外贸英语培训讲义 Company Presentation 1

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Introducing your presentation
Subject: I’m going to talk about the latest development of our company. Before we start our tour today, I’d like to give you a brief presentation of the company.
Lets’ Try: Structure First
Try to work out a well-organized framework for Joan Copper’s presentation
Introduction Outline Q&A session Part 1 Part 2 Part 3, 4, etc. Summary Conclusion
Baidu Nhomakorabea
Checklist as task for Video 2
Overall: audience consideration; clear objectives System: well-prepared; clear structure Delivery: speaking clearly and at the right speed Body language: eye contact; confident and positive Visual aids: clear and helpful; using equipment professionally Other comments:
Greeting and self-introduction
Welcome to …. I’m …. I’m in charge of … I’d like to welcome all of you here today. Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning! It’s an honor to address such a distinguishes audience. My name is.. And I am I charge of … Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning! I’m honored to have this opportunity to …
Let’s practice
Small group work
Prepare a presentation of your company in about 5 minutes Present it in class next time
Part One Structure of company presentations
What can be regarded as ingredients of a failed presentation?
Getting lost in details Going off topic Running overtime Pretending to know all Poor organization of content Uncomfortable voice pitch or pace Overuse of visual aids
Main parts: There are 3 parts in my presentation. They are Company History, Main Markets, and People. My presentation is in 3 parts. First, we’ll run briefly through the history of the company. Next, I’ll tell you something about our main markets. Last, I’ll come to the people. My presentation will be divided into 2 parts: Linuo and Linuo Overseas.
Introducing your presentation
Since there’s quite a lot to cover, I’d be grateful if you hold your questions until the end of my talk. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me at the end of my presentation.
Delivery of information
Personal image: formal or informal; relaxed or high-powered Knowing audience’s interests Body language and eye contact Voice audibility and clarity; pace and pitch, pauses, questions and humor Technical support visual aids such as slides, flip charts, transparencies(背后装灯的透明 画), ppt.
Use of language
Vocabulary :right word for written or spoken language Grammar: correct; formal or informal Pronunciation: word stress in sentences Fluency: vary sentence structure and length Speed: link you ideas and do not talk too quickly
Watch Case Study and exchange ideas on:
Do you think the business ideas were wellpresented? Why or why not? If you were an investor, would you put money into her “Great Ideas” ? Why or why not?
Language Focus
Ending: This is all I want to say about Linuo and Linuo Overseas and I hope this brief introduction has helped shed some light on our company. So, are there any questions you’d like to ask me before we move on?
What are the elements of an effective presentation?
1. Effective organization of information 2. Effective delivery of information 3. Effective use of language 4. Never forgetting your audience 5. Allowing participation through questions or
Organization of information
Clear structure: Clear beginning, body and end Clear content: main points and supporting points Interesting level of information: starting in the audience’s area of interest
Duration and Sections
4 hours 1st part: Structure a. identifying the structure of a company profile, b. giving a brief self-introduction c. giving an introduction to a company presentation 2nd part: Communication a. talking about the profile of Linuo Import and Export Company Ltd. b. asking general questions about a company c. answering general questions about a company
Introducing your presentation
I shall only take 10 minutes of your time. It will last about 15 minutes and I will be using the PPT/ flip chart.
Introducing your presentation
Brief introduction
Given at the very beginning, including: 1. What are you going to talk about 2. How long you will take 3. What your main parts or sections will be 4. Whether you ‘d welcome questions during the talk or only at the end
Company Presentations (Unit 6)
Hongwei Jin Linuo Group May 6th, 2011
Learning Objectives
1. Identifying the structure of a company
presentation 2. Developing communication skills to a. talk about a company profile b. answer general questions about a company c. give a brief self-introduction d. give an introduction to a company presentation