFRS要求企业对与其具有重大关联的方进行披露。



5. 资产和负债的计量:IFRS规定了资产和负债的计量方法,包括历史成本法、公允价值法和摊余成本法等。


二、IFRS在国际财务报告中的应用1. 全球通用标准:IFRS的最大优势就是它是全球通用的会计准则。


2. 跨国公司财务报告:对于跨国公司而言,IFRS在不同国家之间提供了财务报告的统一标准。










点击下列的国际会计准则或国际财务报告准则编号可链接到IAS Plus⽹站查阅各准则⾮官⽅的概要内容 (英⽂版,中⽂版正在制作中)。




此外,在缺乏专门适⽤于某种交易的准则或解释公告时,国际会计准则第8号(IAS 8)规定实体必须运⽤判断来制定并应⽤⼀项会计政策,并使形成的信息相关及可靠。

在作出此类判断时,IAS 8.11要求管理层应考虑《框架》中的资产、负债、收益和费⽤的定义、确认标准和计量概念。


















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本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译外文出处International Financial Reporting Standards, 2002:412-415.外文作者International Accounting Standards Board原文:IAS24 Related Party DisclosuresThis reformatted International Accounting Standard supersedes the Standard originally approved by the Board in March 1984. It is presented in the revised format adopted for International Accounting Standards in 1991 onwards. No substantive changes have been made to the original approved text. Certain terminology has been changed to bring it into line with current IASC practice.The standards, which have been set in bold italic type, should be read in the context of the background material and implementation guidance in this Standard, and in the context of the Preface to International Accounting Standards. International Accounting Standards are not intended to apply to immaterial items (see paragraph 12 of the Preface).ObjectiveThe objective of this Standard is to ensure that an entity's financial statements contain the disclosures necessary to draw attention to the possibility that its financial position and profit or loss may have been affected by the existence of related parties and by transactions and outstanding balances with such parties.Scope1. This Standard should be applied in dealing with related parties and transactions between a reporting enterprise and its related parties. The requirements of this Standard apply to the financial statements of each reporting enterprise.2. This Standard applies only to those related party relationships described in paragraph 3, as modified by paragraph 6.3. This Standard deals only with those related party relationships described in (a) to (e) below:(a) Enterprises that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, control, or are controlled by, or are under common control with, the reporting enterprise. (This includes holding companies, subsidiaries and fellow subsidiaries);(b) Associates (see IAS 28, Accounting for Investments in Associates);(c) Individuals owning, directly or indirectly, an interest in the voting power of the reporting enterprise that gives them significant influence over the enterprise, and close members of the family [1] of any such individual;(d) Key management personnel, that is, those persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the reporting enterprise, including directors and officers of companies and close members of the families of such individuals; and(e) Enterprises in which a substantial interest in the voting power is owned, directly or indirectly, by any person described in (c) or (d) or over which such a person is able to exercise significant influence. This includes enterprises owned by directors or major shareholders of the reporting enterprise and enterprises that have a member of key management in common with the reporting enterprise. In considering each possible related party relationship, attention is directed to the substance of the relationship, and not merely the legal form.4. No disclosure of transactions is required:(a) In consolidated financial statements in respect of intra-group transactions;(b) In parent financial statements when they are made available or published with the consolidated financial statements;(c) In financial statements of a wholly-owned subsidiary if its parent is incorporated in the same country and provides consolidated financial statements in that country; and(d) In financial statements of state-controlled enterprises of transactions with other state- controlled enterprises.Definitions5. The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified:Related party - parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the other party or exercise significant influence over the other party in making financial and operating decisions.Related party transaction - a transfer of resources or obligations between related parties, regardless of whether a price is charged.Control - ownership, directly, or indirectly through subsidiaries, of more than one half of the voting power of an enterprise, or a substantial interest in voting power and the power to direct, by statute or agreement, the financial and operating policies of the management of the enterprise.Significant influence (for the purpose of this Standard) - participation in the financial and operating policy decisions of an enterprise, but not control of those policies. Significant influence may be exercised in several ways, usually by representation on the board of directors but also by, for example, participation in the policy making process, material intercompany transactions, Inter change of managerial personnel or dependence on technical information. Significant Influence may be gained by share ownership, statute or agreement. With share ownership, significant influence is presumed in accordance with the definition contained in IAS 28, Accounting for Investments in Associates.6. In the context of this Standard, the following are deemed not to be related parties:(a) Two companies simply because they have a director in common, notwithstanding paragraphs 3 (d) and (e) above, (but it is necessary to consider the possibility, and to assess the likelihood, that the director would be able to affect the policies of both companies in their mutual dealings);(b) (i) Providers of finance;(ii) Trade unions;(iii) Public utilities;(iv) Government departments and agencies,In the course of their normal dealings with an enterprise by virtue only of thosedealings (although they may circumscribe the freedom of action of an enterprise or participate in its decision-making process); and(c) A single customer, supplier, franchisor, distributor, or general agent with whom an enterprise transacts a significant volume of business merely by virtue of the resulting economic dependence.The Related Party Issue7. Related party relationships are a normal feature of commerce and business. For example, enterprises frequently carry on separate parts of their activities through subsidiary or associated enterprises and acquire interests in other enterprises - for investment purposes or for trading reasons - that are of sufficient proportions that the investing company can control or exercise significant influence on the financial and operating decisions of its investee.8. A related party relationship could have an effect on the financial position and operating results of the reporting enterprise. Related parties may enter into transactions which unrelated parties would not enter into. Also, transactions between related parties may not be effected at the same amounts as between unrelated parties.9. The operating results and financial position of an enterprise may be affected by a related party relationship even if related party transactions do not occur. The mere existence of the relationship may be sufficient to affect the transactions of the reporting enterprise with other parties. For example, a subsidiary may terminate relations with a trading partner on acquisition by the parent of a fellow subsidiary engaged in the same trade as the former partner. Alternatively, one party may refrain from acting because of the significant influence of another - for example, a subsidiary may be instructed by its parent not to engage in research and development.10. Because there is an inherent difficulty for management to determine the effect of influences which do not lead to transactions, disclosure of such effects is not required by this Standard.11. Accounting recognition of a transfer of resources is normally based on the price agreed between the parties. Between unrelated parties the price is an arm's length price. Related parties may have a degree of flexibility in the price-settingprocess that is not present in transactions between unrelated parties.12. A variety of methods is used to price transactions between related parties.13. One way of determining a price for a transaction between related parties is by the comparable uncontrolled price method, which sets the price by reference to comparable goods sold in an economically comparable market to a buyer unrelated to the seller. Where the goods or services supplied in a related party transaction, and the conditions relating thereto, are similar to those in normal trading transactions, this method is often used. It is also often used for determining the cost of finance.14. Where goods are transferred between related parties before sale to an independent party, the resale price method is often used. This reduces the resale price by a margin, representing an amount from which the re-seller would seek to cover his costs and make an appropriate profit, to arrive at a transfer price to the re-seller. There are problems of judgment in determining compensation appropriate to the re-seller's contribution to the process. This method is also used for transfers of other resources, such as rights and services.15. Another approach is the cost-plus method, which seeks to add an appropriate mark-up to the supplier's cost. Difficulties may be experienced in determining both the elements of cost attributable and the mark-up. Among the yardsticks that may assist in determining transfer prices are comparable returns in similar industries on turnover or capital employed.16. Sometimes prices of related party transactions are not determined under one of the methods described in paragraphs 13 to 15 above. Sometimes, no price is charged - as in the examples of the free provision of management services and the extension of free credit on a debt.17. Sometimes, transactions would not have taken place if the relationship had not existed. For example, a company that sold a large proportion of its production to its parent company at cost might not have found an alternative customer if the parent company had not purchased the goods.Disclosure18. In many countries the laws require financial statements to give disclosuresabout certain categories of related parties. In particular, attention is focused on transactions with the directors of an enterprise, especially their remuneration and borrowings, because of the fiduciary nature of their relationship with the enterprise, as well as disclosures of significant intercompany transactions and investments in and balances with group and associated companies and with directors. IAS 27, Consolidated Financial Statements and Accounting for Investments in Subsidiaries, and IAS 28, Accounting for Investments in Associates require disclosure of a list of significant subsidiaries and associates. IAS 8, Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Fundamental Errors and Changes in Accounting Policies, requires disclosure of extraordinary items and items of income and expense within profit or loss from ordinary activities that are of such size, nature or incidence that their disclosure is relevant to explain the performance of the enterprise for the period.19. The following are examples of situations where related party transactions may lead to disclosures by a reporting enterprise in the period which they affect:(a) Purchases or sales of goods (finished or unfinished);(b) Purchases or sales of property and other assets;(c) Rendering or receiving of services;(d) Agency arrangements;(e) Leasing arrangements;(f) Transfer of research and development;(g) License agreements;(h) Finance (including loans and equity contributions in cash or in kind);(i) Guarantees and collaterals; and(j) Management contracts.20. Related party relationships where control exists should be disclosed irrespective of whether there have been transactions between the related parties.21. In order for a reader of financial statements to form a view about the effects of related party relationships on a reporting enterprise, it is appropriate to disclose the related party relationship where control exists, irrespective of whether there have been transactions between the related parties.22. If there have been transactions between related parties, the reporting enterprise should disclose the nature of the related party relationships as well as the types of transactions and the elements of the transactions necessary for an understanding of the financial statements.23. The elements of transactions necessary for an understanding of the financial statements would normally include:(a) An indication of the volume of the transactions, either as an amount or as an appropriate proportion;(b) Amounts or appropriate proportions of outstanding items; and(c) Pricing policies.24. Items of a similar nature may be disclosed in aggregate except when separate disclosure is necessary for an understanding of the effects of related party transactions on the financial statements of the reporting enterprise.25. Disclosure of transactions between members of a group is unnecessary in consolidated financial statements because consolidated financial statements present information about the parent and subsidiaries as a single reporting enterprise. Transactions with associated enterprises accounted for under the equity method are not eliminated and therefore require separate disclosure as related party transactions. Effective Date26. This International Accounting Standard becomes operative for financial statements covering the periods beginning on or after 1 January 1986.[1] Close members of the family of an individual are those that may be expected to influence, or be influenced by, that person in their dealings with the enterprise.International Accounting Standards Board, International Financial Reporting Standards, 2002:412-415.译文:国际会计准则第24号——关联方披露本国际会计准则重编版取代了理事会于1884批准的原准则,并按国际会计准则自1991年以来采用的修订格式重新编排。
