



1. 供给侧改革

【答案】supply-side reform

2. 精准扶贫,精准脱贫

【答案】take targeted measures to help people lift themselves out of poverty

3. 洪荒之力

【答案】prehistorical powers

4. 创新驱动发展

【答案】innovation-driven development

5. 商界大咖

【答案】business biggie





TEXT A 汉译英


TEXT B 英译汉

The Happiness of Pursuit

Americans are free to pursue happiness, but there’s no guarantee we’ll achieve it. The secret is knowing how—and where—to look.

If you’re an American and you’re not having fun, it just might be your own fault. Our long national expedition is entering its 238th year, and from the start, it was clear that this would be a bracing place to live. There would be plenty of food, plenty of land, plenty of minerals in the mountains and timber in the wilderness. You might have to work hard, but you’d have a grand time doing it.

That promise, for the most part, has been kept. There would be land rushes and gold rushes and wagon trains and riverboats and cities built hard against cities until there was no place to build but up, so we went in that direction too. We created outrageous things just because we could—the Hoover Dam, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Empire State Building, which started to rise the year after the stock market crashed, because what better way to respond to a global economic crisis

th an to build the world’s tallest skyscraper? We got to the moon 40 years later and, true to our hot-rodding spirit, soon contrived to get a car up there as well. The tire tracks left on the lunar surface (tracks that are still there) are the real American graffiti.

All human beings may come equipped with the pursuit-of-happiness impulse—the urge to find lusher land just over the hill, fatter buffalo in the next valley—but it’s Americans who have codified the idea, written it into the Declaration of Independence and made it a central mandate of the national character. American happiness would never be about savor-the-moment contentment. That way lay the reflective café culture of the Old World—fine for Europe, not for Jamestown. Our happiness would be bred, instead, of an almost adolescent restlessness, an itch to do the Next Big Thing. The terms of the deal the founders offered are not easy: there’s no guarantee that we’ll actually achieve happiness, but we can go after it in almost any way we choose. All by itself, that freedom ought to bring us joy, but the more cramped, distracted, maddeningly kinetic nature of the modern world has made it harder than ever. Somehow there must be a way to thread that needle, to reconcile the contradictions between our pioneer impulses and our contemporary selves.








2012英语翻译基础 第一项:术语解释,20分,5个 1.G20 2.经济适应房 3.和而不同 4.工业“三废” 5.保障性住房 问答题:用自己的话说说翻译中对待source text要注意哪些factors 10分What factors do u think should be taken into consideration in translating a source text 第二项:汉译英 60分 统筹战时医学教育的问题 抗日战争是一场全民族的战争。全国人民,不论男女,不论老少,不论南北,都有保卫国土的责任。抗战是涉及到多方面的因素,其中医疗救治是一个重要部分。不论是前方在战场上浴血奋战的战士,还是流离失所的难民和无家可归的群众,他们都需要药品,防疫等。抗战中的医学教育机构也要承担很多责任。有些学校对抗战很热,把所有的教授,学生和设备都运到前线和大后方的医院,以至于学校处于停顿状体。有些学校为了保存实力,从甲地移往乙地,从乙地移往丙地,以致于大部分老师和学生都几乎成为逃难的难民,所经受的艰苦不言自明。有的学校很不负责任,依旧照常运行,丝毫不受战争的影响,这些学校对国家一点都负责任。战时需要大量的医护人员,而原本就紧缺的医护人员远不能满足战争的紧急需要,医学教育机构和学院要在最短的时间内培养出大批医护人员。1938年12月,颜福庆在《中华医学杂志》上发表了“战时医学教育问题”,这篇文章为当时的医学教育政策做了纲领性的阐述。颜福庆指出:“战时的医学教育问题是一个非常重要的问题,应该做统筹规划,但是政府却没有这么做。医学教育机构也有责任培养医护人员。一方面,医学教育机构要注重正常的教学和运行,另一方面,他们必须承担对国家的责任。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。此处省略百余字。 (颜福庆是当时医学界的主要人物,复旦大学的这篇文章像是品论他的贡献)第三项:英译汉60分 The Tell-Tale Heart(Edgar Allan Poe) 2013英语翻译基础 第一题,共4个词汇,共20分 1、文化软实力cultural soft power 2、文化自觉cultural consciousness 3、贴近群众、贴近生活、贴近实际 4、《食品安全法》food safety law. 5、《反不当竞争法》anti-unfair competition law 第二题,问答,10分 what do you think of the statement that defferent styles of texts call for defferent approaches to translate? 对于不同风格的文体要采取不同的翻译技巧,你如何认为?


河南科技大学 2013年硕士研究生入学考试试题考试科目代码:357 考试科目名称:英语翻译基础 (如无特殊注明,所有答案必须写在答题纸上,否则以“0”分计算)I. 词汇短语或习语英汉互译(40分) 1.disintegration 2.ardent 3.far-sightedness 4.careful consideration 5.perfect harmony 6.feed on fancies 7.with great eagerness 8.lack of perseverance 9.make a little contribution 10.on the verge of destruction 11.黄头发 12.小心台阶13.百里挑一14.一饮而尽15.赤字 16.吃一堑,长一智17.覆水难收18.进退维谷19.顺其自然20.不可否认…… II.句子英汉互译。(30分) 1.Balance is the key to life. Focus is the key to success. Contentment is the key to happiness. 2.You can’t make progress until you get clear as to where you currently are.Remember, success is not a sprint, it is a marathon. 3.Don’t read more than what was intended into what he said. 4.Timeout is better than burnout. Learn to rest before you get exhausted. 5.Focus on the critical tasks that will give you the results you need. Postpone everything else. 6.你休想欺骗我。 7.夺取这个胜利,已经是不要很久的时间和不要花费很大的气力了;巩固这个胜利,则是需要很久的时间和要花费很大的气力的事情。 8.他很厚黑啊! 9.人在屋檐下不得不低头。 10.你和他简直有一拼! III.请写出下列缩略词英文全称并译为汉语。(20分) 例如:PC:Personal Computer 个人电脑 1.ICU 2.BRT 3.CBD 4.W.W.W. 5.AIDS 6.D/P 7.IOC 8.SCI 9.SOS 10.I.P. IV.篇章英汉互译。(60分) A. 英译汉(30分)


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编88 (总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、词语翻译(总题数:27,分数:50.00) 1.英译汉 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 2.civil law (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:民法) 解析: 3.mass transit (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:公共交通;大容量公共运输(工具)) 解析: 4.wage theory (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:工资理论) 解析: 5.mock epic (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:讽刺史诗) 解析: 6.counterespionage (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:反间谍活动) 解析: 7.high seas (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:公海;远海) 解析: 8.CYO (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:首席元老(Chief Yearly Officer)) 解析: 9.irrigation and drainage (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:灌溉与排水) 解析:

宁波大学 357英语翻译基础(A卷) 2016年硕士研究生考研真题

宁波大学2016年攻读硕士学位研究生 入学考试试题(A 卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上) 考试科目: 英语翻译基础科目代码:357 适用专业:英语笔译第1页共2页I.Translate the following two passages into English (75points): 1.一个受过良好教育、有知识或有胆识的人实在不可能把金钱作为他孜孜以求的主要目标,正如他不可能把吃饭当做最主要的目标一样。一切健康的人都吃得很香,但吃饭并不是他们生活的主要目标。同样道理,一切思想健康的人都想得到收入——理所当然,并且为得到收入而由衷地高兴;然而他们生活的主要目标并不是钱,而是比钱更有价值的东西。 例如,一个优秀的士兵总是想把仗打好。他为自己的薪饷感到高兴——完全合乎情理;如果你扣发他十个月军饷,他当然要抱怨。然而他的生活要旨仍然是夺取战斗的胜利,而不是为了薪饷去打胜仗。 医生也是这样。他们当然都喜欢收诊费——理所当然;然而,如果他们是有胆识的、受过良好教育的,那他们生活的全部目标就不是为了收费。总的说来,他们都想把病人治好,而且——如果他们是好医生,同时公平地要他们做出选择的话——他们宁愿把病人治愈而得不到诊金,也不愿为了诊金却把病人治死。所有其他有胆识、受过正当培养的人也都是这样;对他们来说,工作是第一位的,报酬则是第二位的,虽然报酬总是非常重要的,但终究是第二位的。(40%) 2.既然书籍有不同的门类,如小说、传记、诗歌等,我们应该把他们区分开来,并从每种书中汲取它应当给我们提供的正确的东西;这话说起来固然容易,然而,很少有人要求从书籍中得到它们所能提供的东西。通常我们总是三心二意带着模糊的观念去看书:要求小说情节真实,要求诗歌内容虚构,要求传记阿谀奉承,要求历史能加深我们自己的偏见。如果我们读书时能抛弃所有这些成见,那将是一个极可贵的开端。我们对作者不要指手画脚,而应努力站在作者的立场上,设想自己在与作者共同创作。假如你退缩不前,有所保留并且一开始就批评指责,你就在妨碍自己从你所读的书中得到最大的益处。然而,如果你能尽量敞开思想,那么,书中开头几句迂回曲折的华丽所包含的几乎难以觉察的细微的迹象和暗示,就会把你引入到一个与众不同的人物的面前去。如果你深入下去,如果你去认识这个人物,你很快就会领悟作者正在给你或试图给你某些明确得多的东西。(35%) II.Translate the following two passages into Chinese (75points):1.China has been all over the news with August's currency devaluation and the Shanghai Composite's dramatic moves.Since then,investors and companies have been concerned about what exactly China means for growth prospects.Some have even attributed their weaker third-quarter numbers to it.But there's another,largely overlooked thing financiers should keep an eye on:China wants to get its renminbi into the International Monetary Fund's reserve-assets classification known as the special drawing rights,or the SDR.And its inclusion or exclusion could have major ramifications in the global markets.On Wednesday,Lombard Street Research hosted a conference partially dedicated to analyzing the impact of China's liberalization on financial markets.Several speakers specifically mentioned China's desire for the yuan's inclusion in the SDR as a key thing to watch.Though inclusion in the basket may not immediately strike investors and casual onlookers as that important,that's definitely not how China sees the situation,according to Diana Choyleva,Lombard Street Research's chief economist and head of research."The IMF is about to decide whether to include the yuan in its SDR basket,"she said at the event."As far as I'm concerned,if the yuan is accepted,and the omens are good now,this will mark the start of China's full integration into global financial markets."But if the yuan is not


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编74 (总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、词语翻译(总题数:27,分数:50.00) 1.英译汉 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: https://www.360docs.net/doc/ca6162654.html,ernment watchdog (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:政府监督) 解析: 3.carbon footprint (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:碳足迹,碳排放) 解析: 4.Twitter (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:推特) 解析: 5.funemployment (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:失业乐活) 解析: 6.Diesel oil (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:柴油) 解析: 7.汉译英 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 8.借词 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:loanword) 解析: 9.全球暖化 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:global warming) 解析: 10.经济不景气 (分数:2.00)

TEM 8汉译英 1997-2017 真题训练及答案 21篇

TEM 8 真题训练21篇 1997 来美国求学的中国学生与其他亚裔学生一样,大多非常刻苦勤奋,周末也往往会抽出一天甚至两天的时间去实验室加班,因而比起美国学生来,成果出得较多。我的导师是亚裔人,嗜烟好酒,脾气暴躁。但他十分欣赏亚裔学生勤奋与扎实的基础知识,也特别了解亚裔学生的心理。因此,在他实验室所招的学生中,除有一名来自德国外,其余5位均是亚裔学生。他干脆在实验室的门上贴一醒目招牌:“本室助研必须每周工作7天,早10时至晚12时,工作时间必须全力以赴。”这位导师的严格及苛刻是全校有名的,在我所呆的3 年半中,共有14 位学生被招进他的实验室,最后博士毕业的只剩下5人。1990年夏天,我不顾别人劝阻,硬着头皮接受了导师的资助,从此开始了艰难的求学旅程。 1998 1997 年2 月24 日我们代表团下榻日月潭中信大饭店,送走了最后一批客人,已是次日凌晨3 点了。我躺在床上久久不能入睡,披衣走到窗前,往外看去,只见四周峰峦叠翠,湖面波光粼粼。望着台湾这仅有的景色如画的天然湖泊,我想了许多,许多…… 这次到台湾访问交流,虽然行程匆匆,但是,看了不少地方,访了旧友,交了新知,大家走到一起,谈论的一个重要话题就是中华民族在21世纪的强盛。虽然祖国大陆、台湾的青年生活在不同的社会环境中,有着各自不同的生活经历,但大家的内心都深深铭刻着中华文化优秀传统的印记,都拥有着振兴中华民族的共同理想。在世纪之交的伟大时代,我们的祖国正在走向繁荣富强,海峡两岸人民也将加强交流,共同推进祖国统一大业的早日完成。世纪之交的宝贵机遇和巨大挑战将青年推到了历史前台。跨世纪青年一代应该用什么样的姿态迎接充满希望的新世纪,这是我们必须回答的问题。 日月潭水波不兴,仿佛与我一同在思索……


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编6 (总分:12.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00) 1.英译汉(分数: 2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 2.The 1992 Rio conference was a high watermark for environmental law. Despite all the many accomplishments since then, we must now acknowledge that Rio has not fulfilled the promises with which the world invested it. After 50 years of diligent and sophisticated work by environmental lawyers on legislation, regulation, principles, treaties, and judicial decisions, how is it that the " actual landscape" of the world"s resources is still "slipping two steps backward for each forward stride"? Part of the explanation for that disappointing result can be found in the statements issued by a distinguished international collection of prosecutors, judges, and legal scholars at the Rio + 20-re-lated World Congress on Justice, Governance, and Law for Environmental Sustainability. They focused almost exclusively on matters of substantive doctrine and legal procedure. Recommitment to enhancing "law" in this narrow sense—a body of formal rules and principles and the judicial and prosecutorial mechanisms for their application and enforcement—certainly has great value, and that work should go forward vigorously. But the ongoing ecological deterioration is traceable in large part to pervasive social and political attitudes favoring a growth-based model of economic "development" that steadily intensifies human appropriation of planetary resources. To address the root of the problem, it will be argued here, environmental law needs a more expansive society-based conception of "law", one that activates law as a social institution engaged broadly with the habits and customs, the expectations and aspirations, of people and organizations in their daily lives. Environmental lawyers, then, need a fresh and bold reimagination of their mission, to hone and use their persuasive and analytical skills in creative ways to alter the social dynamic underlying environmental change and to foment a deep commitment to effective stewardship of resources. (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案: 1992年的里约会议标志着环境法达到了最高水平。尽管此后环境保护硕果累累,但我们现在必须承认,对于世界人民给予资金支持的诺言,里约会议并未实现。50多年来,环境法的律师制定或修改法律、规章、准则、条约并做出司法判决,他们勤奋地做着这些高深复杂的工作,但是世界资源的“现状”仍然“每前进一步都倒退两步”是怎么回事? 这一结果令人失望,其中部分原因可以在全世界杰出的检察官、法官和法律学者发布的言论合集中找到,他们在里约+20的相关世界会议上就司法、管理和环境可持续发展的法律发表了看法。他们几乎完全侧重于实际法令及法律程序等事宜。他们再次决心加强狭义的“法制”——一整套正规的规定和准则以及实施、强化这些法律的司法和执法机制——这当然意义重大,这项工作也应如火如荼进行。但在很大程度上,持续的生态恶化应归结于普遍存在的社会和政治态度,这一态度支持以增长为基础的经济发展模式,而这又使人类不断加强对地球资源的利用。为了从根源上解决这一问题,我们将在这里讨论环境法需要“法律”概念在社会上得到更广泛的普及,这样才能促使法律作为一种社会制度广泛地融人到习惯和习俗、期望和愿望以及人和组织的日常生活中去。然后,环保律师需要对自己的使命有着全新的明确认识,锻炼自己的说服技巧和分析技巧,并创造性地利用其来改变环境变化的基础,即社会动力,以此激发人们深深致力于资源的有效管理。) 解析: 3.Never before had the world such a tremendous scientific-technical potential, such a capacity to generate wealth and well-being. Authentic technological wonders that have made any place in the world to be always close with regard to distances and communications have not been capable of bringing well-being for everybody, but only for a meager 15% living in the countries of the


课文整理 The Pearl Harbor Speech of Franklin Roosevelt罗斯福珍珠港事件演说 1.Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. 昨天,1941年12月7日——必须永远记住这个耻辱的日子——美利坚合众国受到了日本帝国海军和空军突然的蓄意的攻击。 2.The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with the government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. 美国和日本处于和平状态,在日本的恳求下仍在与其政府和天皇进行交涉,以期维护太平洋地区的和平。3.Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to the Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. While this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or armed attack. 。实际上,就在日本空军部队已经着手开始轰炸美国瓦湖岛之后的一小时,日本驻美国大使和同僚还向我们的国务卿提交了对美国最近致日方消息的正式答复。虽然复函声称继续现行外交谈判似已无用,但却并未包含有关战争或武装攻击的威胁或暗示。 4.It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace. 历史将会作证,由于夏威夷离日本的距离如此之遥,显然表明这次进攻是经过许多天甚至许多星期精心策划的。在调停期间,日本政府蓄意以表示希望继续和平的虚假声明和说辞来欺骗美国。 5.The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces.Very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu. 昨天对夏威夷群岛的攻击给美国海陆军部队造成了严重的损害。我遗憾地告诉各位,许多美国人丧失了生命,此外,根据报告,美国船只在旧金山和火奴鲁鲁(檀香山)之间的公海上也遭到了鱼雷袭击。 6.Yesterday, the Japanese government also launched an attack against Malaya. 昨天,日本政府已发动了对马来亚的进攻。 7.Last night, Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong. 昨晚,日本军队进攻了香港。 8.Last night, Japanese forces attacked Guam. 昨晚,日本军队进攻了关岛。 9.Last night, Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands. 昨晚,日本军队进攻了菲律宾群岛。 10.Last night, the Japanese attacked Wake Island. 昨晚,日本人进攻了威克岛。


2013年南京大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 I.Phrase Translation 1.WHO 【答案】世界卫生组织(World Health Organization) 2.CBD 【答案】中央商务区(Central Business District) 3.YOG 【答案】青奥会(Youth Olympic Games) 4.IMF 【答案】国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund) 5.ISO 【答案】国际标准化组织(International Standard Organization) 6.OPEC 【答案】石油输出国组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 7.UNESCO

【答案】联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization) 8.Euromart 【答案】欧洲共同市场(European Common Market) 9.Guiness Book of Record 【答案】吉尼斯世界纪录 10.negative population growth 【答案】人口负增长 11.the European Economic Community 【答案】欧洲经济共同体(the European Economic Community) 12.World Intellectual Property Organization 【答案】世界知识产权组织 13.greenhouse effect 【答案】温室效应 14.gentleman’s agreement


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编79 (总分:12.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00) 1.汉译英(分数: 2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 2.2010年12月,为了向年轻一代普及航天科学教育,海南省开始在文昌市建设航天主题公园。公园占地1800亩,紧邻文昌卫星发射中心。工程预计花费30亿元,在2013年完工。这个航天主题公园将分四个展览区,包括地球、月球、火星和太阳。游客甚至可以进入发射台,实地观看火箭发射。 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:To promote aerospace science and general aviation knowledge among the younger generation, in December 2010, Hainan province begins to build a Space Flight Theme Park in Wenchang Cit-y. Covering an area of 1,800 mu (120 hectares) , the theme park is located at Wenchang Satellite Launch Center. The whole project is estimated to cost 3 billion yuan (455 million U. S. dollars) and is expected to be finished in 2013. The park will have four exhibiti-on sections, featuring the earth, moon, Mars and the sun. Visitors can even enter the launch station and watch the actual rocket launch.) 解析: 3.1957年10月苏联成功发射第一颗人造卫星,揭开了人类历史由地球迈向太空的第一页。此后短短半个世纪里,人类的外空探索活动突飞猛进,取得了辉煌的成就。人类不仅成功登陆月球,而且还将研究的触手伸向火星等更为遥远的星球。截止到2006年底,环绕地球飞行的各类人造物体,包括人造卫星、航天飞机、国际空间站、空间实验室等接近6000个。 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:On October, 1957, the Soviet Union successfully launched the first artificial satellite, which turned the first page in human history of entering the space. During the half century coming after, humans" explorations in outer space have grown by leaps and bounds and have made brilliant achievements. Humans not only successfully landed on the moon, but also reached toward even more distant planet such as Mars. At the end of 2006, the number of the various types of artificial objects flying around the Earth, including satellites, space shuttles, international space stations, space laboratories, etc. is already close to 6,000.) 解析: 4.博鳌论坛的经历给了刘晓宁不小的打击,生活上的拮据让她开始反思自己做公务员两年多的经历。都说公务员舒服,但刘晓宁每天的工作时间都在10小时以上,加班到晚上八九点钟,是很正常的事。如果有活动,赶工到夜里12点,也是家常便饭。 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:The experience in Boao Forum is not a small blow to Liu Xiaoning. The bare livelihood forced her to reflect on her life as a civil servant for more than two years. Every one says that civil servants enjoy a comfortable life, but Xiaoning works more than 10 hours everyday. Working overtime until eight or nine in the evening is perfectly normal. When there are activities, staying up to 12 at night is also not uncommon.) 解析: 5.我国人口老龄化对经济增长的潜在影响理论研究认为,老龄化会减少劳动力供给,降低社会储蓄率,导致产出和资本形成能力下降,最终影响经济增长。同时,发达国家的实际表明,随着人口老龄化,养老费用及人均医疗费用均会大幅上升,加重政府财政负担。与发达国家“富老同步”或者“先富后老”相比,


2013年华东师范大学357英语翻译基础真题及详解 一、将下列短语译成英语 1.文化体制改革 【答案】reform of cultural administrative system 2.民族凝聚力 【答案】enhance national cohesiveness 3.“文化兴国”战略 【答案】strategy of invigorating the country through culture 4.做大做强新闻传媒产业 【答案】to make the news media industry grow strong and fast 5.加强诚信建设 【答案】strengthen the development of a credibility system 6.社会事业 【答案】social undertakings 7.发挥各地特色和优势

【答案】make full use of local features and advantages 8.扎实推进教育公平 【答案】to promote educational fairness soundly 9.外资企业法 【答案】Law on Foreign-funded Enterprises 10.高等教育法 【答案】Higher Education Law 11.商标法 【答案】Trademark Act 12.一次性生活补贴 【答案】one-time living allowance 13.聘任 【答案】recruit sb.through invitation 14.基层锻炼 【答案】exercise at a grassroots unit


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编39 (总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、词语翻译(总题数:27,分数:50.00) 1.英译汉 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.dynamic equivalence(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.miss the boat(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.spill the beans(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.semiotic dimension(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.postscript(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.outsourcing(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.transliteration(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.tit for tat(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.black sheep(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 11.over-translation(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 12.MOU(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 13.GDP(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 14.POW(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 15.CPU(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ LC __________________________________________________________________________________________ 17.汉译英 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 18.电子商务(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 19.对冲基金(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 20.次贷危机(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 21.山寨手机(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 22.暗箱操作(分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________
