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Beginning of Vietnam War
► Viet
Cong in the south ► Cold War ► JFK dispatched a special troop (marked beginning of the war)
Gulf of Tonkin Incident
► July
► Trinh
Cong Son, famous songwriter for his anti-war songs
Trinh Cong Son and hiБайду номын сангаас master work
National Front for the Liberation of Southern Vietnam
► 1960 ► also
End of Vietnam War
Easter Offensive ► 1974, North army occupied most southern villages

► United
States absorb lessons of the military intervention, great financial cost, great causalities, ► Chemical defoliation defoliate countryside, change landscape, cause disease, poison the food chain ► Casualties Both the US and Vietnam had casualties

Affect on America
► The
longest war ► Anti-war sentiment ► Change America’s position in cold war ► Cooperate with China ► Racial problems and human rights issues’ discuss
Battle of la Drang
► The
first large battle ► Draw ► North Vietnam decided not to fight with American troops head-to-head ► Guerilla warfare
Operation Rolling Thunder
Vietnam War
Group eight Zhang puhui
► After
WWII, 1945, Ho Chi Minh established north Vietnam at Hanoi; Emperor Bao Da established south Vietnam at Saigon ► North Vietnam fight with France for 9 years. ► North Vietnam won ► Geneva Conference, 1954
America Withdrawal
► March
31, 1968 : President Johnson made a speech,end “Operation Rolling Thunder” ► June, 1968 General Abrams took over command ► 1969, Nixon became president : Vietnamization and pull out troops ► January 27,1973 :Paris Peace Accords
Affect on Vietnam
► Large
civilian death ► Orphans and barren land ► Sino-Vietnamese War ► Economic bust, inflation ► “Boat people “
Rubble in the city
► Tight ► Adviser
of China and the Soviet Union ► underground ► Useless ► Westmoreland Search and destroy
Tet Offensive
► January
30,1968 ► North army and Viet Cong attacked almost all South Vietnam cities. ► Because weapons behind, failed ► Recover ability of attack soon ► Cause anti-war in America ► Turning point
Vietnam after the war
Battle types
► Jungle
Battle types
► Guerrilla
Popular cultural after the war
► Vietnam
war in film, TV, games, literature, video, musicians and songwriters
known as Viet Cong ► is an organization of North Vietnam ► guerrilla warfare in Southern Vietnam ► various people: students, normal people, exsouthern soldiers ► various weapons: captured from american soldiers, supported by Soviet Union, also sword, spear, bow and arrow.
America injured soldiers were waiting for rescue
U.S helicopter spraying chemical defoliants in the jungle, south Vietnam
Affect on China
► Support
and help Vietnam ► Big pressure in finance ► Don not be on one side with China ► Sino-Vietnamese War
31, 1964 ► South troop retreated in defeat by Viet Cong ► American destroyer “Maddox” was attacked ► America counterattack ► Both though opposite side had a calculated attack ► America participated more and more
Geneva Conference
► 1954
► Divided
into north and south briefly ► unify country in 1956
Works cited
Geneva Conference, Wikipedia, 20 December 2011 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geneva_Conference> ► Vietnam War, Wikipedia, 29 December 2011 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War> ► Vietnam War, Baidupedia, 20 December 2011 <http://baike.baidu.com/view/14949.htm>